April 2024 News
April 2024 Gwern.net newsletter with links on TODO
April 2024’s Gwern.net newsletter is now out; previous, March 2024 (archives). This is a collation of links and summary of major changes, overlapping with my Changelog; brought to you by my donors on Patreon.
Gwern.net: authors are now hyperlinked; Google CSE site-search has been restored (magnifying-glass icon in theme togglebar,
keybinding); April Fools easter egg
RIP FHI (2005–192024); “Looking Back at the Future of Humanity Institute: The rise and fall of the influential, embattled Oxford research center that brought us the concept of existential risk”
The (minimal) implications of chaos theory for reinforcement learning agents
“Foundational Challenges in Assuring Alignment and Safety of Large Language Models”, et al 2024 (research challenges in scaled LLMs)
“Uniquely human intelligence arose from expanded information capacity”, 2024
A history of et al 2017 inside Google : low-level optimization, trial-and-error, defying orthodoxy, and lots of compute & data
“Is Model Collapse Inevitable? Breaking the Curse of Recursion by Accumulating Real and Synthetic Data”, et al 2024 (model-collapse doesn’t happen if you continue training on real data)
Everything Is Heritable:
Recent Evolution:
“They Experimented on Themselves in Secret. What They Discovered Helped Win a War” (more on 1927)
The Rootclaim Debate format is unfit for purpose as it is unable to detect falsified quotes & graphs
“Trial of Lixisenatide in Early Parkinson’s Disease”, et al 2024
“Self-protection as an adaptive female strategy”, et al 2021
“Cat Ownership and Schizophrenia-Related Disorders and Psychotic-Like Experiences: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis”, et al 2023 (don’t worry about the cat/Toxoplasmosis correlation: small, inconsistent age-wise, even without controls, and so almost surely trivial causally)
“Cicadian Rhythm: Insecticides, Infant Health, and Long-term Outcomes”, 2022
“Ripple: An Investigation of the World’s Most Advanced High-Yield Thermonuclear Weapon Design”, 2021 (the classified roots of civilian fusion power & the untapped potential for much more powerful H-bombs); “What John von Neumann really did at Los Alamos”, Ashutosh Jogalekar
“A Curious Phenomenon Called ‘Etak’” (the in-car map navigation system decades ahead of its time)
“The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web”, et al 1998 (surprisingly relevant, describing some capabilities no longer available like personalized PageRank or PR visualization by URL)
“The Solution of the Zodiac Killer’s 340-Character Cipher”, et al 2024 (with help from Louie Helm)
Scribe.rip replacement for Medium articles: freedium.cfd
“No one buys books: Everything we learned about the publishing industry from Penguin vs. DOJ”
“Cocytarchy: Lessons From the American Inferno” (prison gangs & the problem of being judgment-proof)
“When a Town Wins the Lottery: Evidence from Spain”, Kent & Martínez-2022
“The Optimal Taxation of Height: A Case Study of Utilitarian Income Redistribution”, 2010
“[Message Contains No Recognizable Symbols]”, Bill 2007
The Bridge (200619ya; review)
Knives Out (2019; a satisfying mystery overall; with only two flaws: first, it is tainted by already-painfully-dated superficial contemporary politics, which attempt to be even-handed but mostly show that the writers cannot pass an intellectual turing test (although given how well-constructed it is overall, I was still surprised to read up on it afterwards and find the director’s prior film was Star Wars: The Last Jedi); and second, one of the most praised (or at least remarked on) aspects was a misstep, in casting Daniel Craig as the eccentric detective: Craig is not a bad actor, but he is too associated with James Bond & England, so I simply could not accept the fake cornpone Southern accent, an accent so jarring that it degraded every scene Craig was in, to the point where characters lampshade it in-movie—making the usual contemporary media mistake of believing that pointing out a mistake in-universe somehow retroactively makes it not a mistake, rather than making the mistake even more egregious, by proving that they realized it was a mistake so far in advance that they could write it into the story but still didn’t fix it)
I Have Been A Good Bing, The Fooming Shoggoths
“Chime Design and Build”, Lee Hite