‘taurine (cat)’ directory
- See Also
- “Vegan versus Meat-Based Cat Food: Guardian-Reported Health Outcomes in 1,369 Cats, After Controlling for Feline Demographic Factors ”, Knight et al 2023
- “Umami Taste Perception and Preferences of the Domestic Cat (Felis Catus), an Obligate Carnivore ”, McGrane et al 2023
- “The Impact of Vegan Diets on Indicators of Health in Dogs and Cats: A Systematic Review ”, Domínguez-Oliva et al 2023
- “Amino Acids in the Nutrition, Metabolism, and Health of Domestic Cats ”, Che et al 2021
- “Relationship between a Plant-Based ‘Vegan’ Pet Food and Clinical Manifestation of Multiple Nutrient Deficiencies in Two Cats ”, Fantinati et al 2021
- “Nutritional Inadequacies in Commercial Vegan Foods for Dogs and Cats ”, Zafalon et al 2019
- “Composition of Free and Peptide-Bound Amino Acids in Beef Chuck, Loin, and round Cuts ”, Wu et al 2016
- “Assessment of Protein and Amino Acid Concentrations and Labeling Adequacy of Commercial Vegetarian Diets Formulated for Dogs and Cats ”, Kanakubo et al 2015
- “Peculiarities of One-Carbon Metabolism in the Strict Carnivorous Cat and the Role in Feline Hepatic Lipidosis ”, Verbrugghe & Bakovic 2013
- “Evaluation of Cats Fed Vegetarian Diets and Attitudes of Their Caregivers ”, Wakefield et al 2006
- “Nutritional Peculiarities and Diet Palatability in the Cat ”, Zaghini & Biagi 2005
- “Nutritional Adequacy of Two Vegan Diets for Cats ”, Gray et al 2004b
- “Idiosyncratic Nutrient Requirements of Cats Appear to Be Diet-Induced Evolutionary Adaptations ”, Morris 2002
- “Taurine Concentrations in Animal Feed Ingredients; Cooking Influences Taurine Content ”, Spitze et al 2002
- “Dietary Taurine Requirement of Cats Is Determined by Microbial Degradation of Taurine in the Gut ”, Morris et al 1994
- “Hypokalaemic Episodic Polymyopathy in Cats Fed a Vegetarian Diet ”, Leon et al 1992
- “High Dietary Taurine Effects on Feline Tissue Taurine Concentrations and Reproductive Performance ”, Sturman & Messing 1992b
- “High Dietary Taurine and Feline Reproduction ”, Sturman & Messing 1992
- Taurine: Nutritional Value and Mechanisms of Action, Lombardini et al 1992
- “Taurine: an Essential Nutrient for Cats ”, Morris et al 1990b
- “Analysis and Heat Stability of Taurine in Milk ”, Saidi & Warthesen 1990
- “Taurine Deficiency Syndrome in Cats ”, Hayes & Trautwein 1989
- “Myocardial Failure in Cats Associated With Low Plasma Taurine: A Reversible Cardiomyopathy ”, Pion et al 1987
- “Feline Maternal Taurine Deficiency: Effect on Mother and Offspring ”, Sturman et al 1986
- “Response of the Kitten to Dietary Taurine Depletion: Effects on Renal Reabsorption, Bile Acid Conjugation and Activities of Enzymes Involved in Taurine Synthesis ”, Rentschler et al 1986
- “The Taurine Requirement of the Adult Cat ”, Burger & Barnett 1982
- “Retinal Degeneration Associated With Taurine Deficiency in the Cat ”, Hayes et al 1975
- “Taurine Distribution In Cat Brain ”, Guidotti et al 1972
- “The Cat’s Meat Man ”
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- Bibliography
See Also
“Vegan versus Meat-Based Cat Food: Guardian-Reported Health Outcomes in 1,369 Cats, After Controlling for Feline Demographic Factors ”, Knight et al 2023
“Umami Taste Perception and Preferences of the Domestic Cat (Felis Catus), an Obligate Carnivore ”, McGrane et al 2023
Umami taste perception and preferences of the domestic cat (Felis catus), an obligate carnivore
“The Impact of Vegan Diets on Indicators of Health in Dogs and Cats: A Systematic Review ”, Domínguez-Oliva et al 2023
The Impact of Vegan Diets on Indicators of Health in Dogs and Cats: A Systematic Review
“Amino Acids in the Nutrition, Metabolism, and Health of Domestic Cats ”, Che et al 2021
Amino Acids in the Nutrition, Metabolism, and Health of Domestic Cats
“Relationship between a Plant-Based ‘Vegan’ Pet Food and Clinical Manifestation of Multiple Nutrient Deficiencies in Two Cats ”, Fantinati et al 2021
“Nutritional Inadequacies in Commercial Vegan Foods for Dogs and Cats ”, Zafalon et al 2019
Nutritional inadequacies in commercial vegan foods for dogs and cats
“Composition of Free and Peptide-Bound Amino Acids in Beef Chuck, Loin, and round Cuts ”, Wu et al 2016
Composition of free and peptide-bound amino acids in beef chuck, loin, and round cuts
“Assessment of Protein and Amino Acid Concentrations and Labeling Adequacy of Commercial Vegetarian Diets Formulated for Dogs and Cats ”, Kanakubo et al 2015
“Peculiarities of One-Carbon Metabolism in the Strict Carnivorous Cat and the Role in Feline Hepatic Lipidosis ”, Verbrugghe & Bakovic 2013
“Evaluation of Cats Fed Vegetarian Diets and Attitudes of Their Caregivers ”, Wakefield et al 2006
Evaluation of cats fed vegetarian diets and attitudes of their caregivers
“Nutritional Peculiarities and Diet Palatability in the Cat ”, Zaghini & Biagi 2005
“Nutritional Adequacy of Two Vegan Diets for Cats ”, Gray et al 2004b
“Idiosyncratic Nutrient Requirements of Cats Appear to Be Diet-Induced Evolutionary Adaptations ”, Morris 2002
Idiosyncratic nutrient requirements of cats appear to be diet-induced evolutionary adaptations
“Taurine Concentrations in Animal Feed Ingredients; Cooking Influences Taurine Content ”, Spitze et al 2002
Taurine concentrations in animal feed ingredients; cooking influences taurine content
“Dietary Taurine Requirement of Cats Is Determined by Microbial Degradation of Taurine in the Gut ”, Morris et al 1994
Dietary Taurine Requirement of Cats is Determined by Microbial Degradation of Taurine in the Gut
“Hypokalaemic Episodic Polymyopathy in Cats Fed a Vegetarian Diet ”, Leon et al 1992
Hypokalaemic episodic polymyopathy in cats fed a vegetarian diet
“High Dietary Taurine Effects on Feline Tissue Taurine Concentrations and Reproductive Performance ”, Sturman & Messing 1992b
High Dietary Taurine Effects on Feline Tissue Taurine Concentrations and Reproductive Performance
“High Dietary Taurine and Feline Reproduction ”, Sturman & Messing 1992
Taurine: Nutritional Value and Mechanisms of Action, Lombardini et al 1992
“Taurine: an Essential Nutrient for Cats ”, Morris et al 1990b
“Analysis and Heat Stability of Taurine in Milk ”, Saidi & Warthesen 1990
“Taurine Deficiency Syndrome in Cats ”, Hayes & Trautwein 1989
Taurine Deficiency Syndrome in Cats :
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“Myocardial Failure in Cats Associated With Low Plasma Taurine: A Reversible Cardiomyopathy ”, Pion et al 1987
Myocardial Failure in Cats Associated with Low Plasma Taurine: A Reversible Cardiomyopathy
“Feline Maternal Taurine Deficiency: Effect on Mother and Offspring ”, Sturman et al 1986
Feline Maternal Taurine Deficiency: Effect on Mother and Offspring
“Response of the Kitten to Dietary Taurine Depletion: Effects on Renal Reabsorption, Bile Acid Conjugation and Activities of Enzymes Involved in Taurine Synthesis ”, Rentschler et al 1986
“The Taurine Requirement of the Adult Cat ”, Burger & Barnett 1982
“Retinal Degeneration Associated With Taurine Deficiency in the Cat ”, Hayes et al 1975
Retinal Degeneration Associated with Taurine Deficiency in the Cat
“Taurine Distribution In Cat Brain ”, Guidotti et al 1972
“The Cat’s Meat Man ”
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taurine-deficiency feline-health amino-acids cardiac-issues vegetarian-concerns cat-requirements
taurine-impact vegan-diets nutrient-deficiency feline-nutrition dietary-research taurine-research
: “Nutritional Peculiarities and Diet Palatability in the Cat ”,