May 2017 News
May 2017 newsletter: deep reinforcement learning, music. No completed writings.
This is the May 2017 edition of the newsletter; previous, April 2017 (archives). This is a collation of links and summary of major changes, overlapping with my Changelog; brought to you by my donors on Patreon.
nothing completed
Everything Is Heritable:
“GWAS of 78,308 individuals identifies new loci and genes influencing human intelligence”, et al 2017
“Metabolic basis to Sherpa altitude adaptation”, et al 2017 ( media)
“Genetic Predisposition to Obesity and Medicare Expenditures”, et al 2017
“Behavioural individuality in clonal fish arises despite near-identical rearing conditions”, et al 2017 (What is non-shared-environment? It’s random development noise.)
“Babies From Skin Cells? Prospect Is Unsettling to Some Experts” (progress towards IES)
“Inferring and Executing Programs for Visual Reasoning”, et al 2017
“Bayesian Reinforcement Learning: A Survey”, et al 2016
reinforcement learning research is coming out too frequently to single out more than a few papers; see subscribe to the /r/ReinforcementLearning & /r/DecisionTheory subreddits for updates
“Deep Voice 2: Multi-Speaker Neural Text-to-Speech”, et al 2017 (another one already)
“DeepXplore: Automated Whitebox Testing of Deep Learning Systems”, et al 2017
“Visual Semantic Planning using Deep Successor Representations”, et al 2017 ( video)
“AIXIjs: A Software Demo for General Reinforcement Learning”, 2017 (source repo; live demos); demo of some AI risk scenarios using AIXIjs: “Categorizing Wireheading in Partially Embedded Agents”, et al 2019
“When Will AI Exceed Human Performance? Evidence from AI Experts”, et al 2017
“Sukiyaki in French style: A novel system for transformation of dietary patterns”, et al 2017 (
) -
Matters of Scale:
“Hard Mixtures of Experts for Large Scale Weakly Supervised Vision”, et al 2017 (scaling CNNs to 500m+ images by sharding)
“Proceeding From Observed Correlation to Causal Inference: The Use of Natural Experiments”, 2007
“Daryl Bem Proved ESP Is Real—which means science is broken” (Apparently Bem was serious. But one man’s modus ponens is another man’s modus tollens.)
New n-body choreographies have been discovered: “152 new families of Newtonian periodic planar three-body orbits”
“Self-Censorship in Public Discourse: A Theory of ‘Political Correctness’ and Related Phenomena”, 1994
“Some Case Studies in Early Field Growth” (how did “bioethics” so successfully hijack medicine & biology?)
“The Effects of Education, Personality, and IQ on Earnings of High-Ability Men”, et al 2011
“Cleaning up the big muddy: a meta-analytic review of the determinants of escalation of commitment”, 2012 (Sunk cost bias may not be any one thing but a variety of things driving the same apparent behavior in various contexts, especially organizational.)
“An empirical study on the correctness of formally verified distributed systems” (Who verifies the verifiers?)
“The Tinkerings of Robert Noyce: How the Sun Rose on Silicon Valley”, 1983
“carpalx—design your own keyboard” (Simulated annealing for optimizing keyboard layout.)
“The Fall Of Intrade And The Business Of Betting On Real Life”
“Economies of density in e-commerce: a study of Amazon’s fulfillment center network”, et al 2017 (Amazon’s sales tax vs shipping cost tradeoff in scaling warehouses)
“Algorithmic Entities”, 2017 (followup to 2016: decentralized autonomous corporations are doable de jure and not just de facto.)
“Alpha (A translation of Genesis 1)” (
for computer-assisted creation of rhyming definitions & Book of Genesis with only words starting with “a”)
Indiscrete Thoughts, Gian-Carlo 1997 (review)
“マーキュリー” (中迫酒菜、茶畑、水橋ゆっきー; 私の紅魔館 {C91}) [folk]
“おやすみ” (中迫酒菜、茶畑、水橋ゆっきー; 私の紅魔館 {C91}) [folk]
“酔夢奇譚” (SOUND HOLIC; TOHO PIANISM III {C91}) [classical]
“Desire=desirE” (SOUND HOLIC; TOHO PIANISM III {C91}) [classical]
“Lost ■” (RD-Sounds feat. めらみぽっぷ; Void {C91}) [vocal]
“感情の摩天楼 [Tropical House]” (Spacelectro; 東方インストEDM3 {C90}) [house]
“The White Sea” (LEMiao feat. 瑶山百霊 (Yaoshanbailing); 無名の楽園 〜 Piano Arrange Collection Vol.1 {C91}) [classical]
“無名の楽園” (LEMiao feat. 瑶山百霊 (Yaoshanbailing); 無名の楽園 〜 Piano Arrange Collection Vol.1 {C91}) [classical]
“The Gensokyo The Gods Loved” (LEMiao feat. 流月; 無名の楽園 〜 Piano Arrange Collection Vol.1 {C91}) [classical]
“Rosarium (Piano Arrange Ver.)” (LEMiao feat. 瑶山百霊 (Yaoshanbailing); 無名の楽園 〜 Piano Arrange Collection Vol.1 {C91}) [classical]
“Innocent Memory (Piano Arrange Ver.)” (LEMiao feat. 瑶山百霊 (Yaoshanbailing); 無名の楽園 〜 Piano Arrange Collection Vol.1 {C91}) [classical]
“埃に埋もれた詩” (LEMiao feat. 瑶山百霊 (Yaoshanbailing); 無名の楽園 〜 Piano Arrange Collection Vol.1 {C91}) [classical]
“マトーヤの洞窟” (いんやん; Life of Ishgard {C91}) [electronic]
“White Bleath and Brilliant Star” (Syuichi.K; Life of Ishgard {C91}) [electronic]
“OPENINGTHEME” (Calla Soiled feat. Miku; THREELAYERSTRUCTURETHEORY {201213ya}) [trance]