‘catnip’ directory
- See Also
- Gwern
- “Unveiling the Evolution of Iridoid Biosynthesis in the Genus Nepeta: a Mini Review ”, Aničić & Mišić 2024
- “Genomic Insights into the Evolution of Plant Chemical Defense ”, Drummond & Renner 2022
- “Pharmacology and Toxicology of Nepeta Cataria (Catmint) Species of Genus Nepeta: A Review ”, Sharma et al 2019b
- “Uncoupled Activation and Cyclization in Catmint Reductive Terpenoid Biosynthesis ”, Lichman et al 2018
- “Active and Passive Responses to Catnip (Nepeta Cataria) Are Affected by Age, Sex and Early Gonadectomy in Male and Female Cats ”, Espín-Iturbe et al 2017
- “Responsiveness of Cats (Felidae) to Silver Vine (Actinidia Polygama), Tatarian Honeysuckle (Lonicera Tatarica), Valerian (Valeriana Officinalis) and Catnip (Nepeta Cataria) ”, Bol et al 2017
- “An Assessment of the Efficacy of Rub Stations for Detection and Abundance Surveys of Canada Lynx (Lynx Canadensis) ”, Crowley & Hodder 2017
- “Causes and Cures of Skin Diseases in the Work of Hildegard of Bingen ”, Romaní & Romaní 2017
- “Social Interaction, Food, Scent or Toys? A Formal Assessment of Domestic Pet and Shelter Cat (Felis Silvestris Catus) Preferences ”, Shreve et al 2017
- “Pharmacological and Chemical Features of Nepeta L. Genus: Its Importance As a Therapeutic Agent ”, Süntar et al 2017
- “Ed300348k 1..5 ”
- “Hair Snaring and Molecular Genetic Identification for Reconstructing the Spatial Structure of Eurasian Lynx Populations ”, Davoli et al 2013
- “Sniffing out the Stakes: Hair-Snares for Wild Cats in Arid Environments ”, Hanke & Dickman 2013
- “Genome-Wide Association Study for Catnip Response in Domestic Cats ”, Lyons 2013
- “Table 1. Results of the Wilcoxon Tests Comparing Pairs of Stimulants for Those Species That Had Differences Indicated by the Friedman Test. ”
- “The Use of Silver Vine (Actinidia Polygama Maxim, Family Actinidiaceae) As an Enrichment Aid for Felines: Issues and Prospects ”, Abramson et al 2012
- “Evaluation of Attractants for Non-Invasive Studies of Iberian Carnivore Communities ”, Monterroso et al 2011
- “Sex Pheromones and Their Role in Vertebrate Reproduction ”, Hurk 2011
- “Repellent Activity of Catmint, Nepeta Cataria, and Iridoid Nepetalactone Isomers against Afro-Tropical Mosquitoes, Ixodid Ticks and Red Poultry Mites ”, Birkett et al 2011
- “Heritability and Characteristics of Catnip Response in Two Domestic Cat Populations ”, Villani 2011
- “Predators Are Attracted to the Olfactory Signals of Prey ”, Hughes et al 2010
- “Big Cats Obsess Over Calvin Klein’s ‘Obsession for Men’: A Certain Animal Magnetism Makes the Fragrance a Hit With Zoos ”, Byron 2010
- “Hair-Trap Efficacy for Detecting Mammalian Carnivores in the Tropics ”
- “Quantification of Nepetalactones in Catnip (Nepeta Cataria L.) by HPLC Coupled With Ultraviolet and Mass Spectrometric Detection ”, Wang et al 2007
- “Hair Snares for Noninvasive Sampling of Felids in North America: Do Gray Foxes Affect Success? ”
- “Wbul-34-02–10 462..466 ”
- “Using Scent Attractants to Non-Invasively Collect Hair Samples from Cheetahs, Leopards and Lions ”, Thomas et al 2005b
- “Nepetalactone: A New Opioid Analgesic from Nepeta Caesarea Boiss ”
- “I Actinidia Polygama (Japanese Name Matatabi): In Vitro Culture, Micropropagation, and the Production of Monoterpenes and Triterpenoids ”
- “Chemical Attractants for Central American Felids ”
- “Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil Isolated from Wild Catnip Nepeta Cataria L. Cv. citriodora from the Drôme Region of France ”, Chalchat & Lamy 1997
- “Field Evaluation of Olfactory Lures for Feral Cats (Felis Catus L.) in Central Australia ”, Edwards et al 1997
- “Catnip (Nepeta Cataria L.) Essential Oil: Analysis of Chemical Constituents, Bacteriostatic and Fungistatic Properties ”, Bourrel et al 1993
- “The Behavioral Effects of the ‘Lactone-Free’ Hot Water Extract of Catnip (Nepeta Cataria) on the Young Chick ”, Sherry & Mitchell 1983
- “Catnip (Nepeta Cataria): An Evaluation of the Cold Water and Acetone-Pretreated Hot Water Extracts ”, Sherry et al 1981
- “Tom-Cat Odour and Other Pheromones in Feline Reproduction ”
- “Pharmacologic Studies of ‘Catnip Tea’: The Hot Water Extract of Nepeta Cataria ”, Sherry & Koontz 1979
- “Olfaction and Feline Behavior ”, Hart 1977
- “Species-Characteristic Responses to Catnip by Undomesticated Felids ”
- “Behavioral Activity of Catnip and Its Constituents: Nepetalic Acid and Nepetalactone ”, Harney et al 1974
- “The Morphology, Development and Histochemistry of the Secretory Trichomes of Nepeta Cataria L ”, Coiner 1973
- “Motor Reflexes of Cats to Actinidia Polygama: Japan and to Catnip USA ”, Hayashi 1968b
- “Catnip: Its Raison D’Être ”, Eisner 1964
- “Terpenoids. Cis-Trans-Nepetalactones and Trans-Cis-Nepetalactones ”, Bates & Sigel 1963
- “The Catnip Response ”, Todd 1963
- “Behavioral Ecology of Feral House Cats in the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador ”, Konecny 1963
- “Inheritance of the Catnip Response in Domestic Cats ”, Todd 1962
- “Catnip, Valerian, Honeysuckles And Other Cat-Attractant Plants ”
- “Behavioral Effects of Acute and Long-Term Administration of Catnip (Nepeta Cataria) in Mice ”
- “DIY Kitty Crack: Ultra-Potent Catnip Extract ”
- Wikipedia
- Miscellaneous
- Bibliography
See Also
“Catnip Immunity and Alternatives ”, Gwern 2015
“World Catnip Surveys ”, Gwern 2015
“Unveiling the Evolution of Iridoid Biosynthesis in the Genus Nepeta: a Mini Review ”, Aničić & Mišić 2024
Unveiling the evolution of iridoid biosynthesis in the genus Nepeta: a mini review
“Genomic Insights into the Evolution of Plant Chemical Defense ”, Drummond & Renner 2022
Genomic insights into the evolution of plant chemical defense
“Uncoupled Activation and Cyclization in Catmint Reductive Terpenoid Biosynthesis ”, Lichman et al 2018
Uncoupled activation and cyclization in catmint reductive terpenoid biosynthesis :
“Active and Passive Responses to Catnip (Nepeta Cataria) Are Affected by Age, Sex and Early Gonadectomy in Male and Female Cats ”, Espín-Iturbe et al 2017
“Responsiveness of Cats (Felidae) to Silver Vine (Actinidia Polygama), Tatarian Honeysuckle (Lonicera Tatarica), Valerian (Valeriana Officinalis) and Catnip (Nepeta Cataria) ”, Bol et al 2017
“An Assessment of the Efficacy of Rub Stations for Detection and Abundance Surveys of Canada Lynx (Lynx Canadensis) ”, Crowley & Hodder 2017
“Causes and Cures of Skin Diseases in the Work of Hildegard of Bingen ”, Romaní & Romaní 2017
Causes and Cures of Skin Diseases in the Work of Hildegard of Bingen :
“Social Interaction, Food, Scent or Toys? A Formal Assessment of Domestic Pet and Shelter Cat (Felis Silvestris Catus) Preferences ”, Shreve et al 2017
“Pharmacological and Chemical Features of Nepeta L. Genus: Its Importance As a Therapeutic Agent ”, Süntar et al 2017
Pharmacological and chemical features of Nepeta L. genus: Its importance as a therapeutic agent :
“Ed300348k 1..5 ”
“Hair Snaring and Molecular Genetic Identification for Reconstructing the Spatial Structure of Eurasian Lynx Populations ”, Davoli et al 2013
“Sniffing out the Stakes: Hair-Snares for Wild Cats in Arid Environments ”, Hanke & Dickman 2013
Sniffing out the stakes: hair-snares for wild cats in arid environments :
“Genome-Wide Association Study for Catnip Response in Domestic Cats ”, Lyons 2013
Genome-Wide Association Study for Catnip Response in Domestic Cats
“Table 1. Results of the Wilcoxon Tests Comparing Pairs of Stimulants for Those Species That Had Differences Indicated by the Friedman Test. ”
“The Use of Silver Vine (Actinidia Polygama Maxim, Family Actinidiaceae) As an Enrichment Aid for Felines: Issues and Prospects ”, Abramson et al 2012
“Evaluation of Attractants for Non-Invasive Studies of Iberian Carnivore Communities ”, Monterroso et al 2011
Evaluation of attractants for non-invasive studies of Iberian carnivore communities :
“Sex Pheromones and Their Role in Vertebrate Reproduction ”, Hurk 2011
“Repellent Activity of Catmint, Nepeta Cataria, and Iridoid Nepetalactone Isomers against Afro-Tropical Mosquitoes, Ixodid Ticks and Red Poultry Mites ”, Birkett et al 2011
“Heritability and Characteristics of Catnip Response in Two Domestic Cat Populations ”, Villani 2011
Heritability and Characteristics of Catnip Response in Two Domestic Cat Populations
“Predators Are Attracted to the Olfactory Signals of Prey ”, Hughes et al 2010
“Big Cats Obsess Over Calvin Klein’s ‘Obsession for Men’: A Certain Animal Magnetism Makes the Fragrance a Hit With Zoos ”, Byron 2010
“Hair-Trap Efficacy for Detecting Mammalian Carnivores in the Tropics ”
Hair-Trap Efficacy for Detecting Mammalian Carnivores in the Tropics :
“Quantification of Nepetalactones in Catnip (Nepeta Cataria L.) by HPLC Coupled With Ultraviolet and Mass Spectrometric Detection ”, Wang et al 2007
“Hair Snares for Noninvasive Sampling of Felids in North America: Do Gray Foxes Affect Success? ”
Hair Snares for Noninvasive Sampling of Felids in North America: Do Gray Foxes Affect Success? :
“Wbul-34-02–10 462..466 ”
“Using Scent Attractants to Non-Invasively Collect Hair Samples from Cheetahs, Leopards and Lions ”, Thomas et al 2005b
Using Scent Attractants to Non-Invasively Collect Hair Samples from Cheetahs, Leopards and Lions
“Nepetalactone: A New Opioid Analgesic from Nepeta Caesarea Boiss ”
Nepetalactone: A New Opioid Analgesic from Nepeta caesarea Boiss :
“I Actinidia Polygama (Japanese Name Matatabi): In Vitro Culture, Micropropagation, and the Production of Monoterpenes and Triterpenoids ”
“Chemical Attractants for Central American Felids ”
“Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil Isolated from Wild Catnip Nepeta Cataria L. Cv. citriodora from the Drôme Region of France ”, Chalchat & Lamy 1997
“Field Evaluation of Olfactory Lures for Feral Cats (Felis Catus L.) in Central Australia ”, Edwards et al 1997
Field Evaluation of Olfactory Lures for Feral Cats (Felis catus L.) in Central Australia
“Catnip (Nepeta Cataria L.) Essential Oil: Analysis of Chemical Constituents, Bacteriostatic and Fungistatic Properties ”, Bourrel et al 1993
“The Behavioral Effects of the ‘Lactone-Free’ Hot Water Extract of Catnip (Nepeta Cataria) on the Young Chick ”, Sherry & Mitchell 1983
“Catnip (Nepeta Cataria): An Evaluation of the Cold Water and Acetone-Pretreated Hot Water Extracts ”, Sherry et al 1981
Catnip (Nepeta cataria): An Evaluation of the Cold Water and Acetone-Pretreated Hot Water Extracts :
“Tom-Cat Odour and Other Pheromones in Feline Reproduction ”
“Pharmacologic Studies of ‘Catnip Tea’: The Hot Water Extract of Nepeta Cataria ”, Sherry & Koontz 1979
Pharmacologic Studies of ‘Catnip Tea’: The Hot Water Extract of Nepeta Cataria :
“Olfaction and Feline Behavior ”, Hart 1977
“Species-Characteristic Responses to Catnip by Undomesticated Felids ”
Species-characteristic responses to catnip by undomesticated felids :
“Behavioral Activity of Catnip and Its Constituents: Nepetalic Acid and Nepetalactone ”, Harney et al 1974
Behavioral activity of catnip and its constituents: nepetalic acid and nepetalactone :
“The Morphology, Development and Histochemistry of the Secretory Trichomes of Nepeta Cataria L ”, Coiner 1973
The Morphology, Development and Histochemistry of the Secretory Trichomes of Nepeta Cataria L :
“Motor Reflexes of Cats to Actinidia Polygama: Japan and to Catnip USA ”, Hayashi 1968b
Motor reflexes of cats to Actinidia polygama: Japan and to catnip USA :
“Catnip: Its Raison D’Être ”, Eisner 1964
“Terpenoids. Cis-Trans-Nepetalactones and Trans-Cis-Nepetalactones ”, Bates & Sigel 1963
Terpenoids. Cis-trans-Nepetalactones and trans-cis-Nepetalactones :
“The Catnip Response ”, Todd 1963
View PDF (24MB):
“Behavioral Ecology of Feral House Cats in the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador ”, Konecny 1963
Behavioral Ecology of Feral House Cats in the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador
“Inheritance of the Catnip Response in Domestic Cats ”, Todd 1962
“Catnip, Valerian, Honeysuckles And Other Cat-Attractant Plants ”
Catnip, Valerian, Honeysuckles And Other Cat-Attractant Plants
“Behavioral Effects of Acute and Long-Term Administration of Catnip (Nepeta Cataria) in Mice ”
Behavioral effects of acute and long-term administration of catnip (Nepeta cataria) in mice