October 2024 News
October 2024 Gwern.net newsletter with links on TODO
October 2024’s Gwern.net newsletter is now out; previous, September 2024 (archives). This is a collation of links and summary of major changes, overlapping with my Changelog; brought to you by my donors on Patreon.
Gwern.net: new Halloween dropcaps
“Language Models Learn to Mislead Humans via RLHF”, et al 2024 (natural emergence of manipulation of imperfect raters to maximize reward, but not quality)
“It’s About Time: Analog Clock Reading in the Wild”, et al 2021
“A Single Cloud Compromise Can Feed an Army of AI Sex Bots” (Recent wave of LLM cloud API hacks motivated by using jailbreaks for NSFW/CP text chat services like “Chub”)
Everything Is Heritable:
“Corroborating written history with ancient DNA: The case of the Well-man described in an Old Norse saga”, et al 2024 (‘Well Man’: sequencing the whole genome of a specific dead soldier described in a c. 1200 AD Norse saga)
Recent Evolution:
“The survival skills of Helena Valero”, Tove K (how a young girl kidnapped by the Yanomamö survived constant internecine warfare & conspiracies & superstition)
“How elderly dementia patients are unwittingly fueling political campaigns”; “Their Parents Are Giving Money to Scammers. They Can’t Stop Them.” (soon: LLM-powered pigbutchering, turbocharged financial dark patterns, long-term affinity fraud & simulated groups around human targets, particularly targeting the elderly, dimwitted, and naive/friendly; “Nothing Agreeable makes it out of the near-future.”)
“Horatio Nelson: The Darling Hero of England”; “Waiting your way to the top: Dwight Eisenhower’s slow career”
“This Movie is Why I’m Alive: How Ratatouille showed me the beauty of the world that wished to kill me”, Pouya Nikmand (escaping Iran)
“All the Carcinogens We Cannot See: We routinely test for chemicals that cause mutations. What about the dark matter of carcinogens—substances that don’t create cancer cells but rouse them from their slumber?” (interactions, synergy, & sensitization/frailty as the dark matter of oncogenesis)
“The Art of the Shadow: How Painters Have Gotten It Wrong for Centuries”
“Layla”, Yassine Meskhout (pet cat obituary); “Why the World’s First Pet Cemetery Was Revolutionary: A new book charts the history of pet cemeteries and honors the universal experience of grieving an animal companion”; “You have a sad feeling for a moment, then it passes.”
“Cats are (almost) liquid!—Cats selectively rely on body size awareness when negotiating short openings”, 2024 (important implications for how you’d design houses and other things for cats—tall & narrow: good; short & wide: bad.)
Irreversible perceptions: McCollough effect (seeing some optical illusions can irreversibly change how you see, without you knowing or being able to communicate it, and all you can do is wait for it to go away)
“Houdini’s Impossible Demonstration”, 2006 (how Conan Doyle was fooled; magic is doing more work than any reasonable person would expect)
“The development of the chemical high pressure method during the establishment of the new ammonia industry”, 1932 (triumphs of early large-scale industrial science: the slow dogged development of the Haber-Bosch process); Paul Darwin Foote (1888–83197154ya) § “The Temperature of Heaven & Hell”
“Reflections on Palantir”, Nabeel S. 2024
Balance bikes (apparently we were teaching kids how to ride a bicycle wrongly until 199728ya! and average age has dropped by 1 year)
Ribbonfarm is retiring; “Life, death, and retirement”, Bruce Dawson (HN; retiring early from Google after his wife abruptly died of pancreatitis; “is this time well spent?”)
“Marriage of Many Years”, Dana Gioia (2016); “Smooth Between Sea and Land”, A. E. Housman
Fleep, Jason 2002 (a man who wakes up in a phone booth encased in concrete)
My Deer Friend Nokotan (despite some bright spots like the final episode or the surprisingly effective use of deliberately-crude 3D deer models, Nokotan is weighed down into comedic mediocrity by a lack of ideas, a leaden supporting cast, and a tiredly predictable tsukkomi/boke dynamic, and cannot live up to standards like Azumanga Daioh or Nichijou; better enjoyed as memes on social media / video excerpts like the immediately-famous Bully Maguire dance. Given how exhausted it is after a short 1-cours, I will be passing on the rest.)