November 2014 News
This is the November 201411ya edition of the newsletter; previously, October.
This is a collation of links and summary of major changes, overlapping with Changelog. Thanks to my donors on Gratipay.
A/B indentation test: no real result, defaulted to 2em
Everything Is Heritable:
“The contribution of de novo coding mutations to autism spectrum disorder”, et al 2014 (media: 1, 2; discussion)
“Whither the Blank Slate? A Report on the Reception of Evolutionary Biological Ideas among Sociological Theorists”, et al 2014 ( media)
“Transcript of secret meeting between Julian Assange and Google CEO Eric Schmidt”
“A Few Bad Men: Why America doesn’t really have a terrorism problem”
“Bottom of the Barrel: Today’s terrorists aren’t ‘sophisticated’. They’re stupider than ever.”
“What’s to know about the credibility of empirical economics?”, 2013
“The Ironic Effect of Significant Results on the Credibility of Multiple-Study Articles”, 2012
“Bayesian data analysis”, 2010
“What Teachers Should Know about the Bootstrap: Resampling in the Undergraduate Statistics Curriculum”, 2014 (nice comprehensible discussion of various kinds of bootstraps and resampling which helps put together everything I’d learned piecemeal)
“The harm done by tests of significance”, 2004 (how p-values increase traffic fatalities)
“Tiny Data, Approximate Bayesian Computation and the Unpaired Socks of Karl Broman” (demonstration of ABC)
“Suppressing Intelligence Research: Hurting Those We Intend to Help”, 2005
“Who Rises to the Top? Early Indicators”, et al 2013 (does IQ cease to matter past 130? No.)
“Life Paths and Accomplishments of Mathematically Precocious Males and Females Four Decades Later”, et al 2014 ( graphs)
“Political Diversity Will Improve Social Psychological Science”, et al 2015 (liberal ideological homogeneity in social sciences causing problems)
“Anatomy of a hack: How crackers ransack passwords like
; For Ars, three crackers have at 16,000+ hashed passcodes—with 90% success” (computers are much faster than you think, when used right, unfortunately) -
“How NASA brought the monstrous F-1 ‘moon rocket’ engine back to life”
disability, immigration, globalization, and technological unemployment:
“Bayesian Informal Logic and Fallacy”, 2003; “Fallacies as weak Bayesian evidence”
“Be Specific” (if you make an abstract claim, can you give at least 3 specific examples? if not, maybe you need to think about it more)
“Taking Charity Seriously: Toby Ord talk on charity effectiveness”
“Try To Praise The Mutilated World”, Adam Zagajewski
“Morning Song of Senlin”, Conrad Aiken
“When Dickens met Dostoevsky” (literary hoaxes; followup)
Excuse Me Sir, Would You Like to Buy a Kilo of Isopropyl Bromide? (review)
The Many Worlds of Hugh Everett, Bryne (review)
Ketamine: Dreams and Realities, Jansen (review)
The Art of Unix Usability, ESR (review)
A Clockwork Orange, Burgess
Lud-in-the-Mist, Mirrlees
The Far Side Gallery 3 (I think I liked them better as a kid; re-reading, I realize Larson really only had a few jokes & characters which he permuted endlessly. It doesn’t grow up with you as much as some others like Calvin & Hobbes do.)
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (201312ya remake); pretty decent, albeit very little like story, and a rather shoehorned in quest/Blue Bird of Happiness which undermines original short story’s protagonist by implying he was a failure before & the core dreaming was escapism
“千年幻想郷 ~ History of the Moon” (Liverne (ゆう), Yu- (Phoenix Project), Tokunan; Touhou Gensou Shiten 2 “Canon” {C71}) [metal]
“チルノ /おてんば恋娘” (Yoshiki Ara; Charisma Lash Type-M {C86}) [orchestral]
“ソリテス・パラドックス” (Ryuuha Mikaido; ティマイオス ~風の詩~ {C86}) [orchestral]
“オッカムの剃刀” (Ryuuha Mikaido; ティマイオス ~風の詩~ {C86}) [orchestral]
“Even if they say nothing in the night” (Machikado-Mapoze; Dancing Phantasmagoria {C86}) [waltz]
“Library Rag” (Machikado-Mapoze; Dancing Phantasmagoria {C86}) [ragtime]
“巫女みこ茶々々” (Machikado-Mapoze; Dancing Phantasmagoria {C86}) [Cha-cha-chá]
“佐々木喜善はかく語りき ~ 願わくはこれを語りて平地人を戦慄せしめよ” (ジャム; DAYDREAM TUNES {C86}) [classical]
“天空の花の都” (埼玉最終兵器; Cradle Re:BOOT -東方幻樂祀典- {C86}) [metal]
“An Enlarging Story” (RD-Sounds; Slaughter {C86}) [orchestral]
“Way to go Shinmyoumaru ~Battle with Titans~” (RD-Sounds; Slaughter {C86}) [orchestral]
“Could She Know The Summer?” (setsugen; DAYDREAM TUNES {C86}) [classical]
“Summer Dayz” (村瀬悠太; AD:HOUSE 3 {C86}) [instrumental]
“またあした” (bacon8 feat. nijimine kakoi; luminous flux {C85}) [acoustic]
“パラミシアの狼” (O-kei feat. ヤマイ; SONORA {201411ya}) [Jpop]
“Call My Cell” (Hige Driver feat. ΦKushiΦ; Hige Dance {C86}) [electronic]
“Back to You” (Luka; Planty; Planet Planty {201411ya}) [trance]
“In Adversae” (Luka, Kaito; Planty; Planet Planty {201411ya}) [trance]
“It was ten days ago.” (Miku; Toku-P; The Universe {200916ya}) [vocal]
“魁!パンツメン☆ミ” (Miku; KASANE; sync-loid:05 {201411ya}) [Jpop]
“Boku mo Kuzu Dakara” (Miku; PinnochioP; Yusei Masshirake {VM27}) [Jpop]