‘borderline’ directory
- See Also
- “The Ultra-Marathoner Racing Against the Course, and Himself: Nickademus De La Rosa, an Ultrarunning Prodigy Who Has Run across Death Valley and the Alps, Is Taking a Pause from the Sport As He Copes With Borderline Personality Disorder ”, Byerly 2023
- “Borderline Personality Disorder and the Big Five: Molecular Genetic Analyses Indicate Shared Genetic Architecture With Neuroticism and Openness ”, Streit et al 2022
- “Childhood Trauma and Borderline Personality Disorder Traits: A Discordant Twin Study ”, Skaug et al 2022
- “Understanding a Mutually Destructive Relationship Between Individuals With Borderline Personality Disorder and Their Favorite Person ”, Jeong et al 2022
- “Specific Antisocial and Borderline Personality Disorder Criteria and General Substance Use: A Twin Study ”, Rosenström et al 2020
- “Tests of a Direct Effect of Childhood Abuse on Adult Borderline Personality Disorder Traits: a Longitudinal Discordant Twin Design ”, Bornovalova et al 2013
- “Psychopathology, Childhood Trauma, and Personality Traits in Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder and Their Sisters ”, Laporte et al 2011
- “Relationship Quality and Stability in Couples When One Partner Suffers From Borderline Personality Disorder ”, Bouchard et al 2009
- “Stability, Change, and Heritability of Borderline Personality Disorder Traits from Adolescence to Adulthood: a Longitudinal Twin Study ”, Bornovalova et al 2009
- “Murder Misdiagnosed As SIDS: a Perpetrator’s Perspective ”, Stanton & Simpson 2001 (page 2)
- “Bedside Stuffed Animals and Borderline Personality ”, Labbate & Benedek 1996
- “The Myth of Human Fragility ”
- Wikipedia
- Miscellaneous
- Bibliography
See Also
“The Ultra-Marathoner Racing Against the Course, and Himself: Nickademus De La Rosa, an Ultrarunning Prodigy Who Has Run across Death Valley and the Alps, Is Taking a Pause from the Sport As He Copes With Borderline Personality Disorder ”, Byerly 2023
“Borderline Personality Disorder and the Big Five: Molecular Genetic Analyses Indicate Shared Genetic Architecture With Neuroticism and Openness ”, Streit et al 2022
“Childhood Trauma and Borderline Personality Disorder Traits: A Discordant Twin Study ”, Skaug et al 2022
Childhood trauma and borderline personality disorder traits: A discordant twin study
“Understanding a Mutually Destructive Relationship Between Individuals With Borderline Personality Disorder and Their Favorite Person ”, Jeong et al 2022
“Specific Antisocial and Borderline Personality Disorder Criteria and General Substance Use: A Twin Study ”, Rosenström et al 2020
“Tests of a Direct Effect of Childhood Abuse on Adult Borderline Personality Disorder Traits: a Longitudinal Discordant Twin Design ”, Bornovalova et al 2013
“Psychopathology, Childhood Trauma, and Personality Traits in Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder and Their Sisters ”, Laporte et al 2011
“Relationship Quality and Stability in Couples When One Partner Suffers From Borderline Personality Disorder ”, Bouchard et al 2009
“Stability, Change, and Heritability of Borderline Personality Disorder Traits from Adolescence to Adulthood: a Longitudinal Twin Study ”, Bornovalova et al 2009
“Murder Misdiagnosed As SIDS: a Perpetrator’s Perspective ”, Stanton & Simpson 2001 (page 2)
“Bedside Stuffed Animals and Borderline Personality ”, Labbate & Benedek 1996
“The Myth of Human Fragility ”
: “The Ultra-Marathoner Racing Against the Course, and Himself: Nickademus De La Rosa, an Ultrarunning Prodigy Who Has Run across Death Valley and the Alps, Is Taking a Pause from the Sport As He Copes With Borderline Personality Disorder ”, -
: “Childhood Trauma and Borderline Personality Disorder Traits: A Discordant Twin Study ”, -
: “Understanding a Mutually Destructive Relationship Between Individuals With Borderline Personality Disorder and Their Favorite Person ”,