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Penis Cakes
I'm Bill Kurtis. For centuries, men and women have searched for innovative
ways to stuff their mouths with enormous dicks. Whether single or looking,
straight or gay, happily married or fading quietly into the background
of an interminable bachelorette party, never forget that Valentine's
Day looms somewhere in your immediate future.
This year, instead of disposable diamonds, sappy love poems or a forgettable
second honeymoon, take a cue from the Rotten Library and lovingly craft
for your significant other something they can really choke down good and proper.
"Erotic" cakes have an uncertain history, since a cake can
only be defined abstractly: an amalgam of doughy, tactile ingredients smooshed
together and solidified to some degree—without necessarily being
placed against fire or inside a wood burning stove. In ancient times, cakes
were rolled or hand-pressed into patties which more closely resembled bread,
optionally sweetened with raisins, nuts, or honey. Whether or not turn- of-the-century
pattycakes will ever qualify as
"erotic" is a source of endless rivalry among today's leading anthropologists.
One point of scholarly agreement is that based on cave paintings and crude
etchings, boobs and boners sure looked weird back then.
Even the English word "cake" is an unfortunate
generational deritvative of the Norse word kaka, making a scholarly
review of penis cakes all the more childish. The ancient Greeks called their
cakes plakous, meaning flat --
but the word later evolved to evoke images of the placenta, introducing
concepts which could not be any less erotic and therefore
beyond the scope of this tutorial. Soap cakes and urinal cakes certainly
fit the Oxford English dictionary's limited description. They're typically
flat, and they have been glimpsed in or around the company of penises—although
their level of eroticism remains steadfastly relative to personal preference.
earliest cakely prototypes—erotic or otherwise—first
popped up in 17th century Europe, after technological advancements in ovens
and tin tray molds caught up to the availability of flour and refined sugar.
The erotic titty cakes and big-balled popovers we've come to know and love
emerged over time from flattened cookies and shortbreads.
Eventually, sweeter icings evolved from simple fruit garnishes
and glazes:
sticky, boiled compositions of sugar and egg whites. Several
generations of erotic chefs would live and die before refined
white flour and baking powder replaced yeast, making cakes ten times more
delicious and paving the way for more edible pastries truly worth knob-gobbling.
"You Design It, We'll Bake It" is the company motto of the world-famous
Kopps Bakery, where all the cakes are hand-carved and never made from
a mold. Kopps has been in business since 1961, and now boasts over 350 stores
around the globe. Their press release claims they can create "any design
you can imagine, from a couple making love to a hand-carved male organ or a
female torso with edible panties and bra". The
names of individual pastries in their bachelorette catalogue reads like a laundry
list of rejected Hustler magazine
copy: Dick Laying on Her Breasts, Ride 'Em Cowgirl on a Big Dick, Male
Organ in Butt, Long Thin Johnson in Big Black Ass (made to order)
—and the enigmatic Busted-Up Dick Cake That Had Cum for the Last Time.
Take at look at the artful, precision handiwork Kopps can deliver in
just under an hour:
Christ on the cross, maybe they do need a mold. Somebody get these folks a
muffin tin. Their online order form is similarly cluttered: just millimeters
away from the link to order a Big
Daddy Dick Cum Cake, one can accidentally click the Sesame Street
Elmo cake. Watch
those butterfingers, mom.
And watch those copyrights: a triple-tiered vanilla angel food cake fashioned
after your ex-boyfriend's cock sock will be easier to market and
sell than anything you've constructed with a Mickey
Mouse mold or Spongecake Squarepan. Respected baking supply companies like Sugarcraft of
Hamilton, Ohio specialize in the art of food decoration. They go out of
their way to distance themselves from clients who sell unauthorized cakes
made from molds of copyrighted characters like Winnie the Pooh, Barney, Dora
the Explorer and others. In dessert factories, the mantra is still "don't mess
with the mouse". Copyright police who show up to harass your small-scale bakery
are happy to set you up with a $10,000 fine.
Because of zoning regulations, chef Paul Condra's Erotic Bakery in
Seattle, Washington is the only full-time penis cake manufacturer in the Pacific
Northwest. Working with a two-man crew, Conda serves close to 150 customers
each day. "We're
very streamlined and efficient. The gummy boobs and gummy penises are very
popular," Condra told the University of Washington Daily. Since 1986,
Condra's penis cakes have remained the Erotic Bakery's best-selling items --
so popular, in fact, that the Erotic Bakery has branched out into a line of
paper goods: plates and napkins covered with penises, penis-shaped straws and
dry pasta fashioned after big bent boners.
hazards you
might encounter as a baker of erotic cakes are nuisances constructed
by cranky, uptight citizenry. In 2005, a Belgian woman sued the owner of a
private pastry boutique who dared to peddle erotic marzipan figures for Valentine's
Day. The woman claimed the cakes depicted sexual positions, and
argued that they shouldn't be publicly displayed in the baker's shop window.
The chef, identified by the Het Laatste news service only as Baker
Van Buggenhout (say it out loud if you wish) insisted that it was all
in fun—and that the figures didn't even show sexual organs.
"People laugh when they see them," the baker stated calmly, neither bugged
out nor on the verge of bugging out. "They buy them to give to their wives
or girlfriends." The elderly complainant who lived near the bakery shop window
insisted that by putting the erotic morsels on display, the baker was effectively
exposing children to pornography.
you seen what passes for window displays in Amsterdam? Hint: big floppy
half-naked prostitutes underneath
red light bulbs, none of which are made of fresh marzipan. And
as for you footloose and fancy-free gay dads, Kopps Bakery
more or less has you covered with treats like the Gay
Bed Cake and
the infamous Marzipan Men To Lick Cake. This treat features two cuddly
Ken doll look-a-likes, determined dongs pointing north, cavorting in the
yin-yang position. In
addition to misshapen lumps of frosting, Kopps' Erotic Bakery created the world's
largest chocolate cream pie for the Rosie O'Donnell show:
over six feet in diameter and 800 pounds. Then in 1998, they created the world's
largest Pop Tart, showcased in Madison Square Garden—25 feet by 35 feet,
weight over 1500 pounds.
your modeling skills are less than stellar—or the idea of squeezing dough
into crude shapes which only vaguely resemble testicles, penis cake
pans might
be the way to go. Suitable for shaping cookies, brownies, or Jell-O,
the majority of consumer peckerware and booby molding cups are dishwasher safe
and non-tarnishing. Naturally, they're available in a variety of "big
shapes, sizes and circumcisions—and quite perfect for raucous bachelorette
parties or nudging that long-awaited sexual harassment suit up into second
gear. For those even less talented in the cooking department, curiously-shaped cake
toppers are
an elegant afterthought. These are miniature, edible accoutrements, typically
made of marzipan or a gelatinous gummy bear substance, widely available in
novelty shops. Cake toppers can be squiggled and bent to represent numerical
shapes (Congrats On Your 40th) or fashioned from fine beeswax into proper
candles, affectionately referred to as dicks with wicks.
The inscriptions which traditionally accompany personalized erotic
cakes—penis and otherwise—range from lukewarm and uninspired to dull-as-an-office-party.
According to Masturbakers, a
custom cake and pastry manufacturer in New York, there are eight particularly
popular pieces of copy which never go out of style. In no particular order,
consider communicating your appreciation with clever quippery like Tits
Your Birthday, Breast Wishes, Make A Wish And Blow, This Butt's For You, To
Have And To Hold, The Breast Is Yet To Cum, and of course the old chestnuts A
Hard Man Is Good To Find and Have
Your Cake And Eat It Too.
cakes are reasonably priced: an extra large John Holmes cake will run
you about $100. A large Pussy cake,
meanwhile, goes for $65. The Tommy Lee, with optional tuxedo, will feed
anywhere from ten to twelve children for a modest $45. All the way across
the country—for $1,800—costume
and prop supplier Tim
Vittetoe Originals in
Washington state can
manufacture a pop-out stripper cake four feet in diameter, perfect
for stage shows or special events, and capable of supporting
overweight strippers weighing up to and including three hundred pounds! Gross.
Adam Roberts of Amateur Gourmet chose to immortalize floppy, disgusting
boobs in dessert form, he took a cue from the Janet Jackson Super Bowl incident.
Roberts found the perfect recipe for cappuccino cupcakes with cocoa-tinted
white chocolate and sour cream frosting. The hard part was making the
boobs just the right shade of brown, to match Ms. Jackson's skin tone. After
several experiments, he ended up sifting together powdered sugar with "a cautious
amount" of cocoa. A single Hershey's Kiss served as the nipple, piping white
icing in a spider web lattice to simulate the nipple jewelry. "The likeness
was uncanny," Roberts reported. So delighted was Adam with his erotic accomplishment
that he now sells T-shirts celebrating his Jackson cupcakes.
let's never forget the dutiful service record of Patrick
Stewart (a.k.a. Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Starship Enterprise) who
served as a guest host on Saturday Night Live in February of 1993.
One of the characters he chose to portray was a baker of erotic cakes, fixated
on one subject in particular. Let's ripple-dissolve
to the fading sound of angels strumming on flashback harps and remember that
classic sketch together.
Young Man: Yeah, my friend's having a bachelor party, and I thought
it might be kind of fun if I got him an erotic cake.
Picard: Well, you've come to the right place. I have the perfect sexy
cake for a bachelor party. [opens box]
Young Man: Looks like a woman going to the bathroom.
Picard: Yeah! It's very sexy.
Young Man: What else do you have?

Picard: Well, why don't we take a look at our catalogue? Here's a
woman squatting behind some bushes. The leaves are made of spun sugar. And
here's a lady using a little marzipan port-o-potty.
Young Man: So, all your cakes are women going to the bathroom?
Picard: Yeah. What's your point?
Young Man: Well, don't you have anything else?
Picard: Maybe you don't understand—this is an erotic bakery.
Young Man: I'm sorry, I just don't find this very erotic.
Picard: A woman going to the bathroom, you don't find it erotic?
Young Man: Not really.
Picard: Well then, what pray tell would you suggest we do put
on our erotic cakes?
Young Man: I don't know. People having sex. Female and male genitalia.
You know, something like that.
Well, if that's what you're after, I suggest you try Hostess or Sara
Young Man: Can't you just make a cake with a couple on it having sex?
Picard: All right, look. I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll make a cake
with a woman and a man going to the bathroom. And that way you'll be
happy and your friends will be happy.
Young Man: I don't think my friends would like that either.
Picard: Well, I would certainly like to meet these friends of yours
Young Man: Look, could we just have a cake with sex and no going to
the bathroom?
Picard: May I remind you that you're going to have to eat this
Today of course,
dirty pictures from your computer—even in GIF or JPEG format—can easily
be transferred photo realistically to a cake right in your own home, without
the hassle of nosy third-party erotic vendors or copyright enforcement police.
Feel free to do
it yourself: the CopyKake company in
Torrence, California sells edible inks offering outstanding color reproduction
with a minimum
of "head clogging," a common printing problem which sounds
conspicuously like the inspiration for an erotic cake in and of itself.
or otherwise, CopyKake's groundbreaking line of computerized cake decorating
products have helped bring erotic pastries into the twenty-first century. Sadly,
the majority of customers who purchase edible inks have yet to adequately exploit
the technology for the purposes of erotica.
Printers compatible with the Canon brand of bubble jets can be loaded
with edible ink cartridges—cyan, magenta, yellow and black. The unused inks
have a shelf life of six months, if properly refrigerated. Thermal reversibility
allows for an optimum ratio of colored inks to bond with the icing. Pornography
can be printed with these edible inks onto frosting sheets: light,
edible papers made of corn starch and sugar. The sheets, freshly inked, are
peeled from their backings and laid atop a refrigerated cake flat-frosted with
butter cream or non-dairy topping. In fifteen minutes, your hand-made erotic
cake will be more than ready to sproing on a loved one—just in time for
Valentine's Day.
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