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Elon Musk & Bipolar Disorder

Review of evidence for Elon Musk being on the bipolar mood disorder spectrum.

I reinvented electric cars and I’m sending people to Mars on a rocket ship. Did you think I was going to be a chill, normal dude?


Entrepreneur Elon Musk has baffled observers seeking rational explanations of his success or ‘4D chess’; a major irrational explanation, however, is that Musk is likely on the mood disorder spectrum—in particular, high-functioning bipolar disorder with hypomania (bipolar II disorder). Some observations, from general to specific:

  • Bipolar disorder is not rare, but common: 13% prevalence (ie. ~3–9 million people in the USA alone, or more than the Jewish; and >80m worldwide, or the population of Germany), and is a leading burden of mental disease. (How many people, celebrities or historical figures can you think of with bipolar? And is that more or less than 3%?)

  • Like most mental disorders, bipolar is comorbid with other mental disorders (correlated phenotypically & genetically)—especially autism, which can mask depression

    • Unusually among mental disorders, bipolar disorder appears uncorrelated or positively correlated with traits like intelligence, education, and SES (perhaps connected to the autism correlation), and so is more common than one would expect among elites (tail effects)

  • Bipolar is especially common among risk-taking careers, such as entrepreneurs

  • Bipolar is much more obscure than other psychiatric disorders of comparable prevalence like schizophrenia, despite being quite dangerous (manic episodes can destroy lives & careers, while depressive episodes cause suicide)

  • Bipolar is under-diagnosed, like personality disorders: people often never seek diagnosis, especially when they enjoy the highs (“The reality is great highs”), and clinicians often differ in diagnosis.

    • Mood disorders can be hidden in plain sight, as the manic aspects get written off as merely a ‘public persona’1 or ‘moodiness’ or ‘having a temper’ & the depressive phases are inherently self-concealing or excusable as “burnout” etc

      eg. Andy Dunn; SF author Harlan Ellison, who was diagnosed aged ~77 (and only after a suicide attempt with a gun and involuntary commitment and extraordinary intervention by his family & friends); or Elon Musk’s friend, Kanye West, who was diagnosed with bipolar in 2016, to the surprise of an adoring public—at least, adoring before West’s increasingly erratic behind-the-scenes behavior as he “resisted treatment” finally bled out into highly-public manic phases that destroyed his career. (Or, have you ever noticed how, pre-lithium, famous hardworking figures without tuberculosis are constantly having “nervous breakdowns” or developing “neurasthenia”, and needing to recover in sanatoriums or hot springs?)

  • Bipolar is highly heritable and runs in families; Elon Musk has a family history of “wanderers and adventurers”: “Our family is different from other people. We risk more.” (Tosca Musk)

    • Elon’s father Errol Musk has a striking personality & career I will not attempt to summarize here (as does his maternal grandfather, Joshua N. Haldeman).

      But I will note that Elon describes Errol as undergoing a strange transition in his 40s–50s where his “mood swings” became destructive and “he went from being great at engineering to believing in witchcraft. But somehow he made that evolution” or making bizarre claims like “in the United States the president is considered divine and cannot be criticized”; and that Elon’s family would warn him when he was “turning into your father”. (Isaacson, “Jekyll and Hyde”)2

  • Mood disorders persist over a lifetime—as have Musk’s impulsive decisions.

    • Musk’s risk-taking & persuasiveness are described by family & friends as emerging in adolescence—long after his autism spectrum disorder traits became apparent as a child, but more consistent with mood disorder lifecycles

    • Musk has engaged in unwarranted risk-taking at least since college, long predating more famous SpaceX/Tesla/Twitter risks, eg. refusing to get insurance on his McLaren supercar (which represented a meaningful percentage of his net worth3) because he didn’t think he would crash it (and then crashing it).

    • Even at age 51 he makes snap-decisions like purchasing Twitter (in order to make changes like renaming it to “X” or change the tweet text to “What is happening?​!”)

  • Hypomania is associated with:

    • “notable decrease in the need for sleep, an overall increase in energy, unusual behaviors and actions, and a markedly distinctive increase in talkativeness and confidence, commonly exhibited with a flight of creative ideas.”

    • “feelings of grandiosity, distractibility, and hypersexuality”;

      • Musk has an admitted hero complex and routinely attempts to do things like broker peace between Ukraine & Russia or propose that Taiwan become a part of CCP China (by adopting Hong Kong’s successful one-country-two-systems approach).

      • binge-buying behavior, often accompanied by grandiose plans for the purchases; Musk routinely goes through purchase fads of new toys he loses interest in, ranging from stunts like flamethrowers to submarine-cars—a James Bond movie prop called “Wet Nellie” purchased in 201312ya for ~$1.5$12013m with grand plans to turn into a true submarine-car using Tesla car parts, and never heard of since.

        This particularly characterizes his Twitter purchase—as one person with bipolar put it, “Him purchasing Twitter reminds me of people who buy boats/homes in mania”; Isaacson characterized Musk’s main motivation as making a lot of money and then saying “I didn’t want to just leave it in the bank”.

      • Musk is notoriously distractible, and distracted by his accumulating businesses & Twitter use; his schedule is irregular in the extreme.

        Musk relies on executives like Gwynne Shotwell or Jon McNeill to actually run his companies, while the executives at his companies like Tesla rely on manipulation of his distractibility & outlasting his short attention span to avoid disastrous decisions by the “king-crazy” Techno-Emperor of the Universe.

        When employees are not able to defuse Musk delusions (like a driving-wheel-less Model 3 using solely FSD), Musk will make disastrous decisions like the Model 3 ‘alien dreadnought’ debacle that brought Tesla to its knees, the Cybertruck, or the Twitter acquisition (which has wasted almost 2 years of Musk’s life, much of his reputation, −$20b+, and counting).

        Musk routinely makes absurd claims he apparently genuinely believes & repeats in private, like that a federal judge in Delaware would not force him purchase Twitter, despite his having signed an ironclad contract to do so, because “It would not pass muster with the public.” (Eventually, as his mood cycled, his belief flipped to the opposite: “I should just pay full price…The potential is so great…These [Twitter] people are…such blockheads and idiots.” As of November 2023, Musk’s return on his Twitter investment has been −72%.)

      • Musk has married 3× and had 1 mistress and unknown number of girlfriends at SpaceX & elsewhere5, had >11 children, & a flight attendant sex scandal6 (thus far)

  • Severe mood dysregulation/lability:

    • Musk, unusually among CEOs, appears highly sensitive to criticism and at times almost about to cry

    • “Demon mode”: whiplashes between munificent & magniloquent moods to malicious (“light and dark, intense and goofy, detached and emotional, with occasional plunges into what people around him call ‘demon mode’”)

  • Depressive phases:

    • Acknowledgement of suicidal ideation in adolescence (accompanied by “very wild storm” of thought & “demons…for the most part, harnessed to productive ends [but] Once in a while, they, you know, go wrong.”)

    • Musk self-medicates with ketamine; Musk has reportedly told people he microdoses ketamine to treat “depression”7, referring to suffering from “terrible lows”

    • Catatonia: catatonia is one of the most signature features of bipolar, while highly unusual elsewhere; biographers have often described Musk freezing for periods of time, describing it as for thinking, leaving catatonia ambiguous (if they have ever heard of it) but biographer Walter Isaacson describes “foul moods that led to catatonic trances and depressive paralysis” during depressive phases, severely interfering with running companies, where Musk would lay on the floor paralyzed in the dark, unable to carry out critical duties like Wall Street earnings calls8. (Employees would desperately rouse Musk long enough to give an initial speech, and then take over when Musk collapsed back into his withdrawn catatonia.)

      These catatonic episodes led an employee with a bipolar relative to convince Musk to seek treatment for bipolar disorder; Musk ultimately did not.

    • Walter Isaacson, after two years shadowing Musk, admits that the “mercurial” Musk could “fluctuate wildly” with “erratic emotional oscillations” and go from ‘very excited’ to ‘somber’, noting that “Musk goes through manic mood swings and deep depressions” (emphasis added).

      Musk periodically mentions his depressive phases and the struggle to “not look like the most depressed guy around.” (in part by leaning on stimulants like caffeine) and the fear of being alone

Is it any surprise that Elon Musk has stated publicly on Twitter & to Isaacson that he may be bipolar, employees urge him to seek treatment for bipolar, and a number of psychiatrists & other observers have speculated about bipolar disorder?

  1. Aside from ‘Ye’, see also Hank Asher, Tim Ferriss, Geohot, Martin Shkreli, Ridley Scott (who is fascinated by Napoleon Bonaparte).

    • A particularly sobering example of the masking effects of fame & wealth & PR handlers is Tony Hsieh: despite multiple severe substance abuse disorders, there was little or no public knowledge until he burned himself to death in a freak accident involving nitrous oxide inhalers—his circle of sycophants & enablers, and Hsieh himself, had successfully driven away anyone who might criticize him or blow the whistle.

    • Kanye West, for example, appears to have taken everyone by surprise, as all public commentators apparently bought excuses like “exhaustion” for his 2016 psychotic break & hospitalization prior to his public announcement of a bipolar diagnosis; indeed, even afterwards, when all of the subsequent behaviors became public knowledge as well, commentators often seek to explain a Musk or Kanye as anything other than bipolar disorder (autism is the catch-all diagnosis these days).

      This shows the success of compartmentalization, legal & financial settlements, confidentiality requirements, and the general refusal to connect dots.

    J. Michael Straczynski describes meeting Harlan Ellison for the first time, 30 years pre-diagnosis, and thinking Ellison obviously had bipolar:

    “They’ll be out until three in the morning”, Arthur said as he and Lydia began clearing up the debris. “Swear to God, the man doesn’t sleep. Don’t know where he gets the energy.” And as he said it, the two pieces of data that had been searching for each other in my head finally connected. The first was Harlan’s nonstop performance, which was less a matter of high-spirited energy than manic behavior: compulsive, extreme, and over the top, constantly searching for the laugh, the shocked reaction, the acknowledgment. The second piece of data was a documentary I’d seen while getting my psychology degree: a hospital interview with a manic patient during one of his episodes of mania. The vibe was exactly the same: the loudness, the nonstop patter, the restlessness and inability to sit still for any amount of time, with zero attention span and a need to keep changing subjects, the mood elevated and euphoric and at times nearly hysterical.

    But doubting himself: “Besides, if he was manic, or manic-depressive, in all this time surely someone would’ve noticed. Somebody would’ve said something, right?”

    Straczynski also notes how bipolar presentation can change over a lifetime, from an energetic charming bipolar, to “angry mania” in the second half of life, characterized by increasing volatility, irritability, anger, erratic emotionality, & attempts at humor that are inappropriate or backfire: “As they grow older, their actions become increasingly inappropriate and, eventually, self-destructive…The person can jump between smiling and happy, sullen and angry, and depressed and lost on a daily, sometimes hourly basis.”↩︎

  2. Isaacson2023, Chapter 5, “Escape Velocity: Leaving South Africa, 198936ya § Jekyll and Hyde”:

    At age 17, after 7 years of living with his father [~1988, so Errol is age ~42], Elon realized that he would have to escape. Life with him had become increasingly unnerving.

    There were times when Errol would be jovial and fun, but occasionally he would become dark, verbally abusive, and possessed by fantasies and conspiracies. “His mood could change on a dime”, Tosca says. “Everything could be super, then within a second he would be vicious and spewing abuse.” It was almost as if he had a split personality. “One minute he would be super friendly”, Kimbal says, “and the next he would be screaming at you, lecturing you for hours—literally two or three hours while he forced you to just stand there—calling you worthless, pathetic, making scarring and evil comments, not allowing you to leave.”

    Elon’s cousins became reluctant to visit. “You never knew what you were in for”, Peter Rive says. “Sometimes Errol would be like, ‘I just got us some new motorbikes so let’s jump on them.’ At other times he would be angry and threatening and, oh fuck, make you clean the toilets with a toothbrush.” When Peter tells me this, he pauses for a moment and then, a bit hesitantly, notes that Elon sometimes has similar mood swings. “When Elon’s in a good mood, it’s like the coolest, funnest thing in the world. And when he’s in a bad mood, he goes really dark, and you’re just walking on eggshells.”

    One day Peter came over to the house and found Errol sitting in his underwear at the kitchen table with a plastic roulette wheel. He was trying to see whether microwaves could affect it. He would spin the wheel, mark down the result, then spin it and put it in a microwave oven and record the result. “It was nuts”, Peter says. Errol had become convinced that he could find a system for beating the game. He dragged Elon to the Pretoria casino many times, dressing him up so that he looked older than sixteen, and had him write down the numbers while Errol used a calculator hidden under a betting card.

    Elon went to the library and read a few books on roulette and even wrote a roulette simulation program on his computer. He then tried to convince his father that none of his schemes would work. But Errol believed that he had found a deeper truth about probability and, as he later described it to me, an “almost total solution to what is called randomness.” When I asked him to explain it, he said, “There are no ‘random events’ or ‘chance.’ All events follow the Fibonacci Sequence, like the Mandelbrot Set. I went on to discover the relationship between ‘chance’ and the Fibonacci Sequence. This is the subject for a scientific paper. If I share it, all activities relying on ‘chance’ will be ruined, so I am in doubt as to doing that.”

    I’m not quite sure what all that means. Neither is Elon: “I don’t know how he went from being great at engineering to believing in witchcraft. But he somehow made that evolution.” Errol can be very forceful and occasionally convincing. “He changes reality around him”, Kimbal says. “He will literally make up things, but he actually believes his own false reality.”

    Sometimes Errol would make sweeping assertions to his kids that were unconnected to facts, such as insisting that in the United States the president is considered divine and cannot be criticized. At other times he would weave fanciful tales that cast himself as either the hero or the victim. All would be asserted with such conviction that Elon and Kimbal would find themselves questioning their own view of reality. “Can you imagine growing up like that?” Kimbal asks. “It was mental torture, and it infects you. You end up asking, ‘What is reality?’ ”

    I found myself getting caught up in Errol’s tangled web. In a series of calls and emails over the course of two years, he gave me varying accounts of his relationship with, and his feelings for, his kids, Maye, and his stepdaughter [Jana Bezuidenhout], with whom he would have two children (more on that later). “Elon and Kimbal have developed their own narrative about what I was like, and it doesn’t accord with the facts”, he claims. Their tales about him being psychologically abusive, he insists, are told to please their mother. But when I press him, he tells me to go with their version. “I don’t care if they choose a different narrative, as long as they are happy. I have no desire for it to be my word versus theirs. Let them have the floor.”

    When talking about his father, Elon will sometimes let loose a laugh, a somewhat harsh and bitter one. It’s similar to the laugh that his father has. Some of the words Elon uses, the way he stares, his sudden transitions from light to dark to light, remind his family members of the Errol simmering inside of him. “I would see shades of these horrible stories Elon told me surface in his own behavior”, says Justine, Elon’s first wife. [married Elon in 200025ya, when he was age ~29] “It made me realize how difficult it is not to be shaped by what we grew up with, even when that’s not what we want.” Every now and then, she dared to say something like “You’re turning into your father.” She explains, “It was our code phrase to warn him that he was going into the realm of darkness.”

    …Level five of Father’s Day2022 may have been the spookiest of them all. It involved, alas, his own estranged father, Errol Musk.

    In an email to Elon dated “Father’s Day”, Errol wrote, “I’m sitting here freezing cold in a hanger wrapped in blankets and newspapers. There is no electricity. If I’m bothered to write to you like this, you can bother to read it.” That was followed by a rambling screed in which he called Biden a “freak, criminal, pedophile president” who was out to destroy everything that the U.S. stood for, “including you.” Black leaders in South Africa, he said, were engaged in anti-white racism. “With no Whites here, the Blacks will go back to the trees.” Vladimir Putin was “the only world leader talking.” He followed up with a subsequent email showing a picture of a stadium scoreboard saying, “TRUMP WON—F✱✱K Joe Biden”, adding the comment, “This is irrefutable.”

    Errol’s letter was startling on so many levels, most notably his racism. But one other aspect would have an unsettling resonance later that year: how conspiratorial he had become. He had gone down the alt-right rabbit holes of labeling Biden a pedophile and praising Putin. And in other posts and emails, he denounced COVID as “a lie”, attacked COVID expert Anthony Fauci, and claimed that the vaccines were deadly, positions Elon would later echo…He blamed Elon’s attitude on the “National Socialist, cruel, self-serving and cowardly maternal family background”, adding, “Has the wickedness that was the [Mae] Haldeman’s prevailed?” As if following a perverse script, Father’s Day2022 brought one more complication to this situation. Errol revealed that he had fathered a second child with Jana, a daughter. “The only thing we are on Earth for is to reproduce”, he said. “If I could have another child I would. I can’t see any reason not to.”

  3. At $2.11$11999m+, the car was >5% of his wealth since he reportedly earned $42.18$201999m from the Zip2 sale. Fortunately, he did not crash the small plane he bought & was learning to fly at the same time, and die or suffer traumatic brain injuries like many small aviation enthusiasts (eg. Steve Wozniak, or just in March 2024, Simon Riggs & the Petrushkas).↩︎

  4. Musk’s taste in video games have evolved from the relatively intellectual stratey game (Isaacson ch69 describes Musk as having started with Civilization & Warcraft 1, turning to Polytopia c. 2020), before turning post-Twitter to twitchy intermittent-reinforcement-heavy Dark Soul or Diablo-likes, such as Elden Ring or Path of Exile 2. He apparently is not able to play them very well, and has lied about buying accounts from more successful players.↩︎

  5. See also Errol Musk’s 7 children & 3 wives (the last of whom was also his step-daughter by his second wife).↩︎

  6. Musk justifies this behavior in part by appealing to concerns about long-term Western demographic collapse in decades or centuries to come (concerns few experts agree with and which have poor historical track records), and despite his techno-optimism, and indeed, his own projects like intended to create AGI within years.↩︎

  7. Given the poor track record of microdosing and the mechanics of ketamine’s short-run anti-depressant effect, this would probably not work well, and although the timings remain unclear, Musk appears to still experience depressive phases. Musk prefers ketamine to standard depression treatments, harshly criticizing the use of long-acting SSRIs for depression.

    Interestingly, SSRIs are of unclear efficacy & sometimes said to worsen depressive phases in individuals who have bipolar II instead of ordinary MDD. Kanye West, for example, has criticized anti-depressants. (Has Musk been prescribed SSRIs before for ‘simple’ depression?)↩︎

  8. Isaacson2023, Elon Musk § “Are you bipolar?”

    Devastated by the breakup with Amber Heard and the news that his father had a child with the woman he had raised as his stepdaughter, Musk went through periods when he oscillated between depression, stupor, giddiness, and manic energy. He would fall into foul moods that led to almost catatonic trances and depressive paralysis. Then, as if a switch flipped, he would become giddy and replay old Monty Python skits of silly walks and wacky debates, breaking into his stuttering laugh. Professionally and emotionally, the summer of 2017 through the fall of 2018 would be the most hellacious period of his life, even worse than the crises of 200817ya. “That was the time of most concentrated pain I’ve ever had”, he says. “18 months of unrelenting insanity. It was mind-bogglingly painful.”

    At one point in late 2017, he was scheduled to be on a Tesla earnings call with Wall Street analysts. Jon McNeill, who was then Tesla’s president, found him lying on the floor of the conference room with the lights off. McNeill went over and lay down next to him in the corner. “Hey, pal”, McNeill said. “We’ve got an earnings call to do.”

    “I can’t do it”, Musk said.

    “You have to”, McNeill replied.

    It took McNeill a half-hour to get him moving. “He came from a comatose state to a place where we could actually get him in the chair, get other people in the room, get him through his opening statement, and then cover for him”, McNeill recalls. Once it was over, Musk said, “I’ve got to lay down, I’ve got to shut off the lights. I just need some time alone.” McNeill said the same scene played out 5 or 6 times, including once when he had to lie on the conference room floor next to Musk to get his approval for a new website design.

    Around that time, Musk was asked by a user on Twitter if he was bipolar. “Yeah”, he answered. But he added that he had not been medically diagnosed. “Bad feelings correlate to bad events, so maybe the real problem is getting carried away for what I sign up for.” One day, when they were sitting in the Tesla conference room after one of Musk’s spells, McNeill asked him directly whether he was bipolar. When Musk said probably yes, McNeill pushed his chair back from the table and turned to talk to Musk eye to eye. “Look, I have a relative who is bipolar”, McNeill said. “I’ve had close experience with this. If you get good treatment and your meds dialed right, you can get back to who you are. The world needs you.” It was a healthy conversation, McNeill says, and Musk seemed to have a clear desire to get out of his messed-up headspace.

    But it didn’t happen. His way of dealing with his mental problems, he says when I ask, “is just take the pain and make sure you really care about what you’re doing.”


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