‘genetic correlation’ directory
- See Also
- Gwern
- “Genomic Taxometric Analysis of Negative Emotionality and Major Depressive Disorder Highlights a Gradient of Genetic Differentiation across the Severity Spectrum ”, Ennis et al 2025
- “Cognitive Rationality Is Heritable and Lies under General Cognitive Ability ”, Bates 2024
- “Extensive Antagonistic Variants across Human Genome ”, Bian et al 2024
- “Life without Sex: Large-Scale Study Links Sexlessness to Physical, Cognitive, and Personality Traits, Socioecological Factors, and DNA ”, Abdellaoui et al 2024
- “Understanding Indirect Assortative Mating and Its Intergenerational Consequences ”, Sunde et al 2024
- “The Genetic Architecture of Dog Ownership: Large-Scale Genome-Wide Association Study in 97,552 European-Ancestry Individuals ”, Gong et al 2024
- “Multi-Ancestry Meta-Analyses of Lung Cancer in the Million Veteran Program Reveal Novel Risk Loci and Elucidate Smoking-Independent Genetic Risk ”, Gorman et al 2024
- “Genetic Modifiers of Rare Variants in Monogenic Developmental Disorder Loci ”, Kingdom et al 2024
- “Genetic Influences on Depression and Selection into Adverse Life Experiences ”, Rauf & Freese 2024
- “Associations between Common Genetic Variants and Income Provide Insights about the Socioeconomic Health Gradient ”, Kweon et al 2024
- “Valid Inference for Machine Learning-Assisted GWAS ”, Miao et al 2024
- “Limited Psychological and Social Effects of Lifetime Cannabis Use Frequency: Evidence From a 30-Year Community Study of 4,078 Twins ”, Zellers et al 2024
- “Associations between Common Genetic Variants and Income Provide Insights about the Socio-Economic Health Gradient ”
- “Persistent Thinness and Anorexia Nervosa Differ on a Genomic Level ”, Hübel et al 2024
- “Unveiling the Epigenetic Impact of Vegan vs. Omnivorous Diets on Aging: Insights from the Twins Nutrition Study (TwiNS) ”, Dwaraka et al 2023
- “The Pleiotropic Architecture of Human Impulsivity across Biological Scales ”, Mallard et al 2023
- “Executive Function and Impulsivity Predict Distinct Genetic Variance in Internalizing Problems, Externalizing Problems, Thought Disorders, and Compulsive Disorders: A Genomic Structural Equation Modeling Study ”, Gustavson et al 2023
- “Self-Report Inaccuracy in the UK Biobank: Impact on Inference and Interplay With Selective Participation ”, Schoeler et al 2023
- “Genome-Wide Association Studies of Coffee Intake in UK/US Participants of European Ancestry Uncover Gene-Cohort Influences ”, Thorpe et al 2023
- “Characterizing the Phenotypic and Genetic Structure of Psychopathology in UK Biobank ”, Williams et al 2023
- “Music and Genetics ”, Wesseldijk et al 2023
- “Genetic Insights into Human Cortical Organization and Development through Genome-Wide Analyses of 2,347 Neuroimaging Phenotypes ”, Warrier et al 2023
- “Rare Coding Variants in Schizophrenia-Associated Genes Affect Generalised Cognition in the UK Biobank ”, Fenner et al 2023
- “Leveraging Fine-Scale Population Structure Reveals Conservation in Genetic Effect Sizes between Human Populations across a Range of Human Phenotypes ”, Hu et al 2023
- “Behavioral Genetics of Temporal Framing: Heritability of Time Perspective and Its Common Genetic Bases With Major Personality Traits ”, Stolarski et al 2023
- “Multi-PGS Enhances Polygenic Prediction by Combining 937 Polygenic Scores ”, Albiñana et al 2023
- “Genome-Wide Analyses Reveal Widespread Genetic Overlap between Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders and a Convergence of Biological Associations Related to the Brain ”, Smeland et al 2023
- “Novel Genomic Loci and Pathways Influence Patterns of Structural Covariance in the Human Brain ”, WEN et al 2023
- “Genetic Similarity between Relatives Provides Evidence on the Presence and History of Assortative Mating ”, Sunde et al 2023
- “Phenotypic Effects of Genetic Variants Associated With Autism ”, Rolland et al 2023
- “Age-Dependent Topic Modeling of Comorbidities in UK Biobank Identifies Disease Subtypes With Differential Genetic Risk ”, Jiang et al 2023
- “Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Co-Occurring Physical Health Conditions in Autism Spectrum Condition and Attention-Deficit/hyperactivity Disorder ”, Pan et al 2023
- “Evidence for the Role of Selection for Reproductively Advantageous Alleles in Human Aging ”, Long & Zhang 2023
- “Genetically and Environmentally Predicted Obesity in Relation to Cardiovascular Disease: a Nationwide Cohort Study ”, Ojalehto et al 2023
- “Genetic Contributions of Noncognitive Skills to Academic Development ”, Malanchini et al 2023
- “Contraception Ends the Genetic Maintenance of Human Same-Sex Sexual Behavior ”, Song & Zhang 2023
- “Genome-Wide Association Study of Traumatic Brain Injury in U.S. Military Veterans Enrolled in the VA Million Veteran Program ”, Merritt et al 2023
- “Uncovering the Heritable Components of Multi-Morbidities and Disease Trajectories: A Nationwide Cohort Study ”, Westergaard et al 2023
- “Common and Rare Variant Associations With Latent Traits Underlying Depression, Bipolar Disorder, and Schizophrenia ”, Dattani et al 2023
- “Relationship of Family Genetic Risk Score With Diagnostic Trajectory in a Swedish National Sample of Incident Cases of Major Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Other Non-Affective Psychosis, and Schizophrenia ”, Kendler et al 2023
- “The Genetic Architecture of the Human Skeletal Form ”, Kun et al 2023
- “Familial Aggregation of Multimorbidity in Sweden: a National Explorative Family Study ”, Zöller et al 2023
- “Shared Genetic Risk in the Association of Screen Time With Psychiatric Problems in Children ”, Zhang et al 2023
- “Identification of Novel, Replicable Genetic Risk Loci for Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Among US Military Veterans ”, Kimbrel et al 2022
- “A Multivariate Genetic Analysis of Anxiety Sensitivity, Environmental Sensitivity and Reported Life Events in Adolescents ”, Peel et al 2022
- “Associations between Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Genetic Liability and ICD-10 Medical Conditions in Adults: Utilizing Electronic Health Records in a Phenome-Wide Association Study ”, Haan et al 2022
- “Association of Prenatal Exposure to Benzodiazepines With Development of Autism Spectrum and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders ”, Chen et al 2022
- “Genomic Structural Equation Modeling Reveals Latent Phenotypes in the Human Cortex With Distinct Genetic Architecture ”, Morey et al 2022
- “Evidence of Familial Confounding of the Association between Cannabis Use and Cerebellar-Cortical Functional Connectivity Using a Twin Study ”, Sepe-Forrest et al 2022
- “Do Children Cause the Cognitive Stimulation They Receive? Modeling the Direction of Causality ”, Oginni & Stumm 2022
- “Stroke Genetics Informs Drug Discovery and Risk Prediction across Ancestries ”, Mishra et al 2022
- “Association of Whole-Person Eigen-Polygenic Risk Scores With Alzheimer’s Disease ”, Kharaghani et al 2022
- “Developmental Implications of Genetic Testing for Physical Indications ”, Baribeau et al 2022
- “Cognitive Functioning of Unaffected First-Degree Relatives of Individuals With Late-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis ”, Ramos et al 2022
- “Polygenic Influences Associated With Adolescent Cognitive Skills ”, Mitchell et al 2022
- “Using Twins to Assess What Might Have Been: The Co-Twin Control Design ”, Dijk et al 2022
- “Identification of 64 New Risk Loci for Major Depression, Refinement of the Genetic Architecture and Risk Prediction of Recurrence and Comorbidities ”, Als et al 2022
- “Causal Effects on Complex Traits Are Similar across Segments of Different Continental Ancestries within Admixed Individuals ”, Hou et al 2022
- “A Genome-Wide Association Study of Chinese and English Language Abilities in Hong Kong Chinese Children ”, Lin et al 2022
- “Use of Polygenic Risk Scores for Coronary Heart Disease in Ancestrally Diverse Populations ”, Dikilitas et al 2022
- “Development and Validation of a Trans-Ancestry Polygenic Risk Score for Type 2 Diabetes in Diverse Populations ”, Ge et al 2022
- “Statistical-Significance Tests for R2 of Out-Of-Sample Prediction Using Polygenic Scores ”, Momin et al 2022
- “Is an Elevated Family-Genetic Risk for Major Psychiatric Disorders Specific to Creative Occupations? ”, Kendler et al 2022b
- “Polygenic Transcriptome Risk Scores Can Translate Genetic Results Between Species ”, Santhanam et al 2022
- “Genome-Wide Large-Scale Multi-Trait Analysis Characterizes Global Patterns of Pleiotropy and Unique Trait-Specific Variants ”, Qi et al 2022
- “Testing Heritability of Moral Foundations: Common Pathway Models Support Strong Heritability for the Five Moral Foundations ”, Zakharin & Bates 2022
- “Genetic Architecture of the White Matter Connectome of the Human Brain ”, Sha et al 2022
- “Amplification Is the Primary Mode of Gene-By-Sex Interaction in Complex Human Traits ”, Zhu et al 2022
- “MegaBayesianAlphabet: Mega-Scale Bayesian Regression Methods for Genome-Wide Prediction and Association Studies With Thousands of Traits ”, Qu et al 2022
- “Magical Thinking in Individuals With High Polygenic Risk for Schizophrenia but No Non-Affective Psychoses—A General Population Study ”, Saarinen et al 2022
- “Not by g Alone: The Benefits of a College Education among Individuals With Low Levels of General Cognitive Ability ”, McGue et al 2022
- “Borderline Personality Disorder and the Big Five: Molecular Genetic Analyses Indicate Shared Genetic Architecture With Neuroticism and Openness ”, Streit et al 2022
- “Genetic Variants Associated With Longitudinal Changes in Brain Structure across the Lifespan ”, Brouwer et al 2022
- “Integrative Analysis of Metabolite GWAS Illuminates the Molecular Basis of Pleiotropy and Genetic Correlation ”, Smith et al 2022
- “Estimating Trans-Ancestry Genetic Correlation With Unbalanced Data Resources ”, Zhao et al 2022
- “Cross-Trait Assortative Mating Is Widespread and Inflates Genetic Correlation Estimates ”, Border et al 2022
- “Genetics, Leadership Position, and Well-Being: An Investigation With a Large-Scale GWAS ”, Song et al 2022
- “GWAS on Birth Year Infant Mortality Rates Provides Evidence of Recent Natural Selection ”, Wu et al 2022
- “Sex-Specific Genetic and Transcriptomic Liability to Neuroticism ”, Wendt et al 2022
- “Multivariate Genetic Analysis of Personality and Cognitive Traits Reveals Abundant Pleiotropy and Improves Prediction ”, Hindley et al 2022
- “Genome-Wide Analyses of ADHD Identify 27 Risk Loci, Refine the Genetic Architecture and Implicate Several Cognitive Domains ”, Demontis et al 2022
- “A Comprehensive Map of Genetic Relationships among Diagnostic Categories Based on 48.6 Million Relative Pairs from the Danish Genealogy ”, Athanasiadis et al 2022
- “Genome-Wide Association Meta-Analysis Identifies 29 New Acne Susceptibility Loci ”, Mitchell et al 2022
- “Genetic Risk Factors Have a Substantial Impact on Healthy Life Years ”, Jukarainen et al 2022
- “Heritability of Justice Sensitivity ”, Wang et al 2022f
- “Increased Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms in Non-Heterosexual Individuals: Moderation by Childhood Factors Using a Twin Design ”, Oginni et al 2022
- “Multivariate Genome-Wide Association Meta-Analysis of over 1 Million Subjects Identifies Loci Underlying Multiple Substance Use Disorders ”, Hatoum et al 2022
- “An In-Laboratory Stressor Reveals Unique Genetic Variation in Child Cortisol Output ”, Raffington et al 2022
- “Shared Brain and Genetic Architectures between Mental Health and Physical Activity ”, Zhang et al 2022
- “Associations of Parental and Perinatal Factors With Subsequent Risk of Stress-Related Disorders: a Nationwide Cohort Study With Sibling Comparison ”, Li et al 2022
- “Patient-Driven Findings of Genetic Associations for PANS and PANDAS ”, Horvath & Keating 2021
- “Familial Clustering of Psychiatric Disorders and Low IQ ”, Weiser et al 2021
- “Genome-Wide Association Study and Multi-Trait Analysis of Opioid Use Disorder Identifies Novel Associations in 639,709 Individuals of European and African Ancestry ”, Deak et al 2021
- “A Polygenic Score for Educational Attainment Partially Predicts Voter Turnout ”, Dawes et al 2021
- “Genetic Determinants of Liking and Intake of Coffee and Other Bitter Foods and Beverages ”, Cornelis & Dam 2021
- “Shared Components of Heritability across Genetically Correlated Traits ”, Ballard & O’Connor 2021
- “Dimensional Characterizations of Gender Diversity Are Associated With Higher Polygenic Propensity for Cognitive Performance in a Neurodiverse Sample ”, Thomas et al 2021
- “Novel Disease Associations With Schizophrenia Genetic Risk Revealed in ~400,000 UK Biobank Participants ”, Zhang et al 2021b
- “The Effects of Parenting on Early Adolescents’ Noncognitive Skills: Evidence from a Sample of Twins in Germany ”, Grätz et al 2021
- “Genome-Wide Association Analyses of Individual Differences in Quantitatively Assessed Reading-Related and Language-Related Skills in up to 34,000 People ”, Eising et al 2021
- “Genome-Wide Association Study of Cerebellar Volume ”, Tissink et al 2021
- “General Dimensions of Human Brain Morphometry Inferred from Genome-Wide Association Data ”, Fürtjes et al 2021
- “Genetic and Environmental Influences on Sleep-Wake Behaviors in Adolescence ”, O’Callaghan et al 2021
- “Genetic Contribution to Concern for Nature and Pro-Environmental Behavior ”, Chang et al 2021
- “Uncovering the Genetic Architecture of Broad Antisocial Behavior through a Genome-Wide Association Study Meta-Analysis. ”, Tielbeek et al 2021
- “Rare Variant Aggregation in 148,508 Exomes Identifies Genes Associated With Proxy Alzheimer’s Disease ”, Wightman et al 2021
- “Genetic Map of Regional Sulcal Morphology in the Human Brain ”, Sun et al 2021
- “Major Depressive Disorder and Lifestyle: Correlated Genetic Effects in Extended Twin Pedigrees ”, Huider et al 2021
- “Dissecting the Shared Genetic Architecture of Suicide Attempt, Psychiatric Disorders, and Known Risk Factors ”, Mullins et al 2021
- “Robust Genetic Nurture Effects on Education: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Based on 38,654 Families across 8 Cohorts ”, Wang et al 2021c
- “Polygenic Heterogeneity Across Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Subgroups Defined by a Comorbid Diagnosis ”, Strom et al 2021
- “Why Are Some People More Jealous Than Others? Genetic and Environmental Factors ”, Kupfer et al 2021
- “Differences in the Genetic Architecture of Common and Rare Variants in Childhood, Persistent and Late-Diagnosed Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ”, Rajagopal et al 2021
- “Genetic Correlates of Phenotypic Heterogeneity in Autism ”, Warrier et al 2021
- “Genome-Wide Association Meta-Analysis of Childhood and Adolescent Internalizing Symptoms ”, Jami et al 2021
- “Large-Scale Genome-Wide Association Study of Food Liking Reveals Genetic Determinants and Genetic Correlations With Distinct Neurophysiological Traits ”, May-Wilson et al 2021
- “On the Genetic and Environmental Relationship Between Suicide Attempt and Death by Suicide ”, Edwards et al 2021
- “Early Life Antibiotic Exposure and the Subsequent Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis ”, Yu et al 2021
- “Identification of Shared and Differentiating Genetic Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Case Subgroups ”, Mattheisen et al 2021
- “Item-Level Genome-Wide Association Study of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test in Three Population-Based Cohorts ”, Mallard et al 2021
- “Dissecting Polygenic Signals from Genome-Wide Association Studies on Human Behavior ”, Abdellaoui & Verweij 2021
- “Genetic Sensitivity Analysis: Adjusting for Genetic Confounding in Epidemiological Associations ”, Pingault et al 2021
- “Educational Attainment Has a Causal Effect on Economic, But Not Social Ideology: Evidence from Discordant Twins ”, Rasmussen et al 2021b
- “Constitutional Thinness and Anorexia Nervosa Differ on a Genomic Level ”, Hübel et al 2021
- “Evidence for Specificity of Polygenic Contributions to Attainment in English, Maths and Science during Adolescence ”, Donati et al 2021
- “Genetic and Environmental Architecture of Conscientiousness in Adolescence ”, Takahashi et al 2021
- “Genetic Variation, Brain, and Intelligence Differences ”, Deary et al 2021
- “Why Is Personality Tied to Sleep Quality? A Biometric Analysis of Twins ”, Krizan et al 2021
- “Genome-Wide Association Analyses of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Its Symptom Subdomains in the Million Veteran Program ”, Stein et al 2021
- “A Co-Twin Control Study of the Association Between Bullying Victimization and Self-Harm and Suicide Attempt in Adolescence ”, O’Reilly et al 2021
- “GWAS of 3 Molecular Traits Highlights Core Genes and Pathways alongside a Highly Polygenic Background ”, Sinnott-Armstrong et al 2021
- “Shared Heritability of Human Face and Brain Shape ”, Naqvi et al 2021
- “Analysis of Genetic and Environmental Correlation between Leisure Activities and Cognitive Function in Aging Chinese Twins ”, Xu et al 2020b
- “Inclusion of Variants Discovered from Diverse Populations Improves Polygenic Risk Score Transferability ”, Cavazos & Witte 2020
- “Integrating the Study of Personality and Psychopathology in the Context of Gene-Environment Correlations across Development ”, Perlstein & Waller 2020
- “Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis of Brain Volume Identifies Genomic Loci and Genes Shared With Intelligence ”, Jansen et al 2020
- “Multivariate Genomic Analysis of 1.5 Million People Identifies Genes Related to Addiction, Antisocial Behavior, and Health ”, Linnér et al 2020
- “Genetic Architecture of 11 Major Psychiatric Disorders at Biobehavioral, Functional Genomic, and Molecular Genetic Levels of Analysis ”, Grotzinger et al 2020
- “The Intersection of Individual Differences, Personality Variation, & Military Service: A Twin Comparison Design ”, Nedelec et al 2020
- “Genetic and Environmental Influences on Stressful Life Events and Their Associations With Executive Functions in Young Adulthood: A Longitudinal Twin Analysis ”, Morrison et al 2020
- “Common Variants Contribute to Intrinsic Human Brain Functional Networks ”, Zhao et al 2020
- “Mapping Genomic Loci Prioritises Genes and Implicates Synaptic Biology in Schizophrenia ”, Consortium et al 2020
- “‘Reports of My Death Were Greatly Exaggerated’: Behavior Genetics in the Postgenomic Era ”, Harden 2020
- “Multivariate GWAS of Psychiatric Disorders and Their Cardinal Symptoms Reveal Two Dimensions of Cross-Cutting Genetic Liabilities ”, Mallard et al 2020
- “GWAS of Over 427,000 Individuals Establishes GABAergic and Synaptic Molecular Pathways As Key for Cognitive Executive Functions ”, Hatoum et al 2020
- “Executive Functions and Intelligence—Are There Genetic Difference? ”, Nikolašević et al 2020
- “Shared Heritability of Face and Brain Shape Distinct from Cognitive Traits ”, Naqvi et al 2020
- “Polygenic Scores for Cognitive Abilities and Their Association With Different Aspects of General Intelligence—A Deep Phenotyping Approach ”, Genç et al 2020
- “Molecular Genetics, Risk Aversion, Return Perceptions, and Stock Market Participation ”, Sias et al 2020 (page 2)
- “Psychiatric Comorbidities in Asperger Syndrome Are Related With Polygenic Overlap and Differ from Other Autism Subtypes ”, González-Peñas et al 2020
- “HDL: High-Definition Likelihood Inference of Genetic Correlations across Human Complex Traits ”, Ning 2020
- “Specific Antisocial and Borderline Personality Disorder Criteria and General Substance Use: A Twin Study ”, Rosenström et al 2020
- “Does Listening to Music Increase Your Ability to Discriminate Musical Sounds? ”, Wesseldijk et al 2020
- “Sex-Biased Reduction in Reproductive Success Drives Selective Constraint on Human Genes ”, Gardner et al 2020
- “Genetic and Environmental Influences on the Developmental Trajectory of Callous-Unemotional Traits from Childhood to Adolescence ”, Takahashi et al 2020
- “Educational Attainment Polygenic Scores Are Associated With Cortical Total Surface Area and Regions Important for Language and Memory ”, Mitchell et al 2020
- “Conditional GWAS Analysis to Identify Disorder-Specific SNPs for Psychiatric Disorders ”, Byrne et al 2020
- “Genome-Wide Association Study of School Grades Identifies a Genetic Overlap between Language Ability, Psychopathology and Creativity ”, Rajagopal et al 2020
- “Local Genetic Correlation Analysis Reveals Heterogeneous Etiologic Sharing of Complex Traits ”, Zhang et al 2020
- “Co-Aggregation and Heritability of Organ-Specific Autoimmunity: a Population-Based Twin Study ”, Skov et al 2020
- “Need to Account for Familial Confounding in Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Prenatal Tobacco Smoke Exposure and Schizophrenia ”, Quinn et al 2020
- “Trans-Biobank Analysis With 676,000 Individuals Elucidates the Association of Polygenic Risk Scores of Complex Traits With Human Lifespan ”, Sakaue et al 2020
- “The Genetic Architecture of the Human Cerebral Cortex ”, Grasby et al 2020
- “Genome-Wide Association Study of Creativity Reveals Genetic Overlap With Psychiatric Disorders, Risk Tolerance, and Risky Behaviors ”, Li et al 2020c
- “Genetics of Schizophrenia in the South African Xhosa ”, Gulsuner et al 2020
- “Investigating the Genetic Architecture of Non-Cognitive Skills Using GWAS-By-Subtraction ”, Demange et al 2020
- “Extended Data Figure 2: GWAS Progress over Time. The Relationship of GWAS Associations to Sample-Size Is Shown in This Plot With Selected SCZ GWAS Meta-Analyses of the past 11 Years. The X-Axis Shows Number of Cases. The Y-Axis Shows the Number of Independent Loci Discovered With at Least One Genome-Wide Statistically-Significant Index SNP in the Discovery Meta-Analysis (Eg. without Replication Data)…The Slope of ~4 Newly Discovered Loci per 1,000 Cases 2013–2019 Increased to a Slope of ~6 With the Latest Sample-Size Increase. ”
- “Aggression Based Genome-Wide, Glutamatergic, Dopaminergic and Neuroendocrine Polygenic Risk Scores Predict Callous-Unemotional Traits ”, Ruisch 2020
- “A Large-Scale Genome-Wide Association Study Meta-Analysis of Cannabis Use Disorder ”, Johnson et al 2020
- “Genomic Relationships, Novel Loci, and Pleiotropic Mechanisms across Eight Psychiatric Disorders ”, Consortium 2019
- “Quantifying Genetic Heterogeneity between Continental Populations for Human Height and Body Mass Index ”, Guo et al 2019
- “Improved Polygenic Prediction by Bayesian Multiple Regression on Summary Statistics ”, Lloyd-Jones et al 2019
- “Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies 49 Common Genetic Variants Associated With Handedness ”, Partida et al 2019
- “The Genetics of Human Ageing ”, Melzer et al 2019
- “Investigating the Causal Effect of Cannabis Use on Cognitive Function With a Quasi-Experimental Co-Twin Design ”, Ross et al 2019
- “Contribution of Genetics to Visceral Adiposity and Its Relation to Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease ”, Karlsson et al 2019
- “Social and Non-Social Autism Symptoms and Trait Domains Are Genetically Dissociable ”, Warrier et al 2019
- “Assortative Mating and the Evolution of Desirability Covariation ”, Conroy-Beam et al 2019
- “Predicting Musical Aptitude and Achievement: Practice, Teaching, and Intelligence ”, Mosing et al 2019
- “Large-Scale GWAS Reveals Insights into the Genetic Architecture of Same-Sex Sexual Behavior ”, Ganna et al 2019
- “Identification of Type 2 Diabetes Loci in 433,540 East Asian Individuals ”, Spracklen et al 2019
- “Genetic Associations Between Executive Functions and a General Factor of Psychopathology ”, Harden et al 2019
- “The Genetics of Human Fertility ”, Kim & Lee 2019
- “GWAS of Brain Volume on 54,407 Individuals and Cross-Trait Analysis With Intelligence Identifies Shared Genomic Loci and Genes ”, Jansen et al 2019
- “Genetic Associations With Mathematics Tracking and Persistence in Secondary School ”, Harden et al 2019
- “Penetrance and Pleiotropy of Polygenic Risk Scores for Schizophrenia in 106,160 Patients across Four Healthcare Systems ”, Zheutlin et al 2019
- “Familial Influences on Neuroticism and Education in the UK Biobank ”, Cheesman et al 2019
- “Genome Wide Meta-Analysis Identifies Genomic Relationships, Novel Loci, and Pleiotropic Mechanisms across Eight Psychiatric Disorders ”, Consortium et al 2019
- “Multivariate Genome-Wide Analyses of the Well-Being Spectrum ”, Baselmans et al 2019
- “Genomics of Disease Risk in Globally Diverse Populations ”, Gurdasani et al 2019
- “Genetic and Environmental Variation in Political Orientation in Adolescence and Early Adulthood: A Nuclear Twin Family Analysis ”, Hufer et al 2019
- “Unravelling the Interplay Between Genetic and Environmental Contributions in the Unfolding of Personality Differences from Early Adolescence to Young Adulthood ”, Kandler et al 2019
- “The Association Between Genetic Predisposition and Parental Socialization: An Examination of Gene-Environment Correlations Using an Adoption-Based Design ”, Knoblach et al 2019
- “Association Studies of up to 1.2 Million Individuals Yield New Insights into the Genetic Etiology of Tobacco and Alcohol Use ”, Liu et al 2019
- “Multi–Polygenic Score Approach to Identifying Individual Vulnerabilities Associated With the Risk of Exposure to Bullying ”, Schoeler et al 2019
- “Genome-Wide Analysis Reveals Extensive Genetic Overlap between Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, and Intelligence ”, Smeland et al 2019
- “Identification of 28 New Susceptibility Loci for Type 2 Diabetes in the Japanese Population ”, Suzuki et al 2019
- “Quantifying Between-Cohort and Between-Sex Genetic Heterogeneity in Major Depressive Disorder ”, Trzaskowski et al 2019
- “Genetic Correlations of Polygenic Disease Traits: from Theory to Practice ”, Rheenen et al 2019
- “Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies 8 Risk Loci and Implicates Metabo-Psychiatric Origins for Anorexia Nervosa ”, Watson et al 2019
- “New Evidence on the Link between Genes, Psychological Traits, and Political Engagement ”, Weinschenk et al 2019
- “Genetic Analyses of Diverse Populations Improves Discovery for Complex Traits ”, Wojcik et al 2019
- “Common Polygenic Variations for Psychiatric Disorders and Cognition in Relation to Brain Morphology in the General Pediatric Population ”, Alemany et al 2019
- “Genetics and the Geography of Health, Behavior and Attainment ”, Belsky et al 2019b
- “Life-Course Socioeconomic Differences and Social Mobility in Preventable and Non-Preventable Mortality: a Study of Swedish Twins ”, Ericsson et al 2019
- “Genetic Predisposition vs Individual-Specific Processes in the Association Between Psychotic-Like Experiences and Cannabis Use ”, Karcher et al 2019
- “Genomic Structural Equation Modeling Provides Insights into the Multivariate Genetic Architecture of Complex Traits ”, Grotzinger et al 2019
- “Estimating the Educational Consequences of Teenage Childbearing: Identification, Heterogeneous Effects and the Value of Biological Relationship Information ”, Heiland et al 2018
- “’Same but Different’: Associations between Multiple Aspects of Self-Regulation, Cognition, and Academic Abilities ”, Malanchini et al 2018
- “A Global Overview of Pleiotropy and Genetic Architecture in Complex Traits ”, Watanabe et al 2018
- “Using Genetics to Examine a General Liability to Childhood Psychopathology ”, Riglin et al 2018
- “Novel Genome-Wide Associations for Suicidality in UK Biobank, Genetic Correlation With Psychiatric Disorders and Polygenic Association With Completed Suicide ”, Strawbridge et al 2018
- “The Genetic Relationship between Female Reproductive Traits and Six Psychiatric Disorders ”, Ni et al 2018
- “The Stability of Educational Achievement across School Years Is Largely Explained by Genetic Factors ”, Rimfeld et al 2018
- “Exploring the Genetic Correlations of Antisocial Behavior and Life History Traits ”, Tielbeek et al 2018
- “Multi-Polygenic Score Approach to Trait Prediction ”, Krapohl et al 2018
- “Genetic Analysis of Social-Class Mobility in Five Longitudinal Studies ”, Belsky et al 2018
- “Genetic & Environmental Influences on the Phenotypic Associations between Intelligence, Personality, & Creative Achievement in the Arts and Sciences ”, Manzano & Ullén 2018
- “Analysis of Shared Heritability in Common Disorders of the Brain ”, Consortium 2018
- “Association of Current and Former Smoking With Body Mass Index: A Study of Smoking Discordant Twin Pairs from 21 Twin Cohorts ”, Piirtola et al 2018
- “Common Disease Is More Complex Than Implied by the Core Gene Omnigenic Model ”, Wray et al 2018c
- “Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals Sex-Specific Genetic Architecture of Facial Attractiveness ”, Hu et al 2018
- “Sex Differences in the Big Five Model Personality Traits: A Behavior Genetics Exploration ”, South et al 2018
- “Genomic SEM Provides Insights into the Multivariate Genetic Architecture of Complex Traits ”, Grotzinger et al 2018
- “The Genetic Architecture of Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder ”, O’Connell et al 2018
- “Comparison of Genotypic and Phenotypic Correlations: Cheverud’s Conjecture in Humans ”, Sodini et al 2018
- “Improving Genetic Prediction by Leveraging Genetic Correlations among Human Diseases and Traits ”, Maier et al 2018
- “A Combined Analysis of Genetically Correlated Traits Identifies 187 Loci and a Role for Neurogenesis and Myelination in Intelligence ”, Hill et al 2018
- “Genetic and Environmental Associations Between Child Personality and Parenting ”, Ayoub et al 2018
- “Genetic and Environmental Overlap Between Substance Use and Delinquency in Adolescence ”, Boisvert et al 2018
- “Association Between Population Density and Genetic Risk for Schizophrenia ”, Colodro-Conde et al 2018
- “The Social Genome of Friends and Schoolmates in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health ”
- “Childhood Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Risk of Coercive Sexual Victimization in Childhood and Adolescence—A Population-Based Prospective Twin Study ”, Gotby et al 2018
- “Genetic and Environmental Influences on Verbal Fluency in Middle Age: A Longitudinal Twin Study ”, Gustavson 2018
- “The Role of Sex in the Genomics of Human Complex Traits ”, Khramtsova et al 2018
- “A Behavioral Genetic Analysis of the Co-Occurrence Between Psychopathic Personality Traits and Criminal Behavior ”, Lewis et al 2018
- “Challenging Assumptions: A Genetically Sensitive Assessment of the Criminogenic Effect of Contact With the Criminal Justice System ”, Nedelec & Silver 2018
- “Estimation of Genetic Correlation via Linkage Disequilibrium Score Regression and Genomic Restricted Maximum Likelihood ”, Ni et al 2018
- “Genetic and Environmental Influences on Internalizing Psychopathology across Age and Pubertal Development ”, Patterson et al 2018b
- “Association between Maternal Body Mass Index in Early Pregnancy and Anorexia Nervosa in Daughters ”
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- “Multi-Trait Analysis of Genome-Wide Association Summary Statistics Using MTAG ”, Turley et al 2018
- “Transancestral GWAS of Alcohol Dependence Reveals Common Genetic Underpinnings With Psychiatric Disorders ”, Walters et al 2018
- “The Effect of Education on Political Knowledge: Evidence From Monozygotic Twins ”, Weinschenk & Dawes 2018
- “Childhood Body Mass Index and Development of Eating Disorder Traits across Adolescence ”, Wiklund et al 2018
- “Transethnic Differences in GWAS Signals: A Simulation Study ”
- “A Polygenic Score for Higher Educational Attainment Is Associated With Larger Brains ”, Elliott et al 2018
- “LD Score Regression As an Estimator of Confounding and Genetic Correlations in Genome-Wide Association Studies ”, Lee & Chow 2017
- “Common Risk Variants Identified in Autism Spectrum Disorder ”, Grove et al 2017
- “Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Personality, and Depression: A Twin Study ”, Cesta et al 2017
- “The Molecular Genetics of Participation in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children ”, Taylor et al 2017
- “Polygenic Risk Scores Applied to a Single Cohort Reveal Pleiotropy among Hundreds of Human Phenotypes ”, Socrates et al 2017
- “The Developmental Nature of the Victim-Offender Overlap ”, Beckley et al 2017
- “Genome-Wide Association Study of Social Relationship Satisfaction: Loci and Correlations With Psychiatric Conditions ”, Warrier et al 2017
- “Identification of Genetic Loci Jointly Influencing Schizophrenia Risk and the Cognitive Traits of Verbal-Numerical Reasoning, Reaction Time, and General Cognitive Function ”, Smeland et al 2017
- “Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies 112 New Loci for Body Mass Index in the Japanese Population ”, Akiyama et al 2017
- “Indirect Assortative Mating for Human Disease and Longevity ”, Rawlik et al 2017
- “GWAS Meta-Analysis of Neuroticism (n = 449,484) Identifies Novel Genetic Loci and Pathways ”, Nagel et al 2017
- “99 Independent Genetic Loci Influencing General Cognitive Function Include Genes Associated With Brain Health and Structure (n = 280,360) ”, Davies et al 2017
- “An Atlas of Genetic Associations in UK Biobank ”, Canela-Xandri et al 2017
- “Genome-Wide Analysis of Risk-Taking Behavior and Cross-Disorder Genetic Correlations in 116,255 Individuals from the UK Biobank Cohort ”, Strawbridge et al 2017
- “Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies 30 Loci Associated With Bipolar Disorder ”, Stahl et al 2017
- “Genetic Correlations of Hip Dysplasia Scores for Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers in France, Sweden and the UK ”, Wang et al 2017
- “116 Independent Genetic Variants Influence the Neuroticism Personality Trait in over 329,000 UK Biobank Individuals ”, Luciano et al 2017
- “Genome-Wide Association Analyses Identify 44 Risk Variants and Refine the Genetic Architecture of Major Depressive Disorder ”, Wray et al 2017
- “A Combined Analysis of Genetically Correlated Traits Identifies 107 Loci Associated With Intelligence ”, Hill et al 2017
- “An Expanded View of Complex Traits: From Polygenic to Omnigenic ”, Boyle et al 2017
- “Genetic Contribution to Two Factors of Neuroticism Is Associated With Affluence, Better Health, and Longer Life ”, Hill et al 2017
- “Genome-Wide Analysis of 113,968 Individuals in UK Biobank Identifies 4 Loci Associated With Mood Instability ”, Ward et al 2017
- “Widespread Signatures of Positive Selection in Common Risk Alleles Associated to Autism Spectrum Disorder ”, Polimanti & Gelernter 2017
- “GWAS Meta-Analysis Reveals Novel Loci and Genetic Correlates for General Cognitive Function: a Report from the COGENT Consortium ”, Trampush et al 2017
- “Executive Functions and Substance Use: Relations in Late Adolescence and Early Adulthood ”, Gustavson et al 2017
- “Association Between Schizophrenia-Related Polygenic Liability and the Occurrence and Level of Mood-Incongruent Psychotic Symptoms in Bipolar Disorder ”, Association 2017
- “Genetic Correlations between Intraocular Pressure, Blood Pressure and Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma: a Multi-Cohort Analysis ”, Aschard et al 2017
- “Genetic Influences on ADHD Symptom Dimensions: Examination of a Priori Candidates, Gene-Based Tests, Genome-Wide Variation, and SNP Heritability ”
- “Genetic Correlation between Alcohol Preference and Conditioned Fear: Exploring a Functional Relationship ”, Chester & Weera 2017
- “Leveraging Multi-Ethnic Evidence for Risk Assessment of Quantitative Traits in Minority Populations ”, Coram et al 2017
- “Bayesian Analysis of Genetic Association across Tree-Structured Routine Healthcare Data in the UK Biobank ”, Cortes et al 2017
- “Assessing Genetic and Environmental Influences on Epicardial and Abdominal Adipose Tissue Quantities: A Classical Twin Study ”, Jermendy et al 2017
- “Genetic Contributors to Variation in Alcohol Consumption Vary by Race/ethnicity in a Large Multi-Ethnic Genome-Wide Association Study ”, Jorgenson et al 2017
- “Identification of 153 New Loci Associated With Heel Bone Mineral Density and Functional Involvement of GPC6 in Osteoporosis ”, Kemp et al 2017
- “Genetic Analysis in UK Biobank Links Insulin Resistance and Transendothelial Migration Pathways to Coronary Artery Disease ”, Klarin et al 2017
- “High-Resolution Genetic Maps Identify Multiple Type 2 Diabetes Loci at Regulatory Hotspots in African Americans and Europeans ”, Lau et al 2017
- “Genome-Wide Association Analysis Identifies 30 New Susceptibility Loci for Schizophrenia ”, Li et al 2017c
- “Sensation Seeking and Impulsive Traits As Personality Endophenotypes for Antisocial Behavior: Evidence from Two Independent Samples ”, Mann et al 2017
- “Genetic Evidence of Assortative Mating in Humans ”, Robinson et al 2017
- “Prediction of Alcohol Use Disorder Using Personality Disorder Traits: a Twin Study ”, Rosenström et al 2017
- “Psychiatric Genetics and the Structure of Psychopathology ”, Smoller et al 2017
- “Genetic Risk Variants for Social Anxiety ”
- “Hidden Heritability due to Heterogeneity across 7 Populations ”, Tropf et al 2017
- “Pleiotropic Genetic Effects Influencing Sleep and Neurological Disorders ”, Veatch et al 2017
- “GW-SEM: A Statistical Package to Conduct Genome-Wide Structural Equation Modeling ”, Verhulst 2017
- “Genetic and Environmental Contributions to the Association Between Cannabis Use and Psychotic-Like Experiences in Young Adult Twins ”, Nesvåg et al 2017
- “Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Heritability of a General Psychopathology Factor in Children ”, Neumann et al 2016
- “Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals First Locus for Anorexia Nervosa and Metabolic Correlations ”, Duncan et al 2016
- “Genetic Correlation between Body Fat Percentage and Cardiorespiratory Fitness Suggests Common Genetic Etiology ”, Schnurr et al 2016
- “Genome-Wide Analysis Identifies 12 Loci Influencing Human Reproductive Behavior ”, Barban et al 2016
- “Partitioning Heritability Analysis Reveals a Shared Genetic Basis of Brain Anatomy and Schizophrenia ”, Lee et al 2016
- “What Explains the Heritability of Completed Fertility? Evidence from Two Large Twin Studies ”, Briley et al 2016
- “Identification of 15 Genetic Loci Associated With Risk of Major Depression in Individuals of European Descent ”, Hyde et al 2016
- “Genetically-Mediated Associations Between Measures of Childhood Character and Academic Achievement ”, Tucker-Drob et al 2016
- “The Genetics of Success: How Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms Associated With Educational Attainment Relate to Life-Course Development ”, Belsky et al 2016
- “Genetic Overlap between Schizophrenia and Developmental Psychopathology: a Longitudinal Approach Applied to Common Childhood Disorders between Age 7 and 15 Years ”, Nivard et al 2016
- “LD Hub: a Centralized Database and Web Interface to Perform LD Score Regression That Maximizes the Potential of Summary Level GWAS Data for SNP Heritability and Genetic Correlation Analysis ”, Zheng et al 2016
- “Genome-Wide Analyses of Empathy and Systemizing: Heritability and Correlates With Sex, Education, and Psychiatric Risk ”, Warrier et al 2016
- “Education and Social Trust: Testing a Causal Hypothesis Using the Discordant Twin Design ”, Oskarsson et al 2016
- “Lifespan and Skeletal Muscle Properties: The Effects of Genetic Background, Physical Activity and Aging ”, Karvinen 2016
- “Genetic Variants Associated With Subjective Well-Being, Depressive Symptoms, and Neuroticism Identified through Genome-Wide Analyses ”, Okbay et al 2016
- “Molecular Genetic Contributions to Self-Rated Health ”, Harris et al 2016
- “Genetic Contributions to Self-Reported Tiredness ”, Deary et al 2016
- “Genome-Wide Association Study of Cognitive Functions and Educational Attainment in UK Biobank (n = 112 151) ”, Davies et al 2016
- “True Grit and Genetics: Predicting Academic Achievement From Personality ”, Rimfeld et al 2016
- “Shared Genetic Aetiology between Cognitive Functions and Physical and Mental Health in UK Biobank (n = 112,151) and 24 GWAS Consortia ”, Hagenaars et al 2016
- “Novel Genetic Loci Underlying Human Intracranial Volume Identified through Genome-Wide Association ”, Adams et al 2016
- “Predicting Cognitive Executive Functioning With Polygenic Risk Scores for Psychiatric Disorders ”, Benca et al 2016
- “Genome-Wide Association Study of Loneliness Demonstrates a Role for Common Variation ”, Gao et al 2016
- “Shared Genetic Factors Influence Head Motion During MRI and Body Mass Index ”
- “Genome-Wide Associations for Birth Weight and Correlations With Adult Disease ”, Horikoshi et al 2016
- “On the Relationship Between Domain-Specific Creative Achievement and Sexual Orientation in Swedish Twins ”, Mosing et al 2016
- “Genetic and Environmental Associations between Body Dissatisfaction, Weight Preoccupation, and Binge Eating: Evidence for a Common Factor With Differential Loadings Across Symptom Type ”
- “Detection and Interpretation of Shared Genetic Influences on 42 Human Traits ”, Berisa et al 2016
- “Schizophrenia Risk Alleles and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Childhood: a Population-Based Cohort Study ”, Riglin et al 2016
- “Genetic Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorders and Neuropsychiatric Variation in the General Population ”, Robinson et al 2016
- “Alcohol Use Disorder and Divorce: Evidence for a Genetic Correlation in a Population-Based Swedish Sample ”, Salvatore et al 2016
- “Heritability and Genetic Correlation Between the Cerebral Cortex and Associated White Matter Connections ”
- “Genome-Wide Analysis of over 106 000 Individuals Identifies 9 Neuroticism-Associated Loci ”, Smith et al 2016
- “Heritability of High Sugar Consumption through Drinks and the Genetic Correlation With Substance Use12 ”
- “Genetic Overlap between Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Bipolar Disorder: Evidence from GWAS Meta-Analysis Meta-Analysis of ADHD and BPD GWAS ”, Hulzen et al 2016
- “Not All Risks Are Created Equal: A Twin Study and Meta-Analyses of Risk Taking across 7 Domains ”, Wang et al 2016d
- “Genetic Factor Common to Schizophrenia and HIV Infection Is Associated With Risky Sexual Behavior: Antagonistic vs. Synergistic Pleiotropic SNPs Enriched for Distinctly Different Biological Functions ”, Wang et al 2016
- “Top 10 Replicated Findings From Behavioral Genetics § #7: The Environment Is Genetic ”, Plomin et al 2016 (page 10)
- “The Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Internet Use and Associations With Psychopathology: A Twin Study ”, Long et al 2016
- “Assessing the Genetic Overlap between BMI and Cognitive Function ”, Marioni et al 2016
- “Transethnic Genetic-Correlation Estimates from Summary Statistics ”, Brown et al 2016
- “The Biodemography of Fertility: A Review and Future Research Frontiers ”, Mills & Tropf 2015
- “Polygenic Risk Scores for Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder Predict Creativity ”, Power et al 2015
- “Infertility Etiologies Are Genetically and Clinically Linked With Other Diseases in Single Meta-Diseases ”, Tarín et al 2015
- “A Swedish National Twin Study of Criminal Behavior and Its Violent, White-Collar and Property Subtypes ”, Kendler et al 2015
- “Common Psychiatric Disorders Share the Same Genetic Origin: a Multivariate Sibling Study of the Swedish Population ”, Pettersson et al 2015
- “Educational Attainment-Related Loci Identified by GWAS Are Associated With Select Personality Traits and Mathematics and Language Abilities ”, Zhu et al 2015
- “IQ and Schizophrenia in a Swedish National Sample: Their Causal Relationship and the Interaction of IQ With Genetic Risk ”, Kendler et al 2015
- “Common Genetic Variants Influence Human Subcortical Brain Structures ”, Hibar et al 2015
- “Pleiotropy across Academic Subjects at the End of Compulsory Education ”, Rimfeld et al 2015
- “Did Sexual Selection Shape Human Music? Testing Predictions from the Sexual Selection Hypothesis of Music Evolution Using a Large Genetically-Informative Sample of over 10,000 Twins ”, Mosing et al 2015
- “Paternal Antisocial Behavior and Sons’ Cognitive Ability: A Population-Based Quasiexperimental Study ”, Latvala et al 2014
- “Physical Attractiveness As a Phenotypic Marker of Health: an Assessment Using a Nationally Representative Sample of American Adults ”, Nedelec & Beaver 2014
- “Enhanced Neurocognitive Functioning and Positive Temperament in Twins Discordant for Bipolar Disorder ”, Higier et al 2014
- “Children of Twins Design ”, D’Onofrio 2014
- “Bipolar Disorder and Its Relation to Major Psychiatric Disorders: a Family-Based Study in the Swedish Population ”, Song et al 2014
- “A Twin Study of Problematic Internet Use: Its Heritability and Genetic Association With Effortful Control ”, Li et al 2014
- “Practice Does Not Make Perfect: No Causal Effect of Music Practice on Music Ability ”, Mosing et al 2014
- “Does Population Density and Neighborhood Deprivation Predict Schizophrenia? A Nationwide Swedish Family-Based Study of 2.4 Million Individuals ”, Sariaslan et al 2014b
- “A Multivariate Twin Study of the Dimensions of Religiosity and Common Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders ”, Vance et al 2014
- “Behavior Genetic Research Methods: Testing Quasi-Causal Hypotheses Using Multivariate Twin Data ”, Turkheimer & Harden 2014
- “BJP-2013–136200 1..5 ”
- “Estimating the Sex-Specific Effects of Genes on Facial Attractiveness and Sexual Dimorphism ”, Mitchem et al 2014
- “Genetic Relations among Procrastination, Impulsivity, and Goal-Management Ability: Implications for the Evolutionary Origin of Procrastination ”, Gustavson et al 2014
- “The High Heritability of Educational Achievement Reflects Many Genetically Influenced Traits, Not Just Intelligence ”, Krapohl et al 2014
- “Parenting As a Reaction Evoked by Children’s Genotype: A Meta-Analysis of Children-As-Twins Studies ”, Avinun & Knafo 2013
- “High Loading of Polygenic Risk for ADHD in Children With Comorbid Aggression ”, Hamshere et al 2013
- “Polygenic Risk for Schizophrenia Is Associated With Cognitive Change Between Childhood and Old Age ”, McIntosh et al 2013
- “Identification of Risk Loci With Shared Effects on 5 Major Psychiatric Disorders: a Genome-Wide Analysis ”, Consortium 2013
- “Examining the Role of Passive Gene-Environment Correlation in Childhood Depression Using a Novel Genetically Sensitive Design ”, Rice et al 2013
- “Genetic Insights into Common Pathways and Complex Relationships among Immune-Mediated Diseases ”, Parkes et al 2013
- “There Is a World Outside of Experimental Designs: Using Twins to Investigate Causation ”, Hart et al 2013
- “Shared Polygenic Contribution between Childhood Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Adult Schizophrenia ”, Hamshere et al 2013
- “Genetic Relationship between Five Psychiatric Disorders Estimated from Genome-Wide SNPs ”, Lee et al 2013
- “Genomic Responses in Mouse Models Poorly Mimic Human Inflammatory Diseases ”, Seok 2013
- “Strong Genetic Contribution to Peer Relationship Difficulties at School Entry: Findings From a Longitudinal Twin Study ”, Boivin et al 2012
- “25 Years of Selection for Improved Leg Health in Purebred Broiler Lines and Underlying Genetic Parameters ”, Kapell et al 2012
- “Extending Research on the Victim-Offender Overlap: Evidence From a Genetically-Informative Analysis ”, Barnes & Beaver 2012b
- “Genetic Contributions to Stability and Change in Intelligence from Childhood to Old Age ”, Deary et al 2012b
- “The Prediction of School Achievement from a Behavior Genetic Perspective: Results from the German Twin Study on Cognitive Ability, Self-Reported Motivation, and School Achievement (CoSMoS) ”, Gottschling et al 2012
- “Genome-Wide Association Meta-Analysis Identifies New Endometriosis Risk Loci ”, Nyholt et al 2012
- “Correlation Not Causation: the Relationship between Personality Traits and Political Ideologies ”, Verhulst et al 2012
- “Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies Five New Schizophrenia Loci ”, Consortium 2011
- “Testing Cheverud’s Conjecture For Behavioral Correlations And Behavioral Syndromes ”, Dochtermann 2011
- “Shared Genetic Factors in the Co-Occurrence of Symptoms of Depression and Cardiovascular Risk Factors ”, López-León et al 2010
- “Causal Inference and Observational Research: The Utility of Twins ”, McGue et al 2010
- “Genetics of Caffeine Consumption and Responses to Caffeine ”, Yang et al 2010
- “Common Polygenic Variation Contributes to Risk of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder ”, Consortium 2009
- “Stability, Change, and Heritability of Borderline Personality Disorder Traits from Adolescence to Adulthood: a Longitudinal Twin Study ”, Bornovalova et al 2009
- “Stability and Change in Religiousness During Emerging Adulthood ”, Koenig et al 2008
- “Individual Differences in Executive Functions Are Almost Entirely Genetic in Origin ”, Friedman et al 2008
- “Proceeding From Observed Correlation to Causal Inference: The Use of Natural Experiments ”, Rutter 2007
- “Effect of Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy on Offspring’s Cognitive Ability: Empirical Evidence for Complete Confounding in the US National Longitudinal Survey of Youth ”, Batty et al 2006
- “A Genetically Informed Study of the Association between Harsh Punishment and Offspring Behavioral Problems ”, Lynch et al 2006
- “Perceptual Speed Does Not Cause Intelligence, and Intelligence Does Not Cause Perceptual Speed ”, Luciano et al 2005
- “Paternal Alcoholism and Offspring Conduct Disorder: Evidence for the ‘Common Genes’ Hypothesis ”, Haber et al 2005
- “Generalist Genes and Learning Disabilities ”, Plomin & Kovas 2005
- “Schizophrenia and Urbanicity: A Major Environmental Influence—Conditional on Genetic Risk ”, Krabbendam & Os 2005
- “A Twin Study of the Genetics of Fear Conditioning ”, Hettema et al 2003
- “Testing Hypotheses about the Relationship between Cannabis Use and Psychosis ”, Degenhardt et al 2003
- “1856 293..298 ”
- “Shared Genetic Vulnerability in Alcohol and Cigarette Use and Dependence ”
- “Intelligence and Achievement: A Behavioral Genetic Perspective ”
- “Chapter 21: Correlations Between Characters ”, Lynch & Walsh 1998
- “Genetic Contributions to Continuity, Change, and Co-Occurrence of Antisocial and Depressive Symptoms in Adolescence ”
- “Bivariate Quantitative Trait Linkage Analysis: Pleiotropy versus Co-Incident Linkages ”
- “The Association Between Internalizing and Externalizing Behavior in Childhood and Early Adolescence: Genetic or Environmental Common Influences? ”
- “Heavy Consumption of Cigarettes, Alcohol and Coffee in Male Twins ”, Swan et al 1997
- “Does Genetic Variance for Cognitive Abilities Account for Genetic Variance in Educational Achievement and Occupational Status? A Study of Twins Reared Apart and Twins Reared Together ”, Lichtenstein & Pedersen 1997
- “Family Environment and Adolescent Depressive Symptoms and Antisocial Behavior: A Multivariate Genetic Analysis ”, Pike et al 1996
- “Life Events and Personality in Late Adolescence: Genetic and Environmental Relations ”
- “Environmental Effects and Genetic Parameters for Measurements of Hunting Performance in the Finnish Spitz ”, Karjalainen et al 1996
- “Genetic and Environmental Influences on the Covariation Between Hyperactivity and Conduct Disturbance in Juvenile Twins ”
- “A Twin Study of the Association of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Combat Exposure With Long-Term Socioeconomic Status in Vietnam Veterans ”, McCarren et al 1995
- “Cognitive Ability and Academic Achievement in the Colorado Adoption Project: A Multivariate Genetic Analysis of Parent-Offspring and Sibling Data ”
- “Inferring the Direction of Causation in Cross-Sectional Twin Data: Theoretical and Empirical Considerations ”, Duffy & Martin 1994
- “Correlations of Alcohol Consumption With Related Covariates and Heritability Estimates in Older Adult Males Over a 14- to 18-Year Period: The NHLBI Twin Study ”
- “The Phenotypic and Genetic Relationships among Measures of Cognitive Ability, Temperament, and Scholastic Achievement ”
- “Testing Hypotheses about Direction of Causation Using Cross-Sectional Family Data ”, Heath et al 1993
- “Chapter 3: Colorado Reading Project: An Update ”, DeFries et al 1991
- “Relationship Between Blood Uric Acid Level and Personality Traits ”, Ooki et al 1990
- “Genetic and Environmental Contributions to the Covariance between Occupational Status, Educational Attainment, and IQ: A Study of Twins ”, Tambs et al 1989
- “Resolving Causes of Developmental Continuity or “tracking.” I. Longitudinal Twin Studies during Growth ”
- “Heritability Estimate for Temperament Scores in German Shepherd Dogs and Its Genetic Correlation With Hip Dysplasia ”, Mackenzie et al 1985
- “The Measurement of Selection on Correlated Characters ”, Lande & Arnold 1983
- “Genetics of Traits Which Determine the Suitability of Dogs As Guide-Dogs for the Blind ”, Goddard & Beilharz 1983b
- “The Louisville Twin Study: Developmental Synchronies in Behavior ”
- “Quantitative Genetics of Anthropometric Variation in the Solomon Islands ”, Black 1982
- “Estimating Genetic Correlations ”
- “Further Remarks on Estimating Genetic Correlations ”
- “Twin Research, Part A: Psychology and Methodology ”, Nance et al 1978
- “Genetic and Environmental Correlations of Morphometric Traits in Randombred House Mice ”
- “Development and Evaluation of Improved Biological Sensor Systems ”
- “Influence of the Myopia Gene on Brain Development ”
- “Hereditary and Environmental Sources of Trait Variation and Covariation ”, Breland 1972
- “1951 Rae: The Importance of Genetic Correlations in Selection ”, RAE 1951
- “The Efficiency of 3 Methods of Selection ”
- “Polygenic Scores Associated With Educational Attainment in Adults Predict Educational Achievement and ADHD Symptoms in Children ”
- “Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies Novel Locus for Neuroticism and Shows Polygenic Association With Major Depressive Disorder ”
- “Educational Attainment and Personality Are Genetically Intertwined ”
- “Incarceration, Polygenic Risk, and Depressive Symptoms among Males in Late Adulthood ”
- “Recreational Cannabis Legalization Has Had Limited Effects on a Wide Range of Adult Psychiatric and Psychosocial Outcomes ”
- “Marriage and Divorce: A Genetic Perspective ”
- Miscellaneous
- Bibliography
See Also
“Everything Is Correlated ”, Gwern 2014
“Embryo Selection For Intelligence ”, Gwern 2016
“History of Iterated Embryo Selection ”, Gwern 2019
“Genomic Taxometric Analysis of Negative Emotionality and Major Depressive Disorder Highlights a Gradient of Genetic Differentiation across the Severity Spectrum ”, Ennis et al 2025
“Cognitive Rationality Is Heritable and Lies under General Cognitive Ability ”, Bates 2024
Cognitive rationality is heritable and lies under general cognitive ability
“Extensive Antagonistic Variants across Human Genome ”, Bian et al 2024
“Life without Sex: Large-Scale Study Links Sexlessness to Physical, Cognitive, and Personality Traits, Socioecological Factors, and DNA ”, Abdellaoui et al 2024
“Understanding Indirect Assortative Mating and Its Intergenerational Consequences ”, Sunde et al 2024
Understanding indirect assortative mating and its intergenerational consequences
“The Genetic Architecture of Dog Ownership: Large-Scale Genome-Wide Association Study in 97,552 European-Ancestry Individuals ”, Gong et al 2024
“Multi-Ancestry Meta-Analyses of Lung Cancer in the Million Veteran Program Reveal Novel Risk Loci and Elucidate Smoking-Independent Genetic Risk ”, Gorman et al 2024
“Genetic Modifiers of Rare Variants in Monogenic Developmental Disorder Loci ”, Kingdom et al 2024
Genetic modifiers of rare variants in monogenic developmental disorder loci
“Genetic Influences on Depression and Selection into Adverse Life Experiences ”, Rauf & Freese 2024
Genetic influences on depression and selection into adverse life experiences
“Associations between Common Genetic Variants and Income Provide Insights about the Socioeconomic Health Gradient ”, Kweon et al 2024
“Valid Inference for Machine Learning-Assisted GWAS ”, Miao et al 2024
“Limited Psychological and Social Effects of Lifetime Cannabis Use Frequency: Evidence From a 30-Year Community Study of 4,078 Twins ”, Zellers et al 2024
“Associations between Common Genetic Variants and Income Provide Insights about the Socio-Economic Health Gradient ”
“Persistent Thinness and Anorexia Nervosa Differ on a Genomic Level ”, Hübel et al 2024
Persistent thinness and anorexia nervosa differ on a genomic level
“Unveiling the Epigenetic Impact of Vegan vs. Omnivorous Diets on Aging: Insights from the Twins Nutrition Study (TwiNS) ”, Dwaraka et al 2023
“The Pleiotropic Architecture of Human Impulsivity across Biological Scales ”, Mallard et al 2023
The pleiotropic architecture of human impulsivity across biological scales
“Executive Function and Impulsivity Predict Distinct Genetic Variance in Internalizing Problems, Externalizing Problems, Thought Disorders, and Compulsive Disorders: A Genomic Structural Equation Modeling Study ”, Gustavson et al 2023
“Self-Report Inaccuracy in the UK Biobank: Impact on Inference and Interplay With Selective Participation ”, Schoeler et al 2023
“Genome-Wide Association Studies of Coffee Intake in UK/US Participants of European Ancestry Uncover Gene-Cohort Influences ”, Thorpe et al 2023
“Characterizing the Phenotypic and Genetic Structure of Psychopathology in UK Biobank ”, Williams et al 2023
Characterizing the phenotypic and genetic structure of psychopathology in UK Biobank
“Music and Genetics ”, Wesseldijk et al 2023
“Genetic Insights into Human Cortical Organization and Development through Genome-Wide Analyses of 2,347 Neuroimaging Phenotypes ”, Warrier et al 2023
“Rare Coding Variants in Schizophrenia-Associated Genes Affect Generalised Cognition in the UK Biobank ”, Fenner et al 2023
“Leveraging Fine-Scale Population Structure Reveals Conservation in Genetic Effect Sizes between Human Populations across a Range of Human Phenotypes ”, Hu et al 2023
“Behavioral Genetics of Temporal Framing: Heritability of Time Perspective and Its Common Genetic Bases With Major Personality Traits ”, Stolarski et al 2023
“Multi-PGS Enhances Polygenic Prediction by Combining 937 Polygenic Scores ”, Albiñana et al 2023
Multi-PGS enhances polygenic prediction by combining 937 polygenic scores
“Genome-Wide Analyses Reveal Widespread Genetic Overlap between Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders and a Convergence of Biological Associations Related to the Brain ”, Smeland et al 2023
“Novel Genomic Loci and Pathways Influence Patterns of Structural Covariance in the Human Brain ”, WEN et al 2023
Novel genomic loci and pathways influence patterns of structural covariance in the human brain
“Genetic Similarity between Relatives Provides Evidence on the Presence and History of Assortative Mating ”, Sunde et al 2023
“Phenotypic Effects of Genetic Variants Associated With Autism ”, Rolland et al 2023
Phenotypic effects of genetic variants associated with autism
“Age-Dependent Topic Modeling of Comorbidities in UK Biobank Identifies Disease Subtypes With Differential Genetic Risk ”, Jiang et al 2023
“Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Co-Occurring Physical Health Conditions in Autism Spectrum Condition and Attention-Deficit/hyperactivity Disorder ”, Pan et al 2023
“Evidence for the Role of Selection for Reproductively Advantageous Alleles in Human Aging ”, Long & Zhang 2023
Evidence for the role of selection for reproductively advantageous alleles in human aging
“Genetically and Environmentally Predicted Obesity in Relation to Cardiovascular Disease: a Nationwide Cohort Study ”, Ojalehto et al 2023
“Genetic Contributions of Noncognitive Skills to Academic Development ”, Malanchini et al 2023
Genetic contributions of noncognitive skills to academic development
“Contraception Ends the Genetic Maintenance of Human Same-Sex Sexual Behavior ”, Song & Zhang 2023
Contraception ends the genetic maintenance of human same-sex sexual behavior
“Genome-Wide Association Study of Traumatic Brain Injury in U.S. Military Veterans Enrolled in the VA Million Veteran Program ”, Merritt et al 2023
“Uncovering the Heritable Components of Multi-Morbidities and Disease Trajectories: A Nationwide Cohort Study ”, Westergaard et al 2023
“Common and Rare Variant Associations With Latent Traits Underlying Depression, Bipolar Disorder, and Schizophrenia ”, Dattani et al 2023
“Relationship of Family Genetic Risk Score With Diagnostic Trajectory in a Swedish National Sample of Incident Cases of Major Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Other Non-Affective Psychosis, and Schizophrenia ”, Kendler et al 2023
“The Genetic Architecture of the Human Skeletal Form ”, Kun et al 2023
“Familial Aggregation of Multimorbidity in Sweden: a National Explorative Family Study ”, Zöller et al 2023
Familial aggregation of multimorbidity in Sweden: a national explorative family study
“Shared Genetic Risk in the Association of Screen Time With Psychiatric Problems in Children ”, Zhang et al 2023
Shared Genetic Risk in the Association of Screen Time With Psychiatric Problems in Children
“Identification of Novel, Replicable Genetic Risk Loci for Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Among US Military Veterans ”, Kimbrel et al 2022
“A Multivariate Genetic Analysis of Anxiety Sensitivity, Environmental Sensitivity and Reported Life Events in Adolescents ”, Peel et al 2022
“Associations between Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Genetic Liability and ICD-10 Medical Conditions in Adults: Utilizing Electronic Health Records in a Phenome-Wide Association Study ”, Haan et al 2022
“Association of Prenatal Exposure to Benzodiazepines With Development of Autism Spectrum and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders ”, Chen et al 2022
“Genomic Structural Equation Modeling Reveals Latent Phenotypes in the Human Cortex With Distinct Genetic Architecture ”, Morey et al 2022
“Evidence of Familial Confounding of the Association between Cannabis Use and Cerebellar-Cortical Functional Connectivity Using a Twin Study ”, Sepe-Forrest et al 2022
“Do Children Cause the Cognitive Stimulation They Receive? Modeling the Direction of Causality ”, Oginni & Stumm 2022
Do children cause the cognitive stimulation they receive? Modeling the direction of causality
“Stroke Genetics Informs Drug Discovery and Risk Prediction across Ancestries ”, Mishra et al 2022
Stroke genetics informs drug discovery and risk prediction across ancestries
“Association of Whole-Person Eigen-Polygenic Risk Scores With Alzheimer’s Disease ”, Kharaghani et al 2022
Association of Whole-Person Eigen-Polygenic Risk Scores with Alzheimer’s Disease
“Developmental Implications of Genetic Testing for Physical Indications ”, Baribeau et al 2022
Developmental implications of genetic testing for physical indications
“Cognitive Functioning of Unaffected First-Degree Relatives of Individuals With Late-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis ”, Ramos et al 2022
“Polygenic Influences Associated With Adolescent Cognitive Skills ”, Mitchell et al 2022
Polygenic influences associated with adolescent cognitive skills
“Using Twins to Assess What Might Have Been: The Co-Twin Control Design ”, Dijk et al 2022
Using Twins to Assess What Might Have Been: The Co-twin Control Design
“Identification of 64 New Risk Loci for Major Depression, Refinement of the Genetic Architecture and Risk Prediction of Recurrence and Comorbidities ”, Als et al 2022
“Causal Effects on Complex Traits Are Similar across Segments of Different Continental Ancestries within Admixed Individuals ”, Hou et al 2022
“A Genome-Wide Association Study of Chinese and English Language Abilities in Hong Kong Chinese Children ”, Lin et al 2022
“Use of Polygenic Risk Scores for Coronary Heart Disease in Ancestrally Diverse Populations ”, Dikilitas et al 2022
Use of Polygenic Risk Scores for Coronary Heart Disease in Ancestrally Diverse Populations
“Development and Validation of a Trans-Ancestry Polygenic Risk Score for Type 2 Diabetes in Diverse Populations ”, Ge et al 2022
“Statistical-Significance Tests for R2 of Out-Of-Sample Prediction Using Polygenic Scores ”, Momin et al 2022
Statistical-Significance tests for R2 of out-of-sample prediction using polygenic scores
“Is an Elevated Family-Genetic Risk for Major Psychiatric Disorders Specific to Creative Occupations? ”, Kendler et al 2022b
Is an elevated family-genetic risk for major psychiatric disorders specific to creative occupations?
“Polygenic Transcriptome Risk Scores Can Translate Genetic Results Between Species ”, Santhanam et al 2022
Polygenic Transcriptome Risk Scores Can Translate Genetic Results Between Species
“Genome-Wide Large-Scale Multi-Trait Analysis Characterizes Global Patterns of Pleiotropy and Unique Trait-Specific Variants ”, Qi et al 2022
“Testing Heritability of Moral Foundations: Common Pathway Models Support Strong Heritability for the Five Moral Foundations ”, Zakharin & Bates 2022
“Genetic Architecture of the White Matter Connectome of the Human Brain ”, Sha et al 2022
Genetic architecture of the white matter connectome of the human brain
“Amplification Is the Primary Mode of Gene-By-Sex Interaction in Complex Human Traits ”, Zhu et al 2022
Amplification is the Primary Mode of Gene-by-Sex Interaction in Complex Human Traits
“MegaBayesianAlphabet: Mega-Scale Bayesian Regression Methods for Genome-Wide Prediction and Association Studies With Thousands of Traits ”, Qu et al 2022
“Magical Thinking in Individuals With High Polygenic Risk for Schizophrenia but No Non-Affective Psychoses—A General Population Study ”, Saarinen et al 2022
“Not by g Alone: The Benefits of a College Education among Individuals With Low Levels of General Cognitive Ability ”, McGue et al 2022
“Borderline Personality Disorder and the Big Five: Molecular Genetic Analyses Indicate Shared Genetic Architecture With Neuroticism and Openness ”, Streit et al 2022
“Genetic Variants Associated With Longitudinal Changes in Brain Structure across the Lifespan ”, Brouwer et al 2022
Genetic variants associated with longitudinal changes in brain structure across the lifespan
“Integrative Analysis of Metabolite GWAS Illuminates the Molecular Basis of Pleiotropy and Genetic Correlation ”, Smith et al 2022
“Estimating Trans-Ancestry Genetic Correlation With Unbalanced Data Resources ”, Zhao et al 2022
Estimating trans-ancestry genetic correlation with unbalanced data resources
“Cross-Trait Assortative Mating Is Widespread and Inflates Genetic Correlation Estimates ”, Border et al 2022
Cross-trait assortative mating is widespread and inflates genetic correlation estimates
“Genetics, Leadership Position, and Well-Being: An Investigation With a Large-Scale GWAS ”, Song et al 2022
Genetics, leadership position, and well-being: An investigation with a large-scale GWAS
“GWAS on Birth Year Infant Mortality Rates Provides Evidence of Recent Natural Selection ”, Wu et al 2022
GWAS on birth year infant mortality rates provides evidence of recent natural selection
“Sex-Specific Genetic and Transcriptomic Liability to Neuroticism ”, Wendt et al 2022
Sex-specific genetic and transcriptomic liability to Neuroticism
“Multivariate Genetic Analysis of Personality and Cognitive Traits Reveals Abundant Pleiotropy and Improves Prediction ”, Hindley et al 2022
“Genome-Wide Analyses of ADHD Identify 27 Risk Loci, Refine the Genetic Architecture and Implicate Several Cognitive Domains ”, Demontis et al 2022
“A Comprehensive Map of Genetic Relationships among Diagnostic Categories Based on 48.6 Million Relative Pairs from the Danish Genealogy ”, Athanasiadis et al 2022
“Genome-Wide Association Meta-Analysis Identifies 29 New Acne Susceptibility Loci ”, Mitchell et al 2022
Genome-wide association meta-analysis identifies 29 new acne susceptibility loci
“Genetic Risk Factors Have a Substantial Impact on Healthy Life Years ”, Jukarainen et al 2022
Genetic risk factors have a substantial impact on healthy life years
“Heritability of Justice Sensitivity ”, Wang et al 2022f
“Increased Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms in Non-Heterosexual Individuals: Moderation by Childhood Factors Using a Twin Design ”, Oginni et al 2022
“Multivariate Genome-Wide Association Meta-Analysis of over 1 Million Subjects Identifies Loci Underlying Multiple Substance Use Disorders ”, Hatoum et al 2022
“An In-Laboratory Stressor Reveals Unique Genetic Variation in Child Cortisol Output ”, Raffington et al 2022
An in-laboratory stressor reveals unique genetic variation in child cortisol output
“Shared Brain and Genetic Architectures between Mental Health and Physical Activity ”, Zhang et al 2022
Shared brain and genetic architectures between mental health and physical activity
“Associations of Parental and Perinatal Factors With Subsequent Risk of Stress-Related Disorders: a Nationwide Cohort Study With Sibling Comparison ”, Li et al 2022
“Patient-Driven Findings of Genetic Associations for PANS and PANDAS ”, Horvath & Keating 2021
Patient-Driven Findings of Genetic Associations for PANS and PANDAS
“Familial Clustering of Psychiatric Disorders and Low IQ ”, Weiser et al 2021
“Genome-Wide Association Study and Multi-Trait Analysis of Opioid Use Disorder Identifies Novel Associations in 639,709 Individuals of European and African Ancestry ”, Deak et al 2021
“A Polygenic Score for Educational Attainment Partially Predicts Voter Turnout ”, Dawes et al 2021
A polygenic score for educational attainment partially predicts voter turnout
“Genetic Determinants of Liking and Intake of Coffee and Other Bitter Foods and Beverages ”, Cornelis & Dam 2021
Genetic determinants of liking and intake of coffee and other bitter foods and beverages
“Shared Components of Heritability across Genetically Correlated Traits ”, Ballard & O’Connor 2021
Shared components of heritability across genetically correlated traits
“Dimensional Characterizations of Gender Diversity Are Associated With Higher Polygenic Propensity for Cognitive Performance in a Neurodiverse Sample ”, Thomas et al 2021
“Novel Disease Associations With Schizophrenia Genetic Risk Revealed in ~400,000 UK Biobank Participants ”, Zhang et al 2021b
“The Effects of Parenting on Early Adolescents’ Noncognitive Skills: Evidence from a Sample of Twins in Germany ”, Grätz et al 2021
“Genome-Wide Association Analyses of Individual Differences in Quantitatively Assessed Reading-Related and Language-Related Skills in up to 34,000 People ”, Eising et al 2021
“Genome-Wide Association Study of Cerebellar Volume ”, Tissink et al 2021
“General Dimensions of Human Brain Morphometry Inferred from Genome-Wide Association Data ”, Fürtjes et al 2021
General dimensions of human brain morphometry inferred from genome-wide association data
“Genetic and Environmental Influences on Sleep-Wake Behaviors in Adolescence ”, O’Callaghan et al 2021
Genetic and Environmental Influences on Sleep-Wake behaviors in Adolescence
“Genetic Contribution to Concern for Nature and Pro-Environmental Behavior ”, Chang et al 2021
Genetic Contribution to Concern for Nature and Pro-environmental Behavior
“Uncovering the Genetic Architecture of Broad Antisocial Behavior through a Genome-Wide Association Study Meta-Analysis. ”, Tielbeek et al 2021
“Rare Variant Aggregation in 148,508 Exomes Identifies Genes Associated With Proxy Alzheimer’s Disease ”, Wightman et al 2021
“Genetic Map of Regional Sulcal Morphology in the Human Brain ”, Sun et al 2021
Genetic map of regional sulcal morphology in the human brain
“Major Depressive Disorder and Lifestyle: Correlated Genetic Effects in Extended Twin Pedigrees ”, Huider et al 2021
Major Depressive Disorder and Lifestyle: Correlated Genetic Effects in Extended Twin Pedigrees
“Dissecting the Shared Genetic Architecture of Suicide Attempt, Psychiatric Disorders, and Known Risk Factors ”, Mullins et al 2021
“Robust Genetic Nurture Effects on Education: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Based on 38,654 Families across 8 Cohorts ”, Wang et al 2021c
“Polygenic Heterogeneity Across Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Subgroups Defined by a Comorbid Diagnosis ”, Strom et al 2021
“Why Are Some People More Jealous Than Others? Genetic and Environmental Factors ”, Kupfer et al 2021
Why are some people more jealous than others? Genetic and environmental factors
“Differences in the Genetic Architecture of Common and Rare Variants in Childhood, Persistent and Late-Diagnosed Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ”, Rajagopal et al 2021
“Genetic Correlates of Phenotypic Heterogeneity in Autism ”, Warrier et al 2021
“Genome-Wide Association Meta-Analysis of Childhood and Adolescent Internalizing Symptoms ”, Jami et al 2021
Genome-wide association meta-analysis of childhood and adolescent internalizing symptoms
“Large-Scale Genome-Wide Association Study of Food Liking Reveals Genetic Determinants and Genetic Correlations With Distinct Neurophysiological Traits ”, May-Wilson et al 2021
“On the Genetic and Environmental Relationship Between Suicide Attempt and Death by Suicide ”, Edwards et al 2021
On the Genetic and Environmental Relationship Between Suicide Attempt and Death by Suicide
“Early Life Antibiotic Exposure and the Subsequent Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis ”, Yu et al 2021
“Identification of Shared and Differentiating Genetic Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Case Subgroups ”, Mattheisen et al 2021
“Item-Level Genome-Wide Association Study of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test in Three Population-Based Cohorts ”, Mallard et al 2021
“Dissecting Polygenic Signals from Genome-Wide Association Studies on Human Behavior ”, Abdellaoui & Verweij 2021
Dissecting polygenic signals from genome-wide association studies on human behavior
“Genetic Sensitivity Analysis: Adjusting for Genetic Confounding in Epidemiological Associations ”, Pingault et al 2021
Genetic sensitivity analysis: Adjusting for genetic confounding in epidemiological associations
“Educational Attainment Has a Causal Effect on Economic, But Not Social Ideology: Evidence from Discordant Twins ”, Rasmussen et al 2021b
“Constitutional Thinness and Anorexia Nervosa Differ on a Genomic Level ”, Hübel et al 2021
Constitutional thinness and anorexia nervosa differ on a genomic level
“Evidence for Specificity of Polygenic Contributions to Attainment in English, Maths and Science during Adolescence ”, Donati et al 2021
“Genetic and Environmental Architecture of Conscientiousness in Adolescence ”, Takahashi et al 2021
Genetic and environmental architecture of Conscientiousness in adolescence
“Genetic Variation, Brain, and Intelligence Differences ”, Deary et al 2021
“Why Is Personality Tied to Sleep Quality? A Biometric Analysis of Twins ”, Krizan et al 2021
Why is personality tied to sleep quality? A biometric analysis of twins
“Genome-Wide Association Analyses of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Its Symptom Subdomains in the Million Veteran Program ”, Stein et al 2021
“A Co-Twin Control Study of the Association Between Bullying Victimization and Self-Harm and Suicide Attempt in Adolescence ”, O’Reilly et al 2021
“GWAS of 3 Molecular Traits Highlights Core Genes and Pathways alongside a Highly Polygenic Background ”, Sinnott-Armstrong et al 2021
“Shared Heritability of Human Face and Brain Shape ”, Naqvi et al 2021
“Analysis of Genetic and Environmental Correlation between Leisure Activities and Cognitive Function in Aging Chinese Twins ”, Xu et al 2020b
“Inclusion of Variants Discovered from Diverse Populations Improves Polygenic Risk Score Transferability ”, Cavazos & Witte 2020
“Integrating the Study of Personality and Psychopathology in the Context of Gene-Environment Correlations across Development ”, Perlstein & Waller 2020
“Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis of Brain Volume Identifies Genomic Loci and Genes Shared With Intelligence ”, Jansen et al 2020
Genome-wide meta-analysis of brain volume identifies genomic loci and genes shared with intelligence
“Multivariate Genomic Analysis of 1.5 Million People Identifies Genes Related to Addiction, Antisocial Behavior, and Health ”, Linnér et al 2020
“Genetic Architecture of 11 Major Psychiatric Disorders at Biobehavioral, Functional Genomic, and Molecular Genetic Levels of Analysis ”, Grotzinger et al 2020
“The Intersection of Individual Differences, Personality Variation, & Military Service: A Twin Comparison Design ”, Nedelec et al 2020
“Genetic and Environmental Influences on Stressful Life Events and Their Associations With Executive Functions in Young Adulthood: A Longitudinal Twin Analysis ”, Morrison et al 2020
“Common Variants Contribute to Intrinsic Human Brain Functional Networks ”, Zhao et al 2020
Common variants contribute to intrinsic human brain functional networks
“Mapping Genomic Loci Prioritises Genes and Implicates Synaptic Biology in Schizophrenia ”, Consortium et al 2020
Mapping genomic loci prioritises genes and implicates synaptic biology in schizophrenia
“‘Reports of My Death Were Greatly Exaggerated’: Behavior Genetics in the Postgenomic Era ”, Harden 2020
‘Reports of My Death Were Greatly Exaggerated’: Behavior Genetics in the Postgenomic Era
“Multivariate GWAS of Psychiatric Disorders and Their Cardinal Symptoms Reveal Two Dimensions of Cross-Cutting Genetic Liabilities ”, Mallard et al 2020
“GWAS of Over 427,000 Individuals Establishes GABAergic and Synaptic Molecular Pathways As Key for Cognitive Executive Functions ”, Hatoum et al 2020
“Executive Functions and Intelligence—Are There Genetic Difference? ”, Nikolašević et al 2020
Executive functions and intelligence—are there genetic difference?
“Shared Heritability of Face and Brain Shape Distinct from Cognitive Traits ”, Naqvi et al 2020
Shared heritability of face and brain shape distinct from cognitive traits
“Polygenic Scores for Cognitive Abilities and Their Association With Different Aspects of General Intelligence—A Deep Phenotyping Approach ”, Genç et al 2020
“Molecular Genetics, Risk Aversion, Return Perceptions, and Stock Market Participation ”, Sias et al 2020 (page 2)
Molecular Genetics, Risk Aversion, Return Perceptions, and Stock Market Participation
“Psychiatric Comorbidities in Asperger Syndrome Are Related With Polygenic Overlap and Differ from Other Autism Subtypes ”, González-Peñas et al 2020
“HDL: High-Definition Likelihood Inference of Genetic Correlations across Human Complex Traits ”, Ning 2020
HDL: High-definition likelihood inference of genetic correlations across human complex traits
“Specific Antisocial and Borderline Personality Disorder Criteria and General Substance Use: A Twin Study ”, Rosenström et al 2020
“Does Listening to Music Increase Your Ability to Discriminate Musical Sounds? ”, Wesseldijk et al 2020
Does listening to music increase your ability to discriminate musical sounds?
“Sex-Biased Reduction in Reproductive Success Drives Selective Constraint on Human Genes ”, Gardner et al 2020
Sex-biased reduction in reproductive success drives selective constraint on human genes
“Genetic and Environmental Influences on the Developmental Trajectory of Callous-Unemotional Traits from Childhood to Adolescence ”, Takahashi et al 2020
“Educational Attainment Polygenic Scores Are Associated With Cortical Total Surface Area and Regions Important for Language and Memory ”, Mitchell et al 2020
“Conditional GWAS Analysis to Identify Disorder-Specific SNPs for Psychiatric Disorders ”, Byrne et al 2020
Conditional GWAS analysis to identify disorder-specific SNPs for psychiatric disorders
“Genome-Wide Association Study of School Grades Identifies a Genetic Overlap between Language Ability, Psychopathology and Creativity ”, Rajagopal et al 2020
“Local Genetic Correlation Analysis Reveals Heterogeneous Etiologic Sharing of Complex Traits ”, Zhang et al 2020
Local genetic correlation analysis reveals heterogeneous etiologic sharing of complex traits
“Co-Aggregation and Heritability of Organ-Specific Autoimmunity: a Population-Based Twin Study ”, Skov et al 2020
Co-aggregation and heritability of organ-specific autoimmunity: a population-based twin study
“Need to Account for Familial Confounding in Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Prenatal Tobacco Smoke Exposure and Schizophrenia ”, Quinn et al 2020
“Trans-Biobank Analysis With 676,000 Individuals Elucidates the Association of Polygenic Risk Scores of Complex Traits With Human Lifespan ”, Sakaue et al 2020
“The Genetic Architecture of the Human Cerebral Cortex ”, Grasby et al 2020
“Genome-Wide Association Study of Creativity Reveals Genetic Overlap With Psychiatric Disorders, Risk Tolerance, and Risky Behaviors ”, Li et al 2020c
“Genetics of Schizophrenia in the South African Xhosa ”, Gulsuner et al 2020
“Investigating the Genetic Architecture of Non-Cognitive Skills Using GWAS-By-Subtraction ”, Demange et al 2020
Investigating the Genetic Architecture of Non-Cognitive Skills Using GWAS-by-Subtraction
“Extended Data Figure 2: GWAS Progress over Time. The Relationship of GWAS Associations to Sample-Size Is Shown in This Plot With Selected SCZ GWAS Meta-Analyses of the past 11 Years. The X-Axis Shows Number of Cases. The Y-Axis Shows the Number of Independent Loci Discovered With at Least One Genome-Wide Statistically-Significant Index SNP in the Discovery Meta-Analysis (Eg. without Replication Data)…The Slope of ~4 Newly Discovered Loci per 1,000 Cases 2013–2019 Increased to a Slope of ~6 With the Latest Sample-Size Increase. ”
“Aggression Based Genome-Wide, Glutamatergic, Dopaminergic and Neuroendocrine Polygenic Risk Scores Predict Callous-Unemotional Traits ”, Ruisch 2020
“A Large-Scale Genome-Wide Association Study Meta-Analysis of Cannabis Use Disorder ”, Johnson et al 2020
A large-scale genome-wide association study meta-analysis of cannabis use disorder
“Genomic Relationships, Novel Loci, and Pleiotropic Mechanisms across Eight Psychiatric Disorders ”, Consortium 2019
Genomic Relationships, Novel Loci, and Pleiotropic Mechanisms across Eight Psychiatric Disorders
“Quantifying Genetic Heterogeneity between Continental Populations for Human Height and Body Mass Index ”, Guo et al 2019
“Improved Polygenic Prediction by Bayesian Multiple Regression on Summary Statistics ”, Lloyd-Jones et al 2019
Improved polygenic prediction by Bayesian multiple regression on summary statistics
“Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies 49 Common Genetic Variants Associated With Handedness ”, Partida et al 2019
Genome-wide association study identifies 49 common genetic variants associated with handedness
“The Genetics of Human Ageing ”, Melzer et al 2019
The genetics of human ageing :
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“Investigating the Causal Effect of Cannabis Use on Cognitive Function With a Quasi-Experimental Co-Twin Design ”, Ross et al 2019
“Contribution of Genetics to Visceral Adiposity and Its Relation to Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease ”, Karlsson et al 2019
“Social and Non-Social Autism Symptoms and Trait Domains Are Genetically Dissociable ”, Warrier et al 2019
Social and non-social autism symptoms and trait domains are genetically dissociable
“Assortative Mating and the Evolution of Desirability Covariation ”, Conroy-Beam et al 2019
Assortative mating and the evolution of desirability covariation
“Predicting Musical Aptitude and Achievement: Practice, Teaching, and Intelligence ”, Mosing et al 2019
Predicting Musical Aptitude and Achievement: Practice, Teaching, and Intelligence
“Large-Scale GWAS Reveals Insights into the Genetic Architecture of Same-Sex Sexual Behavior ”, Ganna et al 2019
Large-scale GWAS reveals insights into the genetic architecture of same-sex sexual behavior
“Identification of Type 2 Diabetes Loci in 433,540 East Asian Individuals ”, Spracklen et al 2019
Identification of type 2 diabetes loci in 433,540 East Asian individuals
“Genetic Associations Between Executive Functions and a General Factor of Psychopathology ”, Harden et al 2019
Genetic Associations Between Executive Functions and a General Factor of Psychopathology
“The Genetics of Human Fertility ”, Kim & Lee 2019
“GWAS of Brain Volume on 54,407 Individuals and Cross-Trait Analysis With Intelligence Identifies Shared Genomic Loci and Genes ”, Jansen et al 2019
“Genetic Associations With Mathematics Tracking and Persistence in Secondary School ”, Harden et al 2019
Genetic Associations with Mathematics Tracking and Persistence in Secondary School
“Penetrance and Pleiotropy of Polygenic Risk Scores for Schizophrenia in 106,160 Patients across Four Healthcare Systems ”, Zheutlin et al 2019
“Familial Influences on Neuroticism and Education in the UK Biobank ”, Cheesman et al 2019
Familial influences on Neuroticism and Education in the UK Biobank
“Genome Wide Meta-Analysis Identifies Genomic Relationships, Novel Loci, and Pleiotropic Mechanisms across Eight Psychiatric Disorders ”, Consortium et al 2019
“Multivariate Genome-Wide Analyses of the Well-Being Spectrum ”, Baselmans et al 2019
Multivariate genome-wide analyses of the well-being spectrum
“Genomics of Disease Risk in Globally Diverse Populations ”, Gurdasani et al 2019
“Genetic and Environmental Variation in Political Orientation in Adolescence and Early Adulthood: A Nuclear Twin Family Analysis ”, Hufer et al 2019
“Unravelling the Interplay Between Genetic and Environmental Contributions in the Unfolding of Personality Differences from Early Adolescence to Young Adulthood ”, Kandler et al 2019
“The Association Between Genetic Predisposition and Parental Socialization: An Examination of Gene-Environment Correlations Using an Adoption-Based Design ”, Knoblach et al 2019
“Association Studies of up to 1.2 Million Individuals Yield New Insights into the Genetic Etiology of Tobacco and Alcohol Use ”, Liu et al 2019
“Multi–Polygenic Score Approach to Identifying Individual Vulnerabilities Associated With the Risk of Exposure to Bullying ”, Schoeler et al 2019
“Genome-Wide Analysis Reveals Extensive Genetic Overlap between Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, and Intelligence ”, Smeland et al 2019
“Identification of 28 New Susceptibility Loci for Type 2 Diabetes in the Japanese Population ”, Suzuki et al 2019
Identification of 28 new susceptibility loci for type 2 diabetes in the Japanese population :
“Quantifying Between-Cohort and Between-Sex Genetic Heterogeneity in Major Depressive Disorder ”, Trzaskowski et al 2019
Quantifying between-cohort and between-sex genetic heterogeneity in major depressive disorder :
“Genetic Correlations of Polygenic Disease Traits: from Theory to Practice ”, Rheenen et al 2019
Genetic correlations of polygenic disease traits: from theory to practice :
“Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies 8 Risk Loci and Implicates Metabo-Psychiatric Origins for Anorexia Nervosa ”, Watson et al 2019
“New Evidence on the Link between Genes, Psychological Traits, and Political Engagement ”, Weinschenk et al 2019
New evidence on the link between genes, psychological traits, and political engagement
“Genetic Analyses of Diverse Populations Improves Discovery for Complex Traits ”, Wojcik et al 2019
Genetic analyses of diverse populations improves discovery for complex traits :
“Common Polygenic Variations for Psychiatric Disorders and Cognition in Relation to Brain Morphology in the General Pediatric Population ”, Alemany et al 2019
“Genetics and the Geography of Health, Behavior and Attainment ”, Belsky et al 2019b
Genetics and the geography of health, behavior and attainment :
“Life-Course Socioeconomic Differences and Social Mobility in Preventable and Non-Preventable Mortality: a Study of Swedish Twins ”, Ericsson et al 2019
“Genetic Predisposition vs Individual-Specific Processes in the Association Between Psychotic-Like Experiences and Cannabis Use ”, Karcher et al 2019
“Genomic Structural Equation Modeling Provides Insights into the Multivariate Genetic Architecture of Complex Traits ”, Grotzinger et al 2019
“Estimating the Educational Consequences of Teenage Childbearing: Identification, Heterogeneous Effects and the Value of Biological Relationship Information ”, Heiland et al 2018
“’Same but Different’: Associations between Multiple Aspects of Self-Regulation, Cognition, and Academic Abilities ”, Malanchini et al 2018
“A Global Overview of Pleiotropy and Genetic Architecture in Complex Traits ”, Watanabe et al 2018
A global overview of pleiotropy and genetic architecture in complex traits
“Using Genetics to Examine a General Liability to Childhood Psychopathology ”, Riglin et al 2018
Using genetics to examine a general liability to childhood psychopathology
“Novel Genome-Wide Associations for Suicidality in UK Biobank, Genetic Correlation With Psychiatric Disorders and Polygenic Association With Completed Suicide ”, Strawbridge et al 2018
“The Genetic Relationship between Female Reproductive Traits and Six Psychiatric Disorders ”, Ni et al 2018
The genetic relationship between female reproductive traits and six psychiatric disorders
“The Stability of Educational Achievement across School Years Is Largely Explained by Genetic Factors ”, Rimfeld et al 2018
The stability of educational achievement across school years is largely explained by genetic factors
“Exploring the Genetic Correlations of Antisocial Behavior and Life History Traits ”, Tielbeek et al 2018
Exploring the genetic correlations of antisocial behavior and life history traits
“Multi-Polygenic Score Approach to Trait Prediction ”, Krapohl et al 2018
“Genetic Analysis of Social-Class Mobility in Five Longitudinal Studies ”, Belsky et al 2018
Genetic analysis of social-class mobility in five longitudinal studies
“Genetic & Environmental Influences on the Phenotypic Associations between Intelligence, Personality, & Creative Achievement in the Arts and Sciences ”, Manzano & Ullén 2018
“Analysis of Shared Heritability in Common Disorders of the Brain ”, Consortium 2018
Analysis of shared heritability in common disorders of the brain
“Association of Current and Former Smoking With Body Mass Index: A Study of Smoking Discordant Twin Pairs from 21 Twin Cohorts ”, Piirtola et al 2018
“Common Disease Is More Complex Than Implied by the Core Gene Omnigenic Model ”, Wray et al 2018c
Common Disease Is More Complex Than Implied by the Core Gene Omnigenic Model
“Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals Sex-Specific Genetic Architecture of Facial Attractiveness ”, Hu et al 2018
Genome-wide association study reveals sex-specific genetic architecture of facial attractiveness
“Sex Differences in the Big Five Model Personality Traits: A Behavior Genetics Exploration ”, South et al 2018
Sex differences in the Big Five model personality traits: A behavior genetics exploration
“Genomic SEM Provides Insights into the Multivariate Genetic Architecture of Complex Traits ”, Grotzinger et al 2018
Genomic SEM Provides Insights into the Multivariate Genetic Architecture of Complex Traits
“The Genetic Architecture of Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder ”, O’Connell et al 2018
“Comparison of Genotypic and Phenotypic Correlations: Cheverud’s Conjecture in Humans ”, Sodini et al 2018
Comparison of Genotypic and Phenotypic Correlations: Cheverud’s Conjecture in Humans
“Improving Genetic Prediction by Leveraging Genetic Correlations among Human Diseases and Traits ”, Maier et al 2018
Improving genetic prediction by leveraging genetic correlations among human diseases and traits
“A Combined Analysis of Genetically Correlated Traits Identifies 187 Loci and a Role for Neurogenesis and Myelination in Intelligence ”, Hill et al 2018
“Genetic and Environmental Associations Between Child Personality and Parenting ”, Ayoub et al 2018
Genetic and Environmental Associations Between Child Personality and Parenting
“Genetic and Environmental Overlap Between Substance Use and Delinquency in Adolescence ”, Boisvert et al 2018
Genetic and Environmental Overlap Between Substance Use and Delinquency in Adolescence
“Association Between Population Density and Genetic Risk for Schizophrenia ”, Colodro-Conde et al 2018
Association Between Population Density and Genetic Risk for Schizophrenia :
“The Social Genome of Friends and Schoolmates in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health ”
“Childhood Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Risk of Coercive Sexual Victimization in Childhood and Adolescence—A Population-Based Prospective Twin Study ”, Gotby et al 2018
“Genetic and Environmental Influences on Verbal Fluency in Middle Age: A Longitudinal Twin Study ”, Gustavson 2018
Genetic and Environmental Influences on Verbal Fluency in Middle Age: A Longitudinal Twin Study :
“The Role of Sex in the Genomics of Human Complex Traits ”, Khramtsova et al 2018
“A Behavioral Genetic Analysis of the Co-Occurrence Between Psychopathic Personality Traits and Criminal Behavior ”, Lewis et al 2018
“Challenging Assumptions: A Genetically Sensitive Assessment of the Criminogenic Effect of Contact With the Criminal Justice System ”, Nedelec & Silver 2018
“Estimation of Genetic Correlation via Linkage Disequilibrium Score Regression and Genomic Restricted Maximum Likelihood ”, Ni et al 2018
“Genetic and Environmental Influences on Internalizing Psychopathology across Age and Pubertal Development ”, Patterson et al 2018b
“Association between Maternal Body Mass Index in Early Pregnancy and Anorexia Nervosa in Daughters ”
Association between maternal body mass index in early pregnancy and anorexia nervosa in daughters :
“Oup_cercor_bhy005 1..16 ++ ”
“Multi-Trait Analysis of Genome-Wide Association Summary Statistics Using MTAG ”, Turley et al 2018
Multi-trait analysis of genome-wide association summary statistics using MTAG
“Transancestral GWAS of Alcohol Dependence Reveals Common Genetic Underpinnings With Psychiatric Disorders ”, Walters et al 2018
“The Effect of Education on Political Knowledge: Evidence From Monozygotic Twins ”, Weinschenk & Dawes 2018
The Effect of Education on Political Knowledge: Evidence From Monozygotic Twins
“Childhood Body Mass Index and Development of Eating Disorder Traits across Adolescence ”, Wiklund et al 2018
Childhood body mass index and development of eating disorder traits across adolescence :
“Transethnic Differences in GWAS Signals: A Simulation Study ”
Transethnic differences in GWAS signals: A simulation study :
“A Polygenic Score for Higher Educational Attainment Is Associated With Larger Brains ”, Elliott et al 2018
A Polygenic Score for Higher Educational Attainment is Associated With Larger Brains
“LD Score Regression As an Estimator of Confounding and Genetic Correlations in Genome-Wide Association Studies ”, Lee & Chow 2017
“Common Risk Variants Identified in Autism Spectrum Disorder ”, Grove et al 2017
“Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Personality, and Depression: A Twin Study ”, Cesta et al 2017
Polycystic ovary syndrome, personality, and depression: A twin study
“The Molecular Genetics of Participation in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children ”, Taylor et al 2017
The molecular genetics of participation in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children
“Polygenic Risk Scores Applied to a Single Cohort Reveal Pleiotropy among Hundreds of Human Phenotypes ”, Socrates et al 2017
“The Developmental Nature of the Victim-Offender Overlap ”, Beckley et al 2017
“Genome-Wide Association Study of Social Relationship Satisfaction: Loci and Correlations With Psychiatric Conditions ”, Warrier et al 2017
“Identification of Genetic Loci Jointly Influencing Schizophrenia Risk and the Cognitive Traits of Verbal-Numerical Reasoning, Reaction Time, and General Cognitive Function ”, Smeland et al 2017
“Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies 112 New Loci for Body Mass Index in the Japanese Population ”, Akiyama et al 2017
Genome-wide association study identifies 112 new loci for body mass index in the Japanese population
“Indirect Assortative Mating for Human Disease and Longevity ”, Rawlik et al 2017
“GWAS Meta-Analysis of Neuroticism (n = 449,484) Identifies Novel Genetic Loci and Pathways ”, Nagel et al 2017
GWAS Meta-Analysis of Neuroticism (n = 449,484) Identifies Novel Genetic Loci and Pathways
“99 Independent Genetic Loci Influencing General Cognitive Function Include Genes Associated With Brain Health and Structure (n = 280,360) ”, Davies et al 2017
“An Atlas of Genetic Associations in UK Biobank ”, Canela-Xandri et al 2017
“Genome-Wide Analysis of Risk-Taking Behavior and Cross-Disorder Genetic Correlations in 116,255 Individuals from the UK Biobank Cohort ”, Strawbridge et al 2017
“Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies 30 Loci Associated With Bipolar Disorder ”, Stahl et al 2017
Genome-wide association study identifies 30 Loci Associated with Bipolar Disorder
“Genetic Correlations of Hip Dysplasia Scores for Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers in France, Sweden and the UK ”, Wang et al 2017
“116 Independent Genetic Variants Influence the Neuroticism Personality Trait in over 329,000 UK Biobank Individuals ”, Luciano et al 2017
“Genome-Wide Association Analyses Identify 44 Risk Variants and Refine the Genetic Architecture of Major Depressive Disorder ”, Wray et al 2017
“A Combined Analysis of Genetically Correlated Traits Identifies 107 Loci Associated With Intelligence ”, Hill et al 2017
“An Expanded View of Complex Traits: From Polygenic to Omnigenic ”, Boyle et al 2017
An Expanded View of Complex Traits: From Polygenic to Omnigenic
“Genetic Contribution to Two Factors of Neuroticism Is Associated With Affluence, Better Health, and Longer Life ”, Hill et al 2017
“Genome-Wide Analysis of 113,968 Individuals in UK Biobank Identifies 4 Loci Associated With Mood Instability ”, Ward et al 2017
“Widespread Signatures of Positive Selection in Common Risk Alleles Associated to Autism Spectrum Disorder ”, Polimanti & Gelernter 2017
“GWAS Meta-Analysis Reveals Novel Loci and Genetic Correlates for General Cognitive Function: a Report from the COGENT Consortium ”, Trampush et al 2017
“Executive Functions and Substance Use: Relations in Late Adolescence and Early Adulthood ”, Gustavson et al 2017
Executive Functions and Substance Use: Relations in Late Adolescence and Early Adulthood
“Association Between Schizophrenia-Related Polygenic Liability and the Occurrence and Level of Mood-Incongruent Psychotic Symptoms in Bipolar Disorder ”, Association 2017
“Genetic Correlations between Intraocular Pressure, Blood Pressure and Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma: a Multi-Cohort Analysis ”, Aschard et al 2017
“Genetic Influences on ADHD Symptom Dimensions: Examination of a Priori Candidates, Gene-Based Tests, Genome-Wide Variation, and SNP Heritability ”
“Genetic Correlation between Alcohol Preference and Conditioned Fear: Exploring a Functional Relationship ”, Chester & Weera 2017
“Leveraging Multi-Ethnic Evidence for Risk Assessment of Quantitative Traits in Minority Populations ”, Coram et al 2017
Leveraging Multi-Ethnic Evidence for Risk Assessment of Quantitative Traits in Minority Populations :
“Bayesian Analysis of Genetic Association across Tree-Structured Routine Healthcare Data in the UK Biobank ”, Cortes et al 2017
“Assessing Genetic and Environmental Influences on Epicardial and Abdominal Adipose Tissue Quantities: A Classical Twin Study ”, Jermendy et al 2017
“Genetic Contributors to Variation in Alcohol Consumption Vary by Race/ethnicity in a Large Multi-Ethnic Genome-Wide Association Study ”, Jorgenson et al 2017
“Identification of 153 New Loci Associated With Heel Bone Mineral Density and Functional Involvement of GPC6 in Osteoporosis ”, Kemp et al 2017
“Genetic Analysis in UK Biobank Links Insulin Resistance and Transendothelial Migration Pathways to Coronary Artery Disease ”, Klarin et al 2017
“High-Resolution Genetic Maps Identify Multiple Type 2 Diabetes Loci at Regulatory Hotspots in African Americans and Europeans ”, Lau et al 2017
“Genome-Wide Association Analysis Identifies 30 New Susceptibility Loci for Schizophrenia ”, Li et al 2017c
Genome-wide association analysis identifies 30 new susceptibility loci for schizophrenia :
“Sensation Seeking and Impulsive Traits As Personality Endophenotypes for Antisocial Behavior: Evidence from Two Independent Samples ”, Mann et al 2017
“Genetic Evidence of Assortative Mating in Humans ”, Robinson et al 2017
“Prediction of Alcohol Use Disorder Using Personality Disorder Traits: a Twin Study ”, Rosenström et al 2017
Prediction of alcohol use disorder using personality disorder traits: a twin study :
“Psychiatric Genetics and the Structure of Psychopathology ”, Smoller et al 2017
“Genetic Risk Variants for Social Anxiety ”
“Hidden Heritability due to Heterogeneity across 7 Populations ”, Tropf et al 2017
Hidden heritability due to heterogeneity across 7 populations
“Pleiotropic Genetic Effects Influencing Sleep and Neurological Disorders ”, Veatch et al 2017
Pleiotropic genetic effects influencing sleep and neurological disorders :
“GW-SEM: A Statistical Package to Conduct Genome-Wide Structural Equation Modeling ”, Verhulst 2017
GW-SEM: A Statistical Package to Conduct Genome-Wide Structural Equation Modeling :
“Genetic and Environmental Contributions to the Association Between Cannabis Use and Psychotic-Like Experiences in Young Adult Twins ”, Nesvåg et al 2017
“Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Heritability of a General Psychopathology Factor in Children ”, Neumann et al 2016
Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Heritability of a General Psychopathology Factor in Children
“Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals First Locus for Anorexia Nervosa and Metabolic Correlations ”, Duncan et al 2016
Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals First Locus for Anorexia Nervosa and Metabolic Correlations
“Genetic Correlation between Body Fat Percentage and Cardiorespiratory Fitness Suggests Common Genetic Etiology ”, Schnurr et al 2016
“Genome-Wide Analysis Identifies 12 Loci Influencing Human Reproductive Behavior ”, Barban et al 2016
Genome-wide analysis identifies 12 loci influencing human reproductive behavior
“Partitioning Heritability Analysis Reveals a Shared Genetic Basis of Brain Anatomy and Schizophrenia ”, Lee et al 2016
Partitioning heritability analysis reveals a shared genetic basis of brain anatomy and schizophrenia
“What Explains the Heritability of Completed Fertility? Evidence from Two Large Twin Studies ”, Briley et al 2016
What Explains the Heritability of Completed Fertility? Evidence from Two Large Twin Studies
“Identification of 15 Genetic Loci Associated With Risk of Major Depression in Individuals of European Descent ”, Hyde et al 2016
“Genetically-Mediated Associations Between Measures of Childhood Character and Academic Achievement ”, Tucker-Drob et al 2016
Genetically-Mediated Associations Between Measures of Childhood Character and Academic Achievement
“The Genetics of Success: How Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms Associated With Educational Attainment Relate to Life-Course Development ”, Belsky et al 2016
“Genetic Overlap between Schizophrenia and Developmental Psychopathology: a Longitudinal Approach Applied to Common Childhood Disorders between Age 7 and 15 Years ”, Nivard et al 2016
“LD Hub: a Centralized Database and Web Interface to Perform LD Score Regression That Maximizes the Potential of Summary Level GWAS Data for SNP Heritability and Genetic Correlation Analysis ”, Zheng et al 2016
“Genome-Wide Analyses of Empathy and Systemizing: Heritability and Correlates With Sex, Education, and Psychiatric Risk ”, Warrier et al 2016
“Education and Social Trust: Testing a Causal Hypothesis Using the Discordant Twin Design ”, Oskarsson et al 2016
Education and Social Trust: Testing a Causal Hypothesis Using the Discordant Twin Design
“Lifespan and Skeletal Muscle Properties: The Effects of Genetic Background, Physical Activity and Aging ”, Karvinen 2016
“Genetic Variants Associated With Subjective Well-Being, Depressive Symptoms, and Neuroticism Identified through Genome-Wide Analyses ”, Okbay et al 2016
“Molecular Genetic Contributions to Self-Rated Health ”, Harris et al 2016
“Genetic Contributions to Self-Reported Tiredness ”, Deary et al 2016
“Genome-Wide Association Study of Cognitive Functions and Educational Attainment in UK Biobank (n = 112 151) ”, Davies et al 2016
“True Grit and Genetics: Predicting Academic Achievement From Personality ”, Rimfeld et al 2016
True Grit and Genetics: Predicting Academic Achievement From Personality
“Shared Genetic Aetiology between Cognitive Functions and Physical and Mental Health in UK Biobank (n = 112,151) and 24 GWAS Consortia ”, Hagenaars et al 2016
“Novel Genetic Loci Underlying Human Intracranial Volume Identified through Genome-Wide Association ”, Adams et al 2016
Novel genetic loci underlying human intracranial volume identified through genome-wide association :
“Predicting Cognitive Executive Functioning With Polygenic Risk Scores for Psychiatric Disorders ”, Benca et al 2016
Predicting Cognitive Executive Functioning with Polygenic Risk Scores for Psychiatric Disorders :
“Genome-Wide Association Study of Loneliness Demonstrates a Role for Common Variation ”, Gao et al 2016
Genome-Wide Association Study of Loneliness Demonstrates a Role for Common Variation :
“Shared Genetic Factors Influence Head Motion During MRI and Body Mass Index ”
Shared Genetic Factors Influence Head Motion During MRI and Body Mass Index :
“Genome-Wide Associations for Birth Weight and Correlations With Adult Disease ”, Horikoshi et al 2016
Genome-wide associations for birth weight and correlations with adult disease :
“On the Relationship Between Domain-Specific Creative Achievement and Sexual Orientation in Swedish Twins ”, Mosing et al 2016
“Genetic and Environmental Associations between Body Dissatisfaction, Weight Preoccupation, and Binge Eating: Evidence for a Common Factor With Differential Loadings Across Symptom Type ”
“Detection and Interpretation of Shared Genetic Influences on 42 Human Traits ”, Berisa et al 2016
Detection and interpretation of shared genetic influences on 42 human traits :
“Schizophrenia Risk Alleles and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Childhood: a Population-Based Cohort Study ”, Riglin et al 2016
“Genetic Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorders and Neuropsychiatric Variation in the General Population ”, Robinson et al 2016
Genetic risk for autism spectrum disorders and neuropsychiatric variation in the general population :
“Alcohol Use Disorder and Divorce: Evidence for a Genetic Correlation in a Population-Based Swedish Sample ”, Salvatore et al 2016
“Heritability and Genetic Correlation Between the Cerebral Cortex and Associated White Matter Connections ”
“Genome-Wide Analysis of over 106 000 Individuals Identifies 9 Neuroticism-Associated Loci ”, Smith et al 2016
Genome-wide analysis of over 106 000 individuals identifies 9 Neuroticism-associated loci
“Heritability of High Sugar Consumption through Drinks and the Genetic Correlation With Substance Use12 ”
“Genetic Overlap between Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Bipolar Disorder: Evidence from GWAS Meta-Analysis Meta-Analysis of ADHD and BPD GWAS ”, Hulzen et al 2016
“Not All Risks Are Created Equal: A Twin Study and Meta-Analyses of Risk Taking across 7 Domains ”, Wang et al 2016d
Not all risks are created equal: A twin study and meta-analyses of risk taking across 7 domains :
“Genetic Factor Common to Schizophrenia and HIV Infection Is Associated With Risky Sexual Behavior: Antagonistic vs. Synergistic Pleiotropic SNPs Enriched for Distinctly Different Biological Functions ”, Wang et al 2016
“Top 10 Replicated Findings From Behavioral Genetics § #7: The Environment Is Genetic ”, Plomin et al 2016 (page 10)
Top 10 Replicated Findings From Behavioral Genetics § #7: The Environment Is Genetic
“The Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Internet Use and Associations With Psychopathology: A Twin Study ”, Long et al 2016
“Assessing the Genetic Overlap between BMI and Cognitive Function ”, Marioni et al 2016
Assessing the genetic overlap between BMI and cognitive function
“Transethnic Genetic-Correlation Estimates from Summary Statistics ”, Brown et al 2016
Transethnic Genetic-Correlation Estimates from Summary Statistics
“The Biodemography of Fertility: A Review and Future Research Frontiers ”, Mills & Tropf 2015
The Biodemography of Fertility: A Review and Future Research Frontiers
“Polygenic Risk Scores for Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder Predict Creativity ”, Power et al 2015
Polygenic risk scores for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder predict creativity
“Infertility Etiologies Are Genetically and Clinically Linked With Other Diseases in Single Meta-Diseases ”, Tarín et al 2015
“A Swedish National Twin Study of Criminal Behavior and Its Violent, White-Collar and Property Subtypes ”, Kendler et al 2015
“Common Psychiatric Disorders Share the Same Genetic Origin: a Multivariate Sibling Study of the Swedish Population ”, Pettersson et al 2015
“Educational Attainment-Related Loci Identified by GWAS Are Associated With Select Personality Traits and Mathematics and Language Abilities ”, Zhu et al 2015
“IQ and Schizophrenia in a Swedish National Sample: Their Causal Relationship and the Interaction of IQ With Genetic Risk ”, Kendler et al 2015
“Common Genetic Variants Influence Human Subcortical Brain Structures ”, Hibar et al 2015
Common genetic variants influence human subcortical brain structures
“Pleiotropy across Academic Subjects at the End of Compulsory Education ”, Rimfeld et al 2015
Pleiotropy across academic subjects at the end of compulsory education
“Did Sexual Selection Shape Human Music? Testing Predictions from the Sexual Selection Hypothesis of Music Evolution Using a Large Genetically-Informative Sample of over 10,000 Twins ”, Mosing et al 2015
“Paternal Antisocial Behavior and Sons’ Cognitive Ability: A Population-Based Quasiexperimental Study ”, Latvala et al 2014
Paternal Antisocial Behavior and Sons’ Cognitive Ability: A Population-Based Quasiexperimental Study
“Physical Attractiveness As a Phenotypic Marker of Health: an Assessment Using a Nationally Representative Sample of American Adults ”, Nedelec & Beaver 2014
“Enhanced Neurocognitive Functioning and Positive Temperament in Twins Discordant for Bipolar Disorder ”, Higier et al 2014
“Children of Twins Design ”, D’Onofrio 2014
“Bipolar Disorder and Its Relation to Major Psychiatric Disorders: a Family-Based Study in the Swedish Population ”, Song et al 2014
“A Twin Study of Problematic Internet Use: Its Heritability and Genetic Association With Effortful Control ”, Li et al 2014
“Practice Does Not Make Perfect: No Causal Effect of Music Practice on Music Ability ”, Mosing et al 2014
Practice Does Not Make Perfect: No Causal Effect of Music Practice on Music Ability
“Does Population Density and Neighborhood Deprivation Predict Schizophrenia? A Nationwide Swedish Family-Based Study of 2.4 Million Individuals ”, Sariaslan et al 2014b
“A Multivariate Twin Study of the Dimensions of Religiosity and Common Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders ”, Vance et al 2014
“Behavior Genetic Research Methods: Testing Quasi-Causal Hypotheses Using Multivariate Twin Data ”, Turkheimer & Harden 2014
Behavior Genetic Research Methods: Testing Quasi-Causal Hypotheses Using Multivariate Twin Data
“BJP-2013–136200 1..5 ”
“Estimating the Sex-Specific Effects of Genes on Facial Attractiveness and Sexual Dimorphism ”, Mitchem et al 2014
Estimating the sex-specific effects of genes on facial attractiveness and sexual dimorphism
“Genetic Relations among Procrastination, Impulsivity, and Goal-Management Ability: Implications for the Evolutionary Origin of Procrastination ”, Gustavson et al 2014
“The High Heritability of Educational Achievement Reflects Many Genetically Influenced Traits, Not Just Intelligence ”, Krapohl et al 2014
“Parenting As a Reaction Evoked by Children’s Genotype: A Meta-Analysis of Children-As-Twins Studies ”, Avinun & Knafo 2013
Parenting as a Reaction Evoked by Children’s Genotype: A Meta-Analysis of Children-as-Twins Studies
“High Loading of Polygenic Risk for ADHD in Children With Comorbid Aggression ”, Hamshere et al 2013
High Loading of Polygenic Risk for ADHD in Children With Comorbid Aggression
“Polygenic Risk for Schizophrenia Is Associated With Cognitive Change Between Childhood and Old Age ”, McIntosh et al 2013
Polygenic Risk for Schizophrenia Is Associated with Cognitive Change Between Childhood and Old Age
“Identification of Risk Loci With Shared Effects on 5 Major Psychiatric Disorders: a Genome-Wide Analysis ”, Consortium 2013
“Examining the Role of Passive Gene-Environment Correlation in Childhood Depression Using a Novel Genetically Sensitive Design ”, Rice et al 2013
“Genetic Insights into Common Pathways and Complex Relationships among Immune-Mediated Diseases ”, Parkes et al 2013
Genetic insights into common pathways and complex relationships among immune-mediated diseases :
“There Is a World Outside of Experimental Designs: Using Twins to Investigate Causation ”, Hart et al 2013
There Is a World Outside of Experimental Designs: Using Twins to Investigate Causation
“Shared Polygenic Contribution between Childhood Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Adult Schizophrenia ”, Hamshere et al 2013
“Genetic Relationship between Five Psychiatric Disorders Estimated from Genome-Wide SNPs ”, Lee et al 2013
Genetic relationship between five psychiatric disorders estimated from genome-wide SNPs
“Genomic Responses in Mouse Models Poorly Mimic Human Inflammatory Diseases ”, Seok 2013
Genomic responses in mouse models poorly mimic human inflammatory diseases
“Strong Genetic Contribution to Peer Relationship Difficulties at School Entry: Findings From a Longitudinal Twin Study ”, Boivin et al 2012
“25 Years of Selection for Improved Leg Health in Purebred Broiler Lines and Underlying Genetic Parameters ”, Kapell et al 2012
“Extending Research on the Victim-Offender Overlap: Evidence From a Genetically-Informative Analysis ”, Barnes & Beaver 2012b
Extending Research on the Victim-Offender Overlap: Evidence From a Genetically-Informative Analysis
“Genetic Contributions to Stability and Change in Intelligence from Childhood to Old Age ”, Deary et al 2012b
Genetic contributions to stability and change in intelligence from childhood to old age
“The Prediction of School Achievement from a Behavior Genetic Perspective: Results from the German Twin Study on Cognitive Ability, Self-Reported Motivation, and School Achievement (CoSMoS) ”, Gottschling et al 2012
“Genome-Wide Association Meta-Analysis Identifies New Endometriosis Risk Loci ”, Nyholt et al 2012
Genome-wide association meta-analysis identifies new endometriosis risk loci
“Correlation Not Causation: the Relationship between Personality Traits and Political Ideologies ”, Verhulst et al 2012
Correlation not causation: the relationship between personality traits and political ideologies
“Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies Five New Schizophrenia Loci ”, Consortium 2011
Genome-wide association study identifies five new schizophrenia loci
“Testing Cheverud’s Conjecture For Behavioral Correlations And Behavioral Syndromes ”, Dochtermann 2011
Testing Cheverud’s Conjecture For Behavioral Correlations And Behavioral Syndromes
“Shared Genetic Factors in the Co-Occurrence of Symptoms of Depression and Cardiovascular Risk Factors ”, López-León et al 2010
“Causal Inference and Observational Research: The Utility of Twins ”, McGue et al 2010
Causal Inference and Observational Research: The Utility of Twins
“Genetics of Caffeine Consumption and Responses to Caffeine ”, Yang et al 2010
“Common Polygenic Variation Contributes to Risk of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder ”, Consortium 2009
Common polygenic variation contributes to risk of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
“Stability, Change, and Heritability of Borderline Personality Disorder Traits from Adolescence to Adulthood: a Longitudinal Twin Study ”, Bornovalova et al 2009
“Stability and Change in Religiousness During Emerging Adulthood ”, Koenig et al 2008
Stability and Change in Religiousness During Emerging Adulthood
“Individual Differences in Executive Functions Are Almost Entirely Genetic in Origin ”, Friedman et al 2008
Individual differences in executive functions are almost entirely genetic in origin
“Proceeding From Observed Correlation to Causal Inference: The Use of Natural Experiments ”, Rutter 2007
Proceeding From Observed Correlation to Causal Inference: The Use of Natural Experiments
“Effect of Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy on Offspring’s Cognitive Ability: Empirical Evidence for Complete Confounding in the US National Longitudinal Survey of Youth ”, Batty et al 2006
“A Genetically Informed Study of the Association between Harsh Punishment and Offspring Behavioral Problems ”, Lynch et al 2006
“Perceptual Speed Does Not Cause Intelligence, and Intelligence Does Not Cause Perceptual Speed ”, Luciano et al 2005
Perceptual speed does not cause intelligence, and intelligence does not cause perceptual speed
“Paternal Alcoholism and Offspring Conduct Disorder: Evidence for the ‘Common Genes’ Hypothesis ”, Haber et al 2005
Paternal Alcoholism and Offspring Conduct Disorder: Evidence for the ‘Common Genes’ Hypothesis
“Generalist Genes and Learning Disabilities ”, Plomin & Kovas 2005
“Schizophrenia and Urbanicity: A Major Environmental Influence—Conditional on Genetic Risk ”, Krabbendam & Os 2005
Schizophrenia and Urbanicity: A Major Environmental Influence—Conditional on Genetic Risk
“A Twin Study of the Genetics of Fear Conditioning ”, Hettema et al 2003
“Testing Hypotheses about the Relationship between Cannabis Use and Psychosis ”, Degenhardt et al 2003
Testing hypotheses about the relationship between cannabis use and psychosis
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“Shared Genetic Vulnerability in Alcohol and Cigarette Use and Dependence ”
Shared Genetic Vulnerability in Alcohol and Cigarette Use and Dependence
“Intelligence and Achievement: A Behavioral Genetic Perspective ”
Intelligence and Achievement: A Behavioral Genetic Perspective :
“Chapter 21: Correlations Between Characters ”, Lynch & Walsh 1998
“Genetic Contributions to Continuity, Change, and Co-Occurrence of Antisocial and Depressive Symptoms in Adolescence ”
“Bivariate Quantitative Trait Linkage Analysis: Pleiotropy versus Co-Incident Linkages ”
Bivariate quantitative trait linkage analysis: Pleiotropy versus co-incident linkages :
“The Association Between Internalizing and Externalizing Behavior in Childhood and Early Adolescence: Genetic or Environmental Common Influences? ”
“Heavy Consumption of Cigarettes, Alcohol and Coffee in Male Twins ”, Swan et al 1997
Heavy Consumption of Cigarettes, Alcohol and Coffee in Male Twins :
“Does Genetic Variance for Cognitive Abilities Account for Genetic Variance in Educational Achievement and Occupational Status? A Study of Twins Reared Apart and Twins Reared Together ”, Lichtenstein & Pedersen 1997
“Family Environment and Adolescent Depressive Symptoms and Antisocial Behavior: A Multivariate Genetic Analysis ”, Pike et al 1996
“Life Events and Personality in Late Adolescence: Genetic and Environmental Relations ”
Life events and personality in late adolescence: Genetic and environmental relations :
“Environmental Effects and Genetic Parameters for Measurements of Hunting Performance in the Finnish Spitz ”, Karjalainen et al 1996
“Genetic and Environmental Influences on the Covariation Between Hyperactivity and Conduct Disturbance in Juvenile Twins ”
“A Twin Study of the Association of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Combat Exposure With Long-Term Socioeconomic Status in Vietnam Veterans ”, McCarren et al 1995
“Cognitive Ability and Academic Achievement in the Colorado Adoption Project: A Multivariate Genetic Analysis of Parent-Offspring and Sibling Data ”
“Inferring the Direction of Causation in Cross-Sectional Twin Data: Theoretical and Empirical Considerations ”, Duffy & Martin 1994
“Correlations of Alcohol Consumption With Related Covariates and Heritability Estimates in Older Adult Males Over a 14- to 18-Year Period: The NHLBI Twin Study ”
“The Phenotypic and Genetic Relationships among Measures of Cognitive Ability, Temperament, and Scholastic Achievement ”
“Testing Hypotheses about Direction of Causation Using Cross-Sectional Family Data ”, Heath et al 1993
Testing hypotheses about direction of causation using cross-sectional family data
“Chapter 3: Colorado Reading Project: An Update ”, DeFries et al 1991
“Relationship Between Blood Uric Acid Level and Personality Traits ”, Ooki et al 1990
Relationship Between Blood Uric Acid Level and Personality Traits
“Genetic and Environmental Contributions to the Covariance between Occupational Status, Educational Attainment, and IQ: A Study of Twins ”, Tambs et al 1989
“Resolving Causes of Developmental Continuity or “tracking.” I. Longitudinal Twin Studies during Growth ”
“Heritability Estimate for Temperament Scores in German Shepherd Dogs and Its Genetic Correlation With Hip Dysplasia ”, Mackenzie et al 1985
“The Measurement of Selection on Correlated Characters ”, Lande & Arnold 1983
“Genetics of Traits Which Determine the Suitability of Dogs As Guide-Dogs for the Blind ”, Goddard & Beilharz 1983b
Genetics of traits which determine the suitability of dogs as guide-dogs for the blind :
“The Louisville Twin Study: Developmental Synchronies in Behavior ”
The Louisville Twin Study: Developmental Synchronies in Behavior
“Quantitative Genetics of Anthropometric Variation in the Solomon Islands ”, Black 1982
Quantitative Genetics of Anthropometric Variation in the Solomon Islands :
“Estimating Genetic Correlations ”
“Further Remarks on Estimating Genetic Correlations ”
“Twin Research, Part A: Psychology and Methodology ”, Nance et al 1978
“Genetic and Environmental Correlations of Morphometric Traits in Randombred House Mice ”
Genetic and Environmental Correlations of Morphometric Traits in Randombred House Mice :
“Development and Evaluation of Improved Biological Sensor Systems ”
Development and Evaluation of Improved Biological Sensor Systems :
“Influence of the Myopia Gene on Brain Development ”
“Hereditary and Environmental Sources of Trait Variation and Covariation ”, Breland 1972
Hereditary and Environmental Sources of Trait Variation and Covariation
“1951 Rae: The Importance of Genetic Correlations in Selection ”, RAE 1951
1951 Rae: The Importance of Genetic Correlations in Selection :
“The Efficiency of 3 Methods of Selection ”
“Polygenic Scores Associated With Educational Attainment in Adults Predict Educational Achievement and ADHD Symptoms in Children ”
“Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies Novel Locus for Neuroticism and Shows Polygenic Association With Major Depressive Disorder ”
“Educational Attainment and Personality Are Genetically Intertwined ”
Educational attainment and personality are genetically intertwined
“Incarceration, Polygenic Risk, and Depressive Symptoms among Males in Late Adulthood ”
Incarceration, polygenic risk, and depressive symptoms among males in late adulthood
“Recreational Cannabis Legalization Has Had Limited Effects on a Wide Range of Adult Psychiatric and Psychosocial Outcomes ”
“Marriage and Divorce: A Genetic Perspective ”
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: “Life without Sex: Large-Scale Study Links Sexlessness to Physical, Cognitive, and Personality Traits, Socioecological Factors, and DNA ”, -
: “Genetic Influences on Depression and Selection into Adverse Life Experiences ”, -
: “Limited Psychological and Social Effects of Lifetime Cannabis Use Frequency: Evidence From a 30-Year Community Study of 4,078 Twins ”, -
: “Music and Genetics ”, -
: “A Multivariate Genetic Analysis of Anxiety Sensitivity, Environmental Sensitivity and Reported Life Events in Adolescents ”, -
: “Association of Prenatal Exposure to Benzodiazepines With Development of Autism Spectrum and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders ”, -
: “Evidence of Familial Confounding of the Association between Cannabis Use and Cerebellar-Cortical Functional Connectivity Using a Twin Study ”, -
: “Stroke Genetics Informs Drug Discovery and Risk Prediction across Ancestries ”, -
: “Polygenic Influences Associated With Adolescent Cognitive Skills ”, -
: “Use of Polygenic Risk Scores for Coronary Heart Disease in Ancestrally Diverse Populations ”, -
: “Is an Elevated Family-Genetic Risk for Major Psychiatric Disorders Specific to Creative Occupations? ”, -
: “Not by g Alone: The Benefits of a College Education among Individuals With Low Levels of General Cognitive Ability ”, -
: “Increased Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms in Non-Heterosexual Individuals: Moderation by Childhood Factors Using a Twin Design ”, -
: “Associations of Parental and Perinatal Factors With Subsequent Risk of Stress-Related Disorders: a Nationwide Cohort Study With Sibling Comparison ”, -
: “Why Are Some People More Jealous Than Others? Genetic and Environmental Factors ”, -
: “Molecular Genetics, Risk Aversion, Return Perceptions, and Stock Market Participation ”, -
: “Does Listening to Music Increase Your Ability to Discriminate Musical Sounds? ”, -
: “Predicting Musical Aptitude and Achievement: Practice, Teaching, and Intelligence ”, -
: “The Stability of Educational Achievement across School Years Is Largely Explained by Genetic Factors ”, -
: “Genetic & Environmental Influences on the Phenotypic Associations between Intelligence, Personality, & Creative Achievement in the Arts and Sciences ”, -
: “What Explains the Heritability of Completed Fertility? Evidence from Two Large Twin Studies ”, -
: “Genetically-Mediated Associations Between Measures of Childhood Character and Academic Achievement ”, -
: “LD Hub: a Centralized Database and Web Interface to Perform LD Score Regression That Maximizes the Potential of Summary Level GWAS Data for SNP Heritability and Genetic Correlation Analysis ”, -
: “Lifespan and Skeletal Muscle Properties: The Effects of Genetic Background, Physical Activity and Aging ”, -
: “Children of Twins Design ”, -
: “25 Years of Selection for Improved Leg Health in Purebred Broiler Lines and Underlying Genetic Parameters ”, -
: “Testing Cheverud’s Conjecture For Behavioral Correlations And Behavioral Syndromes ”, -
: “Stability and Change in Religiousness During Emerging Adulthood ”, -
: “Inferring the Direction of Causation in Cross-Sectional Twin Data: Theoretical and Empirical Considerations ”,