‘miscite bias’ directory
- See Also
- Gwern
- “The Problem of Miscitation in Psychological Science: Righting the Ship ”, Cobb et al 2023
- “How Accurate Are Citations of Frequently Cited Papers in Biomedical Literature? ”, Pavlovic et al 2020
- “Case Study in Major Quotation Errors: a Critical Commentary on the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale ”, Stang et al 2018
- “How Citation Distortions Create Unfounded Authority: Analysis of a Citation Network ”, Greenberg 2009
- “Secondary and Tertiary Citing: A Study of Referencing Behavior in the Literature of Citation Analysis Deriving from the Ortega Hypothesis of Cole and Cole ”, Hoerman & Nowicke 1995
- “Do Authors Check Their References? A Survey of Accuracy of References in 3 Public Health Journals ”, Eichorn & Yankauer 1987
- “How Accurate Are Quotations and References in Medical Journals? ”, Lacey et al 1985
- Miscellaneous
- Bibliography
See Also
“Leprechaun Hunting & Citogenesis ”, Gwern 2014
“The Problem of Miscitation in Psychological Science: Righting the Ship ”, Cobb et al 2023
The problem of miscitation in psychological science: Righting the ship
“How Accurate Are Citations of Frequently Cited Papers in Biomedical Literature? ”, Pavlovic et al 2020
How accurate are citations of frequently cited papers in biomedical literature?
“Case Study in Major Quotation Errors: a Critical Commentary on the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale ”, Stang et al 2018
Case study in major quotation errors: a critical commentary on the Newcastle-Ottawa scale
“How Citation Distortions Create Unfounded Authority: Analysis of a Citation Network ”, Greenberg 2009
How citation distortions create unfounded authority: analysis of a citation network
“Secondary and Tertiary Citing: A Study of Referencing Behavior in the Literature of Citation Analysis Deriving from the Ortega Hypothesis of Cole and Cole ”, Hoerman & Nowicke 1995
“Do Authors Check Their References? A Survey of Accuracy of References in 3 Public Health Journals ”, Eichorn & Yankauer 1987
Do authors check their references? A survey of accuracy of references in 3 public health journals
“How Accurate Are Quotations and References in Medical Journals? ”, Lacey et al 1985
How accurate are quotations and references in medical journals?