‘dog genetics’ directory
- See Also
- Gwern
- “Decoding Genetic Architecture of Dog Complex Traits by Constructing Fine-Scale Genomic Ancestry of Admixture ”, Zhao et al 2023
- “Is a Picture Worth 1,000 SNPs? Effects of User-Submitted Photographs on Ancestry Estimates from Direct-To-Consumer Canine Genetic Tests ”, Rando et al 2023
- “Comparative Genomics of Balto, a Famous Historic Dog, Captures Lost Diversity of 1920s Sled Dogs ”, Moon et al 2023
- “Hidden Details of World’s Most Famous Sled Dog Revealed in Massive Genomics Project: Hundreds of Genomes Clarify the Life of Balto and the Fate of Free Willy’s Peers ”, Pennisi 2023
- “Genetic Prevalence and Clinical Relevance of Canine Mendelian Disease Variants in over One Million Dogs ”, Donner et al 2022
- “DNA Methylation Clocks for Dogs and Humans ”, Horvath et al 2022
- “Predicting Dog Phenotypes from Genotypes ”, Bartusiak et al 2022
- “An Open Science Study of Ageing in Companion Dogs ”, Creevy et al 2022
- “The Effect of Inbreeding, Body Size and Morphology on Health in Dog Breeds ”, Bannasch et al 2021
- “Epigenetic Predictors of Maximum Lifespan and Other Life History Traits in Mammals ”, Li et al 2021
- “Genome-Scale Sequencing and Analysis of Human, Wolf and Bison DNA from 25,000 Year-Old Sediment ”, Gelabert et al 2021
- “Genome Scans of Dog Behavior Implicate a Gene Network Underlying Psychopathology in Mammals, including Humans ”, Zapata et al 2021
- “Dogs’ (Canis Lupus Familiaris) Behavioral Adaptations to a Human-Dominated Niche: A Review and Novel Hypothesis ”, Wynne 2021
- “Reconstructing the History of Founder Events Using Genome-Wide Patterns of Allele Sharing across Individuals ”, Tournebize et al 2020
- “Genetic Testing of Dogs Predicts Problem Behaviors in Clinical and Nonclinical Samples ”, Zapata et al 2020
- “Neuroanatomical Variation among Domestic Dog Breeds ”, Hecht et al 2019
- “Throwing the Baby Out With the Bath Water: Could Widespread Neutering of Companion Dogs Cause Problems at a Population Level? ”, Dawson et al 2019
- “Evidence of Large Genetic Influences on Dog Ownership in the Swedish Twin Registry Has Implications for Understanding Domestication and Health Associations ”, Fall et al 2019
- “Absolute Brain Size Predicts Dog Breed Differences in Executive Function ”, Horschler et al 2019
- “Highly Heritable and Functionally Relevant Breed Differences in Dog Behavior ”, MacLeant et al 2019
- “Direct-To-Consumer DNA Testing of 6,000 Dogs Reveals 98.6-Kb Duplication Associated With Blue Eyes and Heterochromia in Siberian Huskies ”, Deane-Coe et al 2018
- “Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor Genome Reveals Ancient Introgression from Coyotes to Arctic Sled Dogs ”, Wang et al 2018
- “Frequency and Distribution of 152 Genetic Disease Variants in over 100,000 Mixed Breed and Purebred Dogs ”, Donner et al 2018
- “Heritability of Behavioral Traits in Domestic Dogs: A Meta-Analysis ”, Hradecká et al 2018
- “Gene Editing Restores Dystrophin Expression in a Canine Model of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy ”, Amoasii1 et al 2018
- “Genetic Correlations of Hip Dysplasia Scores for Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers in France, Sweden and the UK ”, Wang et al 2017
- “Selective Sweep Analysis Using Village Dogs Highlights the Pivotal Role of the Neural Crest in Dog Domestication ”, Pendleton et al 2017
- “Demographic History, Selection and Functional Diversity of the Canine Genome ”, Ostrander et al 2017
- “Evolutionary History, Selective Sweeps, and Deleterious Variation in the Dog ”, Freedman et al 2016
- “Comparative Analysis of the Domestic Cat Genome Reveals Genetic Signatures Underlying Feline Biology and Domestication ”, Montague et al 2014
- “A Simple Genetic Architecture Underlies Morphological Variation in Dogs ”, Boyko et al 2010
- “An Expressed fgf4 Retrogene Is Associated With Breed-Defining Chondrodysplasia in Domestic Dogs. ”, Parker et al 2009
- “Genetic Variation in Aggression-Related Traits in Golden Retriever Dogs ”, Liinamo et al 2007
- “Traits and Genotypes May Predict the Successful Training of Drug Detection Dogs ”, Maejima et al 2007
- “Behavior Genetics [Of the Dog] ”, Takeuchi & Houpt 2003
- “Behavior Genetics of Canine Aggression: Behavioral Phenotyping of Golden Retrievers by means of an Aggression Test ”, Guinness 2003
- “Genetics of Behavior ”, Houpt & Willis 2001
- “Genetics of Quantitative Traits and Improvement of Dog Breeds ”, Famula 2001
- “Early Canid Domestication: The Farm-Fox Experiment: Foxes Bred for Tamability in a 40-Year Experiment Exhibit Remarkable Transformations That Suggest an Interplay between Behavioral Genetics and Development ”, Trut 1999
- “The Use of a Behavior Test for Selection of Dogs for Service and Breeding. II. Heritability for Tested Parameters and Effect of Selection Based on Service Dog Characteristics ”, Wilsson & Sundgren 1997b
- “The Use of a Behavior Test for the Selection of Dogs for Service and Breeding, I: Method of Testing and Evaluating Test Results in the Adult Dog, Demands on Different Kinds of Service Dogs, Sex and Breed Differences ”, Wilsson & Sundgren 1997
- “Environmental Effects and Genetic Parameters for Measurements of Hunting Performance in the Finnish Spitz ”, Karjalainen et al 1996
- “Genetic Aspects of Dog Behavior With Particular Reference to Working Ability ”, Willis 1995
- “Ontogeny of Approach and Flight Behavior towards Humans in Wolves, Poodles, and Wolf-Poodle Hybrids ”, Zimen 1987
- “Canine Behavioral Genetics—A Review ”, Mackenzie et al 1986
- “Heritability Estimate for Temperament Scores in German Shepherd Dogs and Its Genetic Correlation With Hip Dysplasia ”, Mackenzie et al 1985
- “Genetic and Environmental Factors Affecting the Suitability of Dogs As Guide Dogs for the Blind ”, Goddard & Beilharz 1982
- “Studies of the Inheritance of Intelligence and Temperament in Dogs ”, Dawson et al 1965
- Genetics and the Social Behavior of the Dog [Dog Behavior: The Genetic Basis], Scott & Fuller 1965
- “The Inheritance of Shyness in Dogs ”, Thorne 1944
- “Approach and Withdrawal Behavior in Dogs ”, Thorne 1940
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- Miscellaneous
- Bibliography
See Also
“Dog Cloning For Special Forces: Breed All You Can Breed ”, Gwern 2018
“Decoding Genetic Architecture of Dog Complex Traits by Constructing Fine-Scale Genomic Ancestry of Admixture ”, Zhao et al 2023
“Is a Picture Worth 1,000 SNPs? Effects of User-Submitted Photographs on Ancestry Estimates from Direct-To-Consumer Canine Genetic Tests ”, Rando et al 2023
“Comparative Genomics of Balto, a Famous Historic Dog, Captures Lost Diversity of 1920s Sled Dogs ”, Moon et al 2023
Comparative genomics of Balto, a famous historic dog, captures lost diversity of 1920s sled dogs
“Hidden Details of World’s Most Famous Sled Dog Revealed in Massive Genomics Project: Hundreds of Genomes Clarify the Life of Balto and the Fate of Free Willy’s Peers ”, Pennisi 2023
“Genetic Prevalence and Clinical Relevance of Canine Mendelian Disease Variants in over One Million Dogs ”, Donner et al 2022
“DNA Methylation Clocks for Dogs and Humans ”, Horvath et al 2022
“Predicting Dog Phenotypes from Genotypes ”, Bartusiak et al 2022
“An Open Science Study of Ageing in Companion Dogs ”, Creevy et al 2022
“The Effect of Inbreeding, Body Size and Morphology on Health in Dog Breeds ”, Bannasch et al 2021
The effect of inbreeding, body size and morphology on health in dog breeds
“Epigenetic Predictors of Maximum Lifespan and Other Life History Traits in Mammals ”, Li et al 2021
Epigenetic predictors of maximum lifespan and other life history traits in mammals
“Genome-Scale Sequencing and Analysis of Human, Wolf and Bison DNA from 25,000 Year-Old Sediment ”, Gelabert et al 2021
Genome-scale sequencing and analysis of human, wolf and bison DNA from 25,000 year-old sediment
“Genome Scans of Dog Behavior Implicate a Gene Network Underlying Psychopathology in Mammals, including Humans ”, Zapata et al 2021
“Dogs’ (Canis Lupus Familiaris) Behavioral Adaptations to a Human-Dominated Niche: A Review and Novel Hypothesis ”, Wynne 2021
“Reconstructing the History of Founder Events Using Genome-Wide Patterns of Allele Sharing across Individuals ”, Tournebize et al 2020
“Genetic Testing of Dogs Predicts Problem Behaviors in Clinical and Nonclinical Samples ”, Zapata et al 2020
Genetic testing of dogs predicts problem behaviors in clinical and nonclinical samples
“Neuroanatomical Variation among Domestic Dog Breeds ”, Hecht et al 2019
“Throwing the Baby Out With the Bath Water: Could Widespread Neutering of Companion Dogs Cause Problems at a Population Level? ”, Dawson et al 2019
“Evidence of Large Genetic Influences on Dog Ownership in the Swedish Twin Registry Has Implications for Understanding Domestication and Health Associations ”, Fall et al 2019
“Absolute Brain Size Predicts Dog Breed Differences in Executive Function ”, Horschler et al 2019
Absolute brain size predicts dog breed differences in executive function
“Highly Heritable and Functionally Relevant Breed Differences in Dog Behavior ”, MacLeant et al 2019
Highly Heritable and Functionally Relevant Breed Differences in Dog Behavior
“Direct-To-Consumer DNA Testing of 6,000 Dogs Reveals 98.6-Kb Duplication Associated With Blue Eyes and Heterochromia in Siberian Huskies ”, Deane-Coe et al 2018
“Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor Genome Reveals Ancient Introgression from Coyotes to Arctic Sled Dogs ”, Wang et al 2018
“Frequency and Distribution of 152 Genetic Disease Variants in over 100,000 Mixed Breed and Purebred Dogs ”, Donner et al 2018
“Heritability of Behavioral Traits in Domestic Dogs: A Meta-Analysis ”, Hradecká et al 2018
Heritability of behavioral traits in domestic dogs: A meta-analysis :
“Gene Editing Restores Dystrophin Expression in a Canine Model of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy ”, Amoasii1 et al 2018
Gene editing restores dystrophin expression in a canine model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy
“Genetic Correlations of Hip Dysplasia Scores for Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers in France, Sweden and the UK ”, Wang et al 2017
“Selective Sweep Analysis Using Village Dogs Highlights the Pivotal Role of the Neural Crest in Dog Domestication ”, Pendleton et al 2017
“Demographic History, Selection and Functional Diversity of the Canine Genome ”, Ostrander et al 2017
Demographic history, selection and functional diversity of the canine genome :
“Evolutionary History, Selective Sweeps, and Deleterious Variation in the Dog ”, Freedman et al 2016
Evolutionary History, Selective Sweeps, and Deleterious Variation in the Dog :
“Comparative Analysis of the Domestic Cat Genome Reveals Genetic Signatures Underlying Feline Biology and Domestication ”, Montague et al 2014
“A Simple Genetic Architecture Underlies Morphological Variation in Dogs ”, Boyko et al 2010
A Simple Genetic Architecture Underlies Morphological Variation in Dogs
“An Expressed fgf4 Retrogene Is Associated With Breed-Defining Chondrodysplasia in Domestic Dogs. ”, Parker et al 2009
An expressed fgf4 retrogene is associated with breed-defining chondrodysplasia in domestic dogs.
“Genetic Variation in Aggression-Related Traits in Golden Retriever Dogs ”, Liinamo et al 2007
Genetic variation in aggression-related traits in Golden Retriever dogs
“Traits and Genotypes May Predict the Successful Training of Drug Detection Dogs ”, Maejima et al 2007
Traits and genotypes may predict the successful training of drug detection dogs
“Behavior Genetics [Of the Dog] ”, Takeuchi & Houpt 2003
“Behavior Genetics of Canine Aggression: Behavioral Phenotyping of Golden Retrievers by means of an Aggression Test ”, Guinness 2003
“Genetics of Behavior ”, Houpt & Willis 2001
“Genetics of Quantitative Traits and Improvement of Dog Breeds ”, Famula 2001
Genetics of Quantitative Traits and Improvement of Dog Breeds :
“Early Canid Domestication: The Farm-Fox Experiment: Foxes Bred for Tamability in a 40-Year Experiment Exhibit Remarkable Transformations That Suggest an Interplay between Behavioral Genetics and Development ”, Trut 1999
“The Use of a Behavior Test for Selection of Dogs for Service and Breeding. II. Heritability for Tested Parameters and Effect of Selection Based on Service Dog Characteristics ”, Wilsson & Sundgren 1997b
“The Use of a Behavior Test for the Selection of Dogs for Service and Breeding, I: Method of Testing and Evaluating Test Results in the Adult Dog, Demands on Different Kinds of Service Dogs, Sex and Breed Differences ”, Wilsson & Sundgren 1997
“Environmental Effects and Genetic Parameters for Measurements of Hunting Performance in the Finnish Spitz ”, Karjalainen et al 1996
“Genetic Aspects of Dog Behavior With Particular Reference to Working Ability ”, Willis 1995
Genetic aspects of dog behavior with particular reference to working ability :
“Ontogeny of Approach and Flight Behavior towards Humans in Wolves, Poodles, and Wolf-Poodle Hybrids ”, Zimen 1987
Ontogeny of approach and flight behavior towards humans in wolves, poodles, and wolf-poodle hybrids :
“Canine Behavioral Genetics—A Review ”, Mackenzie et al 1986
“Heritability Estimate for Temperament Scores in German Shepherd Dogs and Its Genetic Correlation With Hip Dysplasia ”, Mackenzie et al 1985
“Genetic and Environmental Factors Affecting the Suitability of Dogs As Guide Dogs for the Blind ”, Goddard & Beilharz 1982
Genetic and environmental factors affecting the suitability of dogs as Guide Dogs for the Blind :
“Studies of the Inheritance of Intelligence and Temperament in Dogs ”, Dawson et al 1965
Studies of the inheritance of intelligence and temperament in dogs :
Genetics and the Social Behavior of the Dog [Dog Behavior: The Genetic Basis], Scott & Fuller 1965
Genetics and the Social Behavior of the Dog [Dog Behavior: The Genetic Basis]
“The Inheritance of Shyness in Dogs ”, Thorne 1944
“Approach and Withdrawal Behavior in Dogs ”, Thorne 1940
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: “Hidden Details of World’s Most Famous Sled Dog Revealed in Massive Genomics Project: Hundreds of Genomes Clarify the Life of Balto and the Fate of Free Willy’s Peers ”, -
: “DNA Methylation Clocks for Dogs and Humans ”, -
: “An Open Science Study of Ageing in Companion Dogs ”,