‘maze-running’ directory
- See Also
- Gwern
- “AI-Powered Rat Could Be a Valuable New Tool for Neuroscience: Researchers from DeepMind and Harvard Are Using a Virtual Rat to See What Neural Networks Can Teach Us about Biology ”, Gent 2020
- “Lack of Evidence for Associative Learning in Pea Plants ”, Markel 2020
- “A Review of the Historical Evolutionary Process of Dry and Water Maze Tests in Rodents ”, Mohseni et al 2020
- “Brainless but Multi-Headed: Decision Making by the Acellular Slime Mould Physarum Polycephalum ”, Beekman & Latty 2015
- “The Psychologist Who Empathized With Rats: James Tiptree Junior As Alice B. Sheldon, PhD ”, Elms 2004
- “Effects of Caffeine on Learning and Memory in Rats Tested in the Morris Water Maze ”, Angelucci 2002
- “Tolman and Tryon: Early Research on the Inheritance of the Ability to Learn ”, Innis 1992
- “Pre-Natal and Post-Natal Choline Supplementation Produces Long-Term Facilitation of Spatial Memory ”, Meck et al 1988
- “Surely You'Re Joking, Mr Feynman: The Amateur Scientist ”, Feynman 1985
- “Psychology at Michigan: The Pillsbury Years, 1897–1947 ”, Raphelson 1980
- “The Relation Of Active-Passive Movement And Perceptual Differentiation To Geographic Orientation ”, Burroughs 1979
- “The Sensory Basis of Spatial Memory in the Rat ”, Zoladek & Roberts 1978
- “Genetic Experiments With Animal Learning: A Critical Review ”
- “Behavioral Genetics [Annual Review] ”, McClearn 1970
- “Preference for Familiar versus Novel Stimuli As a Function of the Familiarity of the Environment ”, Sheldon 1969
- “Psychology At The University Of Michigan 1852–1950: Volume I: The History Of The Department Of Psychology ”, Raphelson 1968
- “Psychology At The University Of Michigan 1852–1950: Volume 2: Biographical Sketches Of Faculty Members Serving On The Staff During The Years 1897–1945 ”, Raphelson 1968b
- “Cues for Spontaneous Alternation ”, Douglas 1966
- Principles Of Animal Psychology (Enlarged Edition), Maier & Schneirla 1964
- “The Effect of Experimenter Bias on the Performance of the Albino Rat ”
- “The Influence of Work on Behavior ”, Solomon 1948
- “The Inheritance of Brightness and Dullness in Maze Learning Ability in the Rat ”, Heron 1941
- “A Kinesthetically Controlled Maze Habit in the Rat ”, Hunter 1940
- “Genetic Differences in Maze-Learning Ability in Rats (XIII) ”, Tryon 1940c
- “The Effects of Olfactory Cues on the Maze Learning of White Rats ”, Mand 1940
- “A Further Analysis of Reasoning in Rats: 1. The Influence of Trace-Aggregation on Problem Solving ”, Maier & Curtis 1937
- “The Effect of Floor Cues Upon the Mastery of the Unit-Alike Maze ”, Curtis 1936
- “Principles of Animal Psychology: Chapter 17: The Analysis of Maze Learning ”, Maier & Schneirla 1935
- “The Association Between Brain Size and Maze Ability in the White Rat ”, Hamilton 1935
- “Anticipation As a Factor in Maze Errors ”, Spragg 1933
- Maze Learning in Rats in the Absence of Specific Intra-Maze and Extra-Maze Stimuli, Honzik 1933
- “The Proprioceptive Ability of the White Rat ”, Dennis 1931
- “A Further Consideration of the Sensory Control of the Maze Habit in the White Rat ”, Hunter 1930
- “Spinal Conduction and Kinesthetic Sensitivity in the Maze Habit ”, Lashley & Ball 1929
- “An Unexpected Cue in Maze Learning ”, Shepard 1929
- “The Sensory Control of the White Rat in the Maze Habit ”, Dennis 1929
- “The Sensory Control of the Maze Habit in the White Rat ”, Hunter 1929
- “The Reliability of Rat Learning Scores from the Multiple-T Maze As Determined by Four Different Methods ”, Stone & Nyswander 1927
- “The Survival of the Maze Habit After Cerebellar Injuries ”, Lashley & McCarthy 1926
- “The Learning by White Rats of an Inclined Plane Maze ”, Dashiell & Helms 1925
- “The Temporal Maze and Kinesthetic Sensory Processes in the White Rat ”, Hunter 1920
- “Maze Studies With The White Rat: 2. Blind Animals ”, Carr 1917d
- “Maze Studies With The White Rat: 3. Anosmic Animals ”, Carr 1917e
- “Maze Studies With The White Rat: 1. Normal Animals ”, Carr 1917c
- “The Journal of Animal Behavior: Volume 7 § Pg159 ”, Carr et al 1917
- “The Journal of Animal Behavior: Volume 7 ”, Carr et al 1917
- “The Alternation Problem: A Preliminary Study ”, Carr 1917b
- “The White Rat and the Maze Problem: 3. The Introduction of a Tactile Control ”, Vincent 1915c
- “The White Rat and the Maze Problem: 4. The Number and Distribution of Errors—A Comparative Study ”, Vincent 1915d
- “The White Rat and the Maze Problem: 2. The Introduction of an Olfactory Control ”, Vincent 1915b
- “The White Rat and the Maze Problem: 1. The Introduction of a Visual Control ”, Vincent 1915
- “Experiments on Tactile Sensations in the White Rat ”, Bogardus & Henke 1911
- “Orientation in the White Rat ”, Carr & Watson 1908
- “Kinesthetic and Organic Sensations: Their Role in the Reactions of the White Rat to the Maze ”, Watson 1907
- “Experimental Study of the Mental Processes of the Rat. II ”, Small 1901
- Wikipedia
- Miscellaneous
- Bibliography
See Also
“Feynman’s Maze-Running Story ”, Gwern 2014
“Tryon’s Rat Experiment ”, Gwern 2020
“AI-Powered Rat Could Be a Valuable New Tool for Neuroscience: Researchers from DeepMind and Harvard Are Using a Virtual Rat to See What Neural Networks Can Teach Us about Biology ”, Gent 2020
“Lack of Evidence for Associative Learning in Pea Plants ”, Markel 2020
“A Review of the Historical Evolutionary Process of Dry and Water Maze Tests in Rodents ”, Mohseni et al 2020
A Review of the Historical Evolutionary Process of Dry and Water Maze Tests in Rodents
“Brainless but Multi-Headed: Decision Making by the Acellular Slime Mould Physarum Polycephalum ”, Beekman & Latty 2015
Brainless but Multi-Headed: Decision Making by the Acellular Slime Mould Physarum polycephalum
“The Psychologist Who Empathized With Rats: James Tiptree Junior As Alice B. Sheldon, PhD ”, Elms 2004
The Psychologist Who Empathized with Rats: James Tiptree Junior as Alice B. Sheldon, PhD
“Effects of Caffeine on Learning and Memory in Rats Tested in the Morris Water Maze ”, Angelucci 2002
Effects of caffeine on learning and memory in rats tested in the Morris water maze :
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“Tolman and Tryon: Early Research on the Inheritance of the Ability to Learn ”, Innis 1992
Tolman and Tryon: Early research on the inheritance of the ability to learn
“Pre-Natal and Post-Natal Choline Supplementation Produces Long-Term Facilitation of Spatial Memory ”, Meck et al 1988
Pre-natal and post-natal choline supplementation produces long-term facilitation of spatial memory
“Surely You'Re Joking, Mr Feynman: The Amateur Scientist ”, Feynman 1985
“Psychology at Michigan: The Pillsbury Years, 1897–1947 ”, Raphelson 1980
“The Relation Of Active-Passive Movement And Perceptual Differentiation To Geographic Orientation ”, Burroughs 1979
The Relation Of Active-Passive Movement And Perceptual Differentiation To Geographic Orientation :
“The Sensory Basis of Spatial Memory in the Rat ”, Zoladek & Roberts 1978
“Genetic Experiments With Animal Learning: A Critical Review ”
Genetic Experiments with Animal Learning: A Critical Review :
“Behavioral Genetics [Annual Review] ”, McClearn 1970
“Preference for Familiar versus Novel Stimuli As a Function of the Familiarity of the Environment ”, Sheldon 1969
Preference for familiar versus novel stimuli as a function of the familiarity of the environment
“Psychology At The University Of Michigan 1852–1950: Volume I: The History Of The Department Of Psychology ”, Raphelson 1968
“Psychology At The University Of Michigan 1852–1950: Volume 2: Biographical Sketches Of Faculty Members Serving On The Staff During The Years 1897–1945 ”, Raphelson 1968b
“Cues for Spontaneous Alternation ”, Douglas 1966
Principles Of Animal Psychology (Enlarged Edition), Maier & Schneirla 1964
“The Effect of Experimenter Bias on the Performance of the Albino Rat ”
The effect of experimenter bias on the performance of the albino rat
“The Influence of Work on Behavior ”, Solomon 1948
“The Inheritance of Brightness and Dullness in Maze Learning Ability in the Rat ”, Heron 1941
The Inheritance of Brightness and Dullness in Maze Learning Ability in the Rat :
“A Kinesthetically Controlled Maze Habit in the Rat ”, Hunter 1940
“Genetic Differences in Maze-Learning Ability in Rats (XIII) ”, Tryon 1940c
“The Effects of Olfactory Cues on the Maze Learning of White Rats ”, Mand 1940
The effects of olfactory cues on the maze learning of white rats
“A Further Analysis of Reasoning in Rats: 1. The Influence of Trace-Aggregation on Problem Solving ”, Maier & Curtis 1937
A further analysis of reasoning in rats: 1. The influence of trace-aggregation on problem solving
“The Effect of Floor Cues Upon the Mastery of the Unit-Alike Maze ”, Curtis 1936
The Effect of Floor Cues Upon the Mastery of the Unit-Alike Maze
“Principles of Animal Psychology: Chapter 17: The Analysis of Maze Learning ”, Maier & Schneirla 1935
Principles of Animal Psychology: Chapter 17: The Analysis of Maze Learning
“The Association Between Brain Size and Maze Ability in the White Rat ”, Hamilton 1935
The Association Between Brain Size and Maze Ability in the White Rat :
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“Anticipation As a Factor in Maze Errors ”, Spragg 1933
Maze Learning in Rats in the Absence of Specific Intra-Maze and Extra-Maze Stimuli, Honzik 1933
Maze learning in rats in the absence of specific intra-maze and extra-maze stimuli
“The Proprioceptive Ability of the White Rat ”, Dennis 1931
“A Further Consideration of the Sensory Control of the Maze Habit in the White Rat ”, Hunter 1930
A Further Consideration of the Sensory Control of the Maze Habit in the White Rat :
“Spinal Conduction and Kinesthetic Sensitivity in the Maze Habit ”, Lashley & Ball 1929
Spinal conduction and kinesthetic sensitivity in the maze habit
“An Unexpected Cue in Maze Learning ”, Shepard 1929
“The Sensory Control of the White Rat in the Maze Habit ”, Dennis 1929
“The Sensory Control of the Maze Habit in the White Rat ”, Hunter 1929
“The Reliability of Rat Learning Scores from the Multiple-T Maze As Determined by Four Different Methods ”, Stone & Nyswander 1927
“The Survival of the Maze Habit After Cerebellar Injuries ”, Lashley & McCarthy 1926
“The Learning by White Rats of an Inclined Plane Maze ”, Dashiell & Helms 1925
“The Temporal Maze and Kinesthetic Sensory Processes in the White Rat ”, Hunter 1920
The temporal maze and kinesthetic sensory processes in the white rat
“Maze Studies With The White Rat: 2. Blind Animals ”, Carr 1917d
“Maze Studies With The White Rat: 3. Anosmic Animals ”, Carr 1917e
“Maze Studies With The White Rat: 1. Normal Animals ”, Carr 1917c
“The Journal of Animal Behavior: Volume 7 § Pg159 ”, Carr et al 1917
“The Journal of Animal Behavior: Volume 7 ”, Carr et al 1917
The Journal of Animal Behavior: Volume 7 :
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“The Alternation Problem: A Preliminary Study ”, Carr 1917b
“The White Rat and the Maze Problem: 3. The Introduction of a Tactile Control ”, Vincent 1915c
The white rat and the maze problem: 3. The introduction of a tactile control
“The White Rat and the Maze Problem: 4. The Number and Distribution of Errors—A Comparative Study ”, Vincent 1915d
The white rat and the maze problem: 4. The number and distribution of errors—A comparative study :
“The White Rat and the Maze Problem: 2. The Introduction of an Olfactory Control ”, Vincent 1915b
The white rat and the maze problem: 2. The introduction of an olfactory control
“The White Rat and the Maze Problem: 1. The Introduction of a Visual Control ”, Vincent 1915
The white rat and the maze problem: 1. The introduction of a visual control
“Experiments on Tactile Sensations in the White Rat ”, Bogardus & Henke 1911
“Orientation in the White Rat ”, Carr & Watson 1908
“Kinesthetic and Organic Sensations: Their Role in the Reactions of the White Rat to the Maze ”, Watson 1907
Kinesthetic and organic sensations: Their role in the reactions of the white rat to the maze :
“Experimental Study of the Mental Processes of the Rat. II ”, Small 1901
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