‘music distraction’ directory
- See Also
- Gwern
- “Bedtime Music, Involuntary Musical Imagery, and Sleep ”, Scullin et al 2021
- “Intelligence and Music: Lower Intelligent Quotient Is Associated With Higher Use of Music for Experiencing Strong Sensations ”, Bonetti et al 2020
- “The Psychophysiological Effects of Different Tempo Music on Endurance Versus High-Intensity Performances ”, Patania et al 2020
- “Background Music Stints Creativity: Evidence from Compound Remote Associate Tasks ”, Threadgold et al 2019
- “More Than Meets the Ear: Investigating How Music Affects Cognitive Task Performance ”, Gonzalez & Aiello 2019
- “The Effects of Background Music on the Work Attention Performance between Musicians and Non-Musicians ”, Wu et al 2019c
- “Music-Induced Analgesia in Chronic Pain Conditions: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis ”, Garza-Villarreal et al 2017
- “Neural Correlates of Specific Musical Anhedonia ”
- “13414_2015_1042_Article 1..14 ”
- “Acp2994 279..284 ”
- “Background Music As a Risk Factor for Distraction among Young-Novice Drivers ”, Brodsky & Slor 2013
- “Disliked Music Can Be Better for Performance Than Liked Music ”, Perham & Sykora 2012
- “The Distracting Effects of Music on the Cognitive Test Performance of Creative and Non-Creative Individuals ”, Doyle & Furnham 2012
- “Background Music: Effects on Attention Performance ”, Shih et al 2012
- “An Examination of an Enhancing Effect of Music on Attentional Abilities in Older Persons With Mild Cognitive Impairment ”, Lake & Goldstein 2011
- “The Impact of Background Music on Adult Listeners: A Meta-Analysis ”, Kämpfe et al 2010
- “The Effect of Post-Learning Presentation of Music on Long-Term Word-List Retention ”, Judde & Rickard 2010
- “The Effect of Background Music and Background Noise on the Task Performance of Introverts and Extraverts ”, Cassidy & MacDonald 2007
- “Distraction Effects of Background Soap Operas on Homework Performance: An Experimental Study Enriched With Observational Data ”, Pool et al 2003
- “Music Is As Distracting As Noise: the Differential Distraction of Background Music and Noise on the Cognitive Test Performance of Introverts and Extraverts ”, Furnham & Strbac 2002
- “The Influence of Musical Distraction of Varying Complexity on the Cognitive Performance of Extroverts and Introverts ”
- “Habituation to Irrelevant Speech: Effects on a Visual Short-Term Memory Task ”
- “The Effect of Background Music on Task Performance in Psychotic Children ”, Burleson et al 1989
- “Effect of Familiarity With Background Music on Performance of Simple and Difficult Reading Comprehension Tasks ”, Hilliard & Tolin 1979
- “The Effects Of Music And Task Difficulty On Performance At A Visual Vigilance Task ”
- “Varied Auditory Stimulation, Temperament Differences And Vigilance Performance ”
- “How Harmful Is Music, Really? ”
- “Intention-To-Treat Experiments ”
- Miscellaneous
See Also
“Music and Distraction ”, Gwern 2012
“Bedtime Music, Involuntary Musical Imagery, and Sleep ”, Scullin et al 2021
“Intelligence and Music: Lower Intelligent Quotient Is Associated With Higher Use of Music for Experiencing Strong Sensations ”, Bonetti et al 2020
“The Psychophysiological Effects of Different Tempo Music on Endurance Versus High-Intensity Performances ”, Patania et al 2020
“Background Music Stints Creativity: Evidence from Compound Remote Associate Tasks ”, Threadgold et al 2019
Background music stints creativity: Evidence from compound remote associate tasks
“More Than Meets the Ear: Investigating How Music Affects Cognitive Task Performance ”, Gonzalez & Aiello 2019
More Than Meets the Ear: Investigating How Music Affects Cognitive Task Performance
“The Effects of Background Music on the Work Attention Performance between Musicians and Non-Musicians ”, Wu et al 2019c
“Music-Induced Analgesia in Chronic Pain Conditions: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis ”, Garza-Villarreal et al 2017
Music-induced analgesia in chronic pain conditions: a systematic review and meta-analysis
“Neural Correlates of Specific Musical Anhedonia ”
“13414_2015_1042_Article 1..14 ”
“Acp2994 279..284 ”
“Background Music As a Risk Factor for Distraction among Young-Novice Drivers ”, Brodsky & Slor 2013
Background music as a risk factor for distraction among young-novice drivers :
“Disliked Music Can Be Better for Performance Than Liked Music ”, Perham & Sykora 2012
Disliked Music can be Better for Performance than Liked Music
“The Distracting Effects of Music on the Cognitive Test Performance of Creative and Non-Creative Individuals ”, Doyle & Furnham 2012
“Background Music: Effects on Attention Performance ”, Shih et al 2012
“An Examination of an Enhancing Effect of Music on Attentional Abilities in Older Persons With Mild Cognitive Impairment ”, Lake & Goldstein 2011
“The Impact of Background Music on Adult Listeners: A Meta-Analysis ”, Kämpfe et al 2010
The impact of background music on adult listeners: A meta-analysis
“The Effect of Post-Learning Presentation of Music on Long-Term Word-List Retention ”, Judde & Rickard 2010
The effect of post-learning presentation of music on long-term word-list retention :
“The Effect of Background Music and Background Noise on the Task Performance of Introverts and Extraverts ”, Cassidy & MacDonald 2007
“Distraction Effects of Background Soap Operas on Homework Performance: An Experimental Study Enriched With Observational Data ”, Pool et al 2003
“Music Is As Distracting As Noise: the Differential Distraction of Background Music and Noise on the Cognitive Test Performance of Introverts and Extraverts ”, Furnham & Strbac 2002
“The Influence of Musical Distraction of Varying Complexity on the Cognitive Performance of Extroverts and Introverts ”
“Habituation to Irrelevant Speech: Effects on a Visual Short-Term Memory Task ”
Habituation to irrelevant speech: Effects on a visual short-term memory task :
“The Effect of Background Music on Task Performance in Psychotic Children ”, Burleson et al 1989
The Effect of Background Music on Task Performance in Psychotic Children
“Effect of Familiarity With Background Music on Performance of Simple and Difficult Reading Comprehension Tasks ”, Hilliard & Tolin 1979
“The Effects Of Music And Task Difficulty On Performance At A Visual Vigilance Task ”
The Effects Of Music And Task Difficulty On Performance At A Visual Vigilance Task :
“Varied Auditory Stimulation, Temperament Differences And Vigilance Performance ”
Varied Auditory Stimulation, Temperament Differences And Vigilance Performance :