May 2019 News
May 2019 newsletter with links on cloning, DRL, religion, parasites; 6 movie reviews.
May 2019’s newsletter is now out; previous, April 2019 (archives). This is a collation of links and summary of major changes, overlapping with my Changelog; brought to you by my donors on Patreon.
TWDNEv2: upgraded anime faces to ‘portrait’ samples (bigger crops of faces, showing ears/hats etc) & some 345M plot summaries; GPT-2 poetry: upgraded to 345M (plus new “nucleus sampling” generation)
Everything Is Heritable:
“Behavior Genetic Research Methods: Testing Quasi-Causal Hypotheses Using Multivariate Twin Data”, 2014
“How genome-wide association studies (GWAS) made traditional candidate gene studies obsolete”, et al 2019 (apropos of SSC on et al 2019 revisiting the candidate-gene & gene-environment debacles)
full genome synthesis of E. coli: 4 million base-pairs (media)
“Birth of clones of the world’s first cloned dog”, et al 2017 (“We’ll always have Snuppy. Here’s looking at you, pup.”)
“Adversarial Examples Are Not Bugs, They Are Features”, et al 2019 (‽)
“Meta-learning of Sequential Strategies”, et al 2019; “Reinforcement Learning, Fast and Slow”, et al 2019; “Meta-learners’ learning dynamics are unlike learners’”, 2019; “Ray Interference: a Source of Plateaus in Deep Reinforcement Learning”, et al 2019 ( Bayesian RL interpretations of meta-DRL & why DRL is so sample-inefficient)
“GROVER: Defending Against Neural Fake News”, et al 2019 (training a GPT-2-1.5b on news articles to generate super-realistic fake news: online demo; oddly, GROVER can also do fanfiction/riddles/poetry)
“EfficientNet: Rethinking Model Scaling for Convolutional Neural Networks”, 2019 (a simple architecture design trick to get new ImageNet SOTA at a fraction the model size; comments)
“Speech2Face: Learning the Face Behind a Voice”, et al 2019 (really?)
SOLAR: “Model-Based Reinforcement Learning from Pixels with Structured Latent Variable Models”, et al 2019; VICE-RAQ: “End-to-End Deep Reinforcement Learning without Reward Engineering”, et al 2019 (highly sample-efficient robot arm training)
Bruteforcing Breakout (optimal play by depth-first search of an approximate MDP in an optimized C++ simulator for 6 CPU-years, which is possible because your computer is faster than you think; crazy gameplay—like chess endgame tables, a glimpse of superintelligence)
“Objecting to experiments that compare two unobjectionable policies or treatments”, et al 2019
Life On the Infinite Farm, 2018 (Hilbert’s farm)
“Medieval Monogamy”, 1995
“‘This place is pryson’: review of Hermits and Anchorites in England, 1200–1550, ed Jones”
“Invisible Designers: Brain Evolution Through the Lens of Parasite Manipulation”, Del 2019 (SSC; is the complexity of brains largely accidental complexity, protective obfuscation against parasites, including design features like literally poisonous neurotransmitters?)
“The Family That Feels Almost No Pain: An Italian clan’s curious insensitivity to pain has piqued the interest of geneticists seeking a new understanding of how to treat physical suffering” (more fodder for my backstop essay)
“Strange-face illusions during eye-to-eye gazing in dyads: specific effects on derealization, depersonalization and dissociative identity”, 2019 (media; only sort of works for me)
“An astounding, one-of-a-kind trove of stories and drawings reveals what life was like for young men growing up in rural 19th-century America” (on the Nelson Brothers’ Colonial America paracosm, “the Big, Long, and Round Continents”)
“SpaceX Launches 60 Starlink Internet Satellites Into Orbit”
Rivest’s LCS35 time-lock crypto puzzle has been broken 15 years ahead of schedule by 2 different groups (HN; background on time-lock crypto)
RIP: FBI has seized Deep Dot Web and arrested its administrators (indictment; mirrors of select DDW pages)
“The Paris Compressed-Air Network” (cf. “The Paris Pneumatic Clock Network”)
“Dictionary of Numbers, Putting numbers in human terms” (a browser extension for replacing large numbers in text with familiar quantities, Fermi-estimate-style)
“The Optimistic Thought Experiment”, Thiel 200817ya (globalization, bubbles, technological progress, & survivorship bias)
“Killing Rabbits”, Miroslav Válek (WWII/Cold War/vegetarianism etc; from One Hundred Years of Slovak Literature: An Anthology, ed 2000)
Sicario (2015; cruelly perfect)
Terminator 2 (entertaining but aside from great style, has little substance; I spent much of the time thinking about how ‘cheap’ the liquid metal special effects look now but how cutting-edge & excruciating those special effects were to pull off in 199134ya: “The tech of Terminator 2—an oral history”)
Dialogues des Carmélites opera (review)
Laura (194481ya; film noir murder mystery which benefits from sharp dialogue and casting, even though the culprit turns out to be precisely who you would guess a few minutes in and can hardly be considered to be a ‘mystery’)
Pokémon Detective Pikachu (2019; review)
It Follows (201411ya; review)
Children Who Chase Lost Voices (201114ya; review)
“きらめきの谺” (Foxtail-Grass; ‘つきよがたり。’ {R15}) [folk]
“乱 -Ran-” (Stack; 第14回博麗神社例大祭 会場限定おまけCD {R14}) [rock]
“Till The Next Journey” (Ringing Volcano; A Wolf and Gensokyo {R14}) [folk]
“The Cattail’s Head” (Ringing Volcano; A Wolf and Gensokyo {R14}) [folk]
“A Pub” (Ringing Volcano; A Wolf and Gensokyo {R14}) [folk]
“The Ray of Light” (NAGI☆ feat. Vivienne; Increase Beat {R14}) [pop]
“The Daring Explorer” (Jyc Row; Jyc Row Orchestral Compilation Vol. 3—SOLAR {2018}) [instrumental rock]
“478,000 Miles (Shining Forth)” (loophoof; Rebirth {2018}) [house]
“Heir of the Moonlight (EnsionD remix)” (EnsionD & Synthis feat. FritzyBeat {2018}) [trance]
“エヴリデイドリーム” (c-hicken; My Secret Cute {M3-39}) [acoustic]